Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1612: Never finished with you

However, Yan Jie obviously didn't believe it.

He snorted coldly, the eyes that looked at Tang Nuan's paintings suddenly became much deeper, and he asked in a low voice, "So Miss Tang, how are you going to tell me the truth?"


"I know, Achen has something wrong now, right?" Yan Jie added.

"How do you know?!" Tang Nuanhua was shocked.

In fact, the incident of Quan Zhichen falling off the cliff was not spread, and only a few people knew about it. So how could Yan Jie know that Quan Zhichen had an accident?

As everyone knows, Yan Jie guessed it.

After he saw Tang Nuan's painted expression, he smiled at the corner of his mouth and sneered, "Sure enough, I knew something happened to this kid."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I, I didn't mean it, I really didn't mean it..."

Tang Nuanhua had to apologize to Yan Jie quickly.

When it comes to Quan Zhichen's affairs, she feels particularly guilty in her heart, and her head drops to the dust.

"Okay, let alone these useless, so what is going on with Achen now? Where is he?" Yan Jie had to ask in a low voice again.


Tang Nuanhua suddenly didn't know what to say.

She couldn't imagine, if Yan Jie knew that Quan Zhichen was thrown down such a high cliff in order to rescue him... what would he think?

Presumably, he would even have the heart to kill her, right?

Thinking of this, Tang Nuanhua felt even more nervous, not knowing whether to tell Yan Jie the truth.

But on the other hand, Tang Nuanhua felt that Yan Jie was the only friend of Quan Zhichen in this city, and he had the right to know the truth about this matter.

If she concealed the truth of the matter just because she was afraid of being scolded, then she would be too unkind!

So next, Tang Nuanhua would rather bite the bullet and risk being scolded, or bravely tell the truth of the matter, "Yan Jie, I'm very sorry, when Quan Zhichen tried to save me two days ago, , Has fallen off the cliff..."


After Tang Nuanhua said this, the air seemed to stagnate for a while.

Yan Jie seemed to be unable to believe what Tang Nuan said. After a moment of stunned expression, Yan Jie asked incredulously, "What did you just say?"

Falling off the cliff?

Haha, this woman is afraid that she is joking with him!

However, Tang Nuan painting didn't mean to joke with him.

Tang Nuanhua bit her lip and repeated it again, "I didn't lie to you. I just said that Quan Zhichen accidentally fell off the cliff in order to save me. Now, life and death are uncertain."

"you you!"

In an instant, Yan Jie's pupils widened, unable to say a word.

He couldn't believe that what Tang Nuan painted was true. He thought to God, don't make such jokes with him! Can this kind of joke be played casually? !

Yan Jie had to take a deep breath, and asked again seriously, "Tang Nuan painting, I, I will give you one last chance. You say it again, what happened to Achen?"

" want us to warm up the painting several times."

At this time, Lin Nanxiang was helpless on the sidelines, she wondered if what Nuanhua said was not clear enough?

Since she doesn't understand it, she can help her to say it again.

So Lin Nanxiang went on to add, "Mr. Yan, we are here to apologize to you very, very sincerely, but Mr. Quan, when he helped Nuanhua two days ago, he was accidentally pushed off the cliff by bad guys... "

"However, we didn't want to be like this! There was an accident at the time, and no one thought it would be the result!"

Lin Nanxiang became anxious when he said that, as if worried that Yan Jie would blame him.

The facts proved that it is impossible for Yan Jie not to blame.

"Tang Nuan painting, you, are you crazy!"

Yan Jie roared out almost instantaneously, and his gentle and reasonable image was suddenly broken.

No way, Yan Jie couldn't believe how well Quan Zhichen would fall off the cliff!


Isn't that killing him?

Are they crazy? !

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really didn't expect it to be like this, and I didn't want Achen to fall. I never thought it would be like this at the time, I'm really sorry!"

When it comes to this, Tang Nuanhua really feels guilty in his heart.

She didn't know how to make up, so she had to apologize to Yan Jie constantly, at least this was within her current ability.

However, how can Yan Jie hear her apology?

He learned that Quan Zhichen had fallen off the cliff, the whole person was almost not crazy, "Tang Nuan painting, if things are really like what you said, then you say sorry to me, what's the use!"

"Sorry, I know it's useless to apologize to you, so I have sent all my power here to search Achen. Once there is news, it will be reported as soon as possible. Please rest assured!" Tang Nuan is extremely sorry! To say.

I don't want this to sound even more funny to Yan Jie.

He sneered ill-temperedly, "Relax? Tang Nuanhua, I found that you, a woman, can't speak at all. How can you rest assured me when something like this happens! You have to wait until the news of Quan Zhichen's death arrives? , Let me rest assured!"

"Sorry, I, I didn't mean that..."

"Enough, don't let me hear your sorry again!"

Yan Jie was really furious this time, and now no matter what Tang Nuan painted said, it would only make him feel more upset, because it was just nonsense.

What he needs is not an apology, but a living Quan Zhichen who will appear in front of him vigorously, okay?

So in the end, Yan Jie didn't bother to pay attention to Tang Nuan's apologies.

He directly left a cold sentence, "Tang Nuan painting, my buddy has been doing good for you from beginning to end, and now he even lost his life for you, but you are here to tell me unmovedly, Didn't you mean it? Oh, it's so ridiculous!"

"If you still have a little conscience, go to him with me now until you find someone, otherwise, I will never end with you!"

After finishing speaking, Yan Jie never gave Tang Nuan painting any chance to excuse, he turned around and walked away.


Tang Nuanhua hurriedly yelled twice from behind, and then had no choice but to hurriedly followed outside with his bag and jacket.

"Hey, Nuanhua, did you just leave?" Lin Nanxiang shouted from behind.

Tang Nuan painted without looking back and instructed, "Nanxiang, I will follow to see the situation at the scene first. You stay in the company to help deal with things, and everything is up to you!"

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