Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1613: This is what you owe him

After that, Tang Nuanhua rushed to the search and rescue scene with Yan Jie.

At this moment, under the cliff.

The search team has been conducting a search under the mountain for two days, and the search is still going on at this time, but they have not made any progress.

When Tang Nuan's painting arrived, he immediately asked about the situation, "Is anyone found?"

The search and rescue team shook their heads and wiped their faces with muddy hands. "It's weird that the man hasn't been found yet. It clearly fell from this place. Why is it gone?"

After talking about the search and rescue team, the people continued to search.

Tang Nuanhua stood on the spot with Yan Jie. The two raised their heads and glanced at the top of the cliff, and measured it with their eyes, at least one or two hundred meters in height.

A normal person who fell from such a high place would have died long ago?

Thinking of this, Yan Jie turned his head and glared at Tang Nuanhua with a gloomy look.

It was like a torch, glaring Tang Nuan's painting with a spirit.

Tang Nuan's painting was a little frightened, so she bit her lip awkwardly, and pointed her finger in another direction carefully, "I, I'll go over there and take a look."

After that, let's go to other places first.

At this moment, several team members were whispering whispers.

"It's really weird. You said that if the person fell from this place, whether he died or not, he would have to live to see the dead and see the corpse. Why did we search here for two days, back and forth in these places, froze Didn't you see the person who fell?"

"You said, he was eaten by wild wolves on the mountain, he didn't even have the body left?"

"Cut, it's impossible. This mountain forest has been accidentally burnt before. It is impossible for wolves to exist."

"What is it possible? Could it be a tree hanging on a cliff?"

"Tsk, such a bad idea, you can even think of it..."

Just whispering in a low voice.

Tang Nuanhua couldn't help but stop after hearing these people's remarks.

Suddenly, she added strangely, "Are you sure, are people falling from this direction?"

"Yeah, yeah, there are a total of two hundred miles around here. Where can this person go if he falls down here?" Several people said helplessly.

At the moment when their voices fell, Tang Nuan painting suddenly had an idea.

She asked a little risky, "Big buddies, do you think this person would fall from the mountain and not die? Otherwise, how could he never find his body."

"Cut, impossible!"

Tang Nuanhua had just said this, and was refuted by the members of the search and rescue team.

Based on their years of veteran experience, the group of people analyzed rationally, "We have found several people in this place over the years, but almost none of them survived when they fell from the mountain."

"Furthermore, miss, you don't look at how high the mountain falls. It is more than two hundred meters high. This is a person who will be smashed into flesh when they fall?"

"But it's strange to say, why can't I find that person's body?"

"As the saying goes, you have to see people in life, and corpses in death, but this person has not even seen a shadow, is it too strange?"

All in all, everyone was surprised that Quan Zhichen's body could not be found, but almost everyone concluded that Quan Zhichen must be dead.

The little hope in Tang Nuanhua's heart had to be suppressed so that there was no scum left.

And at this moment, a cry of exclamation suddenly broke out among the crowd!

I don't know who picked up something weird, he said in a loud voice, "Come and see, everyone! I, I seem to have picked up something, it should be the person we were looking for dropped it!"

"real or fake?"

"Go, let's go over and take a look!"

Soon, a group of people waited and got together.

Tang Nuanhua and Yan Jie also frowned slightly at this time, and then stepped forward screaming.

It was only when I stepped forward that it turned out that it was a member of the search and rescue team who had picked up a safety symbol.

This safety talisman still looks brand new, and it is full of blood stains. These blood stains are newly dyed, and the color is still very bright blood red.

It seems that this should be Quan Zhichen's thing!

Sure enough, this judgment was confirmed by Yan Jie in the next second.

When Yan Jie saw the peace talisman, his whole face and eyes changed. He walked forward in two steps, grabbed the peace talisman and looked left and right.

Then Yan Jie said to everyone almost categorically, "This thing belongs to Achen!"

Yan Jie clearly remembered that this safety talisman was always carried by Quan Zhichen, because he always said that this safety talisman could help him turn bad luck, no matter what danger he encountered, he could get away with it. .

But now, this safe talisman has fallen!

Yan Jie couldn't help frowning, thinking that the Ping An Talisman had actually fallen out of him... Could it be that this is a bad moral?

"It's weird, then since he fell from this place, what about his people?"

At this time, some people expressed confusion.

The members of the surrounding search and rescue teams expressed their doubts, "Why did we search for two days but didn't find anyone else? This place is so big in total."

"Yeah, yeah, where can this person go?"

Looking at the past, there is only such a small location under the cliff. If someone really fell from this place, how could he not find his body?

Therefore, everyone was confused.

But at this moment, Yan Jie moved his gaze fiercely to Tang Nuan's painting.

Suddenly, he rushed forward without hesitation, and directly grabbed the collar of Tang Nuan's painting, and then abruptly lifted Tang Nuan's painting!

Yan Jie almost gritted his teeth, "Tang Nuan painting, this is all your fault! You killed Achen, you are the culprit!"

"Ahem, ahem..."

Tang Nuan was strangled by the collar when he painted, and his neck was breathless.

Yan Jie didn’t care about Tang Nuan’s painful expression at all. He still said harshly, “I warn you, Tang Nuan painting! A Chen fell from such a high cliff because he helped you this time. You owe him!"

"I know, I know I owe him."

Tang Nuanhua nodded with difficulty. She had never denied this. In her heart, she always owed Quan Zhichen.

Yan Jie sneered at this moment and continued, "Since you know it in your heart, it's okay! Then I'll tell you the ugly thing ahead. If something happens to Achen this time, all this has nothing to do with you!"

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