The person in his arms has lost his breath.

Lin Jiaohua's expression was so sluggish in place for an instant, as if she had been taken away from her body, she was directly dumbfounded.

"Mom, sister, is she already..." The only one who was sober was Song Qianran.

He looked at his mother and the younger sister who fell in his mother's arms in disbelief, and he suddenly felt a little bit in his heart. He probably knew that his sister's life might not be saved.

Suddenly, a burst of monstrous anger rose from Song Qianran's eyes.

He was almost hoarse, "Come here, catch me this woman Song Yijun, I want her to die, I want her to die!!! I want her to die!!!"


Where did the surrounding subordinates dared to disobey the order, the matter was over, they could only chase Song Yijun immediately.

Song Yijun was not stupid this time, she had already retreated far without knowing it, and when these people started chasing her, Song Yijun desperately ran to the bridge.

Of course, Song Yijun knew that she couldn't escape these big guys. After all, she hadn't gotten water or food for a long time, and she was seriously exhausted. It is estimated that if she can't run far, she will become the plaything of these men again.

Therefore, this time, Song Yijun ran toward the bridge with a heart that felt like death.

She thought that instead of being tortured by these people alive and enduring inhuman pain and suffering, she would be better off!

Anyway, in this life, she has been living a terrible life, and this life is nothing but a fate, and it is useless to keep this fate.

Rather than die at the hands of these people, she might as well find a dead end by herself!

Thinking about this, Song Yijun didn't know how she ran to the bridge, she only knew that she had a desire-hope in her heart, that is, to choose the easiest way to die.

Therefore, when Song Yijun ran to the bridge and looked at the big guys who were catching up, not only was she not nervous, but she also showed a brilliant smile.

The smile seemed to say goodbye to the world, as if to breathe a sigh of relief, and said, "I'm leaving, this world, I will never come again."

After that, he jumped down.

Several big guys who had caught up saw this scene, their hearts were shaken, and they hurried forward to check the situation.

However, the river was flowing fast, and Song Yijun was completely gone.

Everyone couldn't help but sink.

After that, the few big men had to go back and report to Song Qianran griefly, "Master Song, the woman has already jumped into the river. I guess she can't live anymore."

"Can't live, of course she can't live, because she must die!" Song Qianran's eyes were still swept by the killing intent.

And the person in his arms has completely lost his breath.

At the same time, Li Yuan.

Tang Nuanhua had just returned home from get off work, and when he walked in, a fragrant taste of the food passed, and Li's wife had already prepared all the food.

It is rare for Li Jingyi to return home early today, and he is already sitting at the dining table.

I saw that he first paused the chopsticks gently, and after tidying the chopsticks, placed them on the bowl painted by Tang Nuan, and then gave the chopsticks to himself.

Then he turned his head and smiled at Tang Nuan's painting, "I'm back, come and eat."


Hearing Li Jingyi's gentle voice, Tang Nuanhua felt a warm heart inexplicably.

So she quickly put down the bag in her hand and ran to Li Jingyi's side, first gave Li Jingyi a big warm hug, and then sat down opposite Li Jingyi very well.

There were a lot of dishes on the table at this time. The meat and vegetables were all Tang Nuan's paintings like. Tang Nuan's paintings couldn't help but feel warmer in his heart.

It was just that while it was warm, her eyelids suddenly jumped, and then the smile on her face stopped abruptly, "Jing Yi..."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Li Jingyi asked dismissively.

"I, I seem to have an unspeakable feeling in my heart."

In fact, Tang Nuan painting didn't know what was wrong with her, she felt an indescribable feeling in her heart for a moment.

It seems to be anxious and worried, but it seems that the dust has settled down.

"What are you thinking?"

Li Jingyi understood Tang Nuan's paintings at a glance, and asked gently, "Did something happen?"

"No, it's not."

Tang Nuanhua shook his head and added, "No, it should be something that I don't know has happened, and I feel very uneasy in my heart inexplicably."

"Really? That might be because you think too much."

Since nothing happened, Li Jingyi could only comfort Tang Nuanhua quietly, "Don't think about it so much, isn't there still me? What are you worried about."

"But I just can't help but worry, there have been too many things recently..." Tang Nuan was also helpless.

She didn't want to worry so much if she could, but the sixth sense in Tang Nuan's paintings has always been very accurate. At this moment, she felt very uneasy in her heart. Maybe something happened, but she didn't know it.


But considering that Li Jingyi would worry about him, Tang Nuanhua had to pretend to be okay again, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "It's okay, maybe I think too much, let's eat quickly."

"Yeah." Li Jingyi nodded thoughtfully after hearing this.

After that, the two continued to eat, and Li Jingyi would add some dishes to Tang Nuan from time to time, with a very considerate and caring attitude.

Of course, Tang Nuan did not forget to care about Li Jingyi, chatting from time to time, and asked Nuan, "Isn't it tiring to work recently?"

"Well, not tired."

Even if he was really tired, Li Jingyi was used to it, so naturally it didn't matter.

Just chatting, the two got involved in another topic, Li Jingyi said lightly, "I have sent someone to search for Quan Zhichen’s whereabouts, but so far it’s still missing. Don’t worry too much. I will definitely Found him."

Hearing this, Tang Nuan drew a picture.

Then there seemed to be tears welling up in the eye frame, Tang Nuanhua subconsciously raised his hand to wipe the tears, but was stopped by Li Jingyi.

Li Jingyi directly clasped Tang Nuanhua’s wrist, then gently caressed with the other hand, touched it forward, and directly wiped the corner of her eye for Tang Nuanhua. The full and weak tears comforted in a low voice, "Don’t Worried, I am."

"If Quan Zhichen is lucky to survive, I promise to thank him well. If it is unfortunate, what accident happened to him, I will help you carry it, so Nuanhua, can you stop crying? I will feel bad, and the baby in my stomach will feel bad for you."

Li Jingyi said softly, and he could even hear a slight husky in his voice, and his tone was so gentle that it made people feel sour.

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