Tang Nuan's heart softened when he saw Li Jingyi's appearance.

Originally, she still had deep sorrow and debt in her heart. After all, Quan Zhichen would not fall off the cliff if it were not for herself, and his life and death was unknown.

However, seeing Li Jingyi's frowning worried brows, Tang Nuanhua felt even more uncomfortable...

Yes, she forgot that when she was worried about others, there were also people who were deeply worried about herself.

Thinking of this, Tang Nuan's red eyes finally stopped tears.

She forced herself to smile, and then said casually to Li Jingyi, "It doesn't matter to Jing Yi, I just feel a little sad, but don't worry, you have said that you are willing to bear it with me. I'm not afraid anymore."

She reached out and took Li Jingyi's hand, her eyes full of trust in Li Jingyi.

Upon seeing this, Li Jingyi finally smiled, feeling relieved, "That's good, eat quickly, eat more."

"Yeah." Tang Nuanhua nodded obediently.

After that, the two of them ate at ease and did not speak any more. After the meal was over, the two began to wash and sleep.


The next day, the sun was just right.

Tang Nuanhua went to the company to work as usual, but didn't want to just arrive at the company, but found that the entire company's employees were all boiling, as if they were discussing something intensely.

"Hey, hey, have you seen the news headlines this morning? A female corpse was found under the Jianshe Bridge. It seems to be the one who was very beautiful a few days ago. Where is the female boss of the Rock Group, An Ruohan!"

"Really? I haven't watched the news yet, how could such a thing happen?"

"I heard that it seems that An Ruohan got into the enemy and was chased down by the enemy! It is said that when the body was found, there were traces of tortured all over her body, and she suffered a certain amount of torture."

"Oh my God! How could this happen suddenly?"

"An Ruohan has just returned to China, so there shouldn't be anyone who shouldn't offend anyone in the country, right?"

"Oh, who is right in this upper class circle? Although some people are good people on the surface, who knows if they are smiling and hiding their knives behind their backs?"

"Tsk tusk, this is really a pity, I still think that An Ruohan is a very smart and beautiful talented woman."

"A good-looking talented girl is gone, it's really like a feast..."

Just like that, you talked about it every word, and the employees in the entire office were gossiping.

It wasn't until Tang Nuanhua coughed softly that the gossip atmosphere finally ended.

"Ahem...What are you discussing here during working hours? Don't hurry up to work!"

Tang Nuan snarled pretentiously.

When the employees heard this voice, they immediately returned to their posts one by one, and then worked seriously.

What they didn't know was that when Tang Nuan painting just heard the topics they discussed, his heart was already tense.

Song Yijun is dead?

What the **** is going on, shouldn't it be a rumor coming out!

Thinking about this, Tang Nuanhua quickly returned to his office, but didn't want to just walk into the office, Lin Nanxiang rushed up, "Nuanhua, Nuanhua, have you seen the news today? !"

"I haven't had time to turn on the phone, what's wrong? What happened?" Tang Nuanhua asked disapprovingly.

Lin Nanxiang's voice became urgent, "Yeah, something serious happened, you should check the news quickly, Song Yijun is said to be dead! Her body was washed down by water under the Jianshe Bridge this morning!"


When Tang Nuanhua heard these words, his expression was in a trance.

Then she quickly took out her mobile phone, opened the news and took a look, and she saw a news that blasted the headlines of major news.

Among all the news, the hottest headline was this-"Female corpses appeared under the Jianjian Bridge, and the corpse was an elite female boss of the Rock Group!"

When Tang Nuanhua saw this title, his heart was shocked, so he clicked on the title and went in to read the content inside.

Then she saw some reports about Song Yijun's death.

At first, Tang Nuanhua didn't believe it, thinking that the news was probably a rumor.

But when she saw the report, after the hospital's identification, this corpse was indeed Song Yijun's corpse... Tang Nuanhua suddenly felt like her body was electrified, and she was numb in place!


Song... Song Yijun is dead?

How could she...

This is too sudden!

After that, Tang Nuan took a detailed look at the paintings, and the report about the cause of Song Yijun's death, the four words of "killing after the first daughter", immediately pierced the eyes of Tang Nuan's painting!

Tang Nuan painting instantly felt that he was almost out of breath.

"Nuanhua, are you okay with Nuanhua?" Lin Nanxiang saw that there was something wrong with the state of Tang Nuan's painting, and hurriedly stepped forward to help Tang Nuan's painting.

Tang Nuanhua fell on the sofa and shook his head feebly, still with an unbelievable look, "How could she be like this, Song Yijun, how could she be so good that she was... Nanxiang, I didn't have time to punish her. What about Song Yijun, how could she..."


Lin Nanxiang sighed suddenly, and said helplessly, "Nuanhua, this Song Yijun has always had a rather arrogant personality, especially after returning to China, she is so arrogant and arrogant, it is very likely that you are not the only person who offends you. , Maybe it's another enemy, it's not necessarily if she killed her."

Hearing that, Tang Nuan's heart sank severely.

In fact, what Tang Nuan painting cares about is not Song Yijun's way of death, but a good-looking, living person, why suddenly...

Yes, Tang Nuanhua admitted that he really did not want Song Yijun to get better, after all, Song Yijun's heart was too bad.

Even if Tang Nuanhua wanted Song Yijun to be punished, he just wanted to use legal means to sanction Song Yijun.

Tang Nuanhua felt a chill in her heart inexplicably.

"Oh, but to speak of it, this Song Yijun deserves it. If you say that if she is not so arrogant and not so demon, she will definitely not be targeted. Now that she ends up in this situation, she can be considered as her own."

Lin Nanxiang sighed deeply, helplessly.

Tang Nuan's painting still couldn't get over it for a long time.

Unacceptable, in such a day or two, Song Yijun actually died like this, and died so ugly.


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