In the end, I don't know how long it has passed.

Several brawny men have been on Song Yijun's body for too long, and Song Yijun has felt completely numb.

She stared at the cloudless blue sky with a dull look, and as the sky got late, there was already a tendency to go to dusk. The wind at night is so biting, but Song Yijun's naked snow-white body has lost consciousness, and he will not feel cold at all.

This body has been completely defiled, and the last trace of her mind has been completely destroyed.

A pale smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Song Yijun suddenly felt that he was so ridiculous for so many years.

For more than 20 years, she has always defended her innocence, even though her heart is dark, Song Yijun has never indulged herself.

She used to be for Li Jingyi, now she is for herself. For Song Yijun, although she is cruel to others, she still knows some shame.

But now, the last trace of her integrity has been crushed, leaving only a shattered self-esteem and endless hatred.

This world is unfair to her!

Song Yijun thought painfully, what did she do wrong?

From the beginning of her birth, her fate was so involuntary. If possible, Song Yijun didn't want to be born in such a family at all.

Why can't she be Tang Nuan painting? Why can't she appear in front of people like other daughters?

Why, she has worked so hard to improve herself, but she is always the one who is looked down upon and despised! ! !


Can anyone explain why all this is!

Obviously, no one can answer Song Yijun's doubts.

In the end, Song Yijun didn't know how she regained consciousness. She woke up and put on her clothes one by one. During the action, she was aching all over and felt that her body was about to fall apart.

Song Qianying watched this scene from the sidelines and smiled contentedly, "How about Song Yijun, was it comfortable just now?"


Song Yijun didn't answer, just put on her clothes one by one, and there was no trace of anger in her eyes.

At this time, Song Qianying laughed again. She looked at the video on the phone just now, which was comparable to an island blockbuster, and she couldn't help showing an expression of appreciation, "Tsk tusk tusk, Song Yijun, you said that if your video is sold online How much can you sell for it?"

"I guess no one would have thought that An Ruohan, the female boss of the dignified Luoshi Group, would be bullied by several men. Tsk tusk, Song Yijun, this way you will be completely ruined."

While talking, Song Qianying clicked on the previously recorded video and turned the sound to its maximum.

In the video, Song Yijun yelled in pain, with an extremely stern voice, "Ah! Ah! Let me go, you beasts, ah, beasts!!!"

Of course, along with this sound, there were also some indescribable sounds of body collisions. Those key images were even more clearly photographed. Song Yijun's body was red and purple, like a complete D woman.


Song Qianying laughed as she watched, "Song Yijun, I see your qualifications, but you have the ability to be a lady. Why don't you just sell you? I know that there is an agency that specializes in shooting **** videos. None of the women who have gone in can get out. Why don't you arrange for you to go there?"

"you dare!!!"

Suddenly, Song Yijun shouted angrily.

This angry expression finally made Song Yijun's face a little angry. She raised her head, her eyes seemed to be ashamed, so she was full of fierceness.

I don't know why, Song Qianying's heart suddenly shook at that moment, as if she was frightened by Song Yijun, her eyes became a little uneasy.

But thinking that Song Yijun is alone, and they still have so many people here, is it still afraid that she will not succeed?

Thinking of this, Song Qianying immediately became full of confidence again. She turned off the video in her hand and moved closer to Song Yijun step by step, "What can't I dare to? Song Yijun, I tell you, it's all you deserve to go to this step. I said long ago that I would not let you go, I said it!"

"Originally, when you came back from abroad, I didn't intend to provoke you, but when you took away the Song family group that your father had run for many years, when you demolished the big house where we lived for many years, when you took down your father When I got angry and went to the hospital, the feud between you and me was already settled!"

"Song Yijun, I don't accept your apology, nor your compensation, I just want you to suffer humiliation! Do you understand? I just want you to live in pain for a lifetime, never to come out!"

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning. Next, I will let someone take you off and throw you directly to the southern suburbs, so that you can enjoy the real family happiness! Song Yijun, you just Let it rot and stinks for a lifetime, just like maggots in a dung pit, let it rot and smell for a lifetime!"

When the words were over, Song Qianying directly turned to a few men and ordered, "Come on, take this woman to the southern suburbs and let her experience life!"


Several big guys nodded vigorously.

However, no one expected that in an instant, an astonishing scene happened.

Song Yijun seemed to be mad, her eyes became extraordinarily fierce, and then she didn’t know where she took out a small knife, she suddenly rushed to Song Qianying directly with a knife, and stabbed Song Qianying’s neck. .

At that moment, the blood spewed out like spring water.

Song Qianying's eyes opened wide, and before he could say a word, the whole person was completely fallen into a pool of blood.

"Qianying, Qianying!"

"Sister! Sister!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiaohua and Song Qianran on one side immediately rushed over, and rushed over while crying with all their strength, "Grab this woman for me, grab this crazy woman!"

After that, Lin Jiaohua rushed to Song Qianying's side, picked up Song Qianying on the ground, and held her daughter's face in a cry, "Qianying, Qianying, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with you!"

Song Qianying did not give any reply.

The wound on her neck was so big, blood poured out frantically from the wound, and directly stained Lin Jiaohua's clothes.

Lin Jiaohua tentatively stretched her hand under Song Qianying's nose, and suddenly her fingers trembled!

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