"If Achen has any shortcomings, I promise that the first one will not let you go! Understand?" Yan Jie said furiously, his voice full of shock.

"I know."

Tang Nuan's painting had to nod again and again, and added, "In fact, even if you don’t need to say this, I will be responsible for this matter to the end. After all, the reason why Quan Zhichen would have an accident, even if I didn’t mean it, It is also because of me, so I will definitely take the responsibility that I should do. Please rest assured!"

Even if Yan Jie does not need to ask questions, Tang Nuanhua will be responsible for Quan Zhichen's affairs this time. This is her responsibility and she should do it.

"Huh! You know it."

Hearing Tang Nuanhua's words, Yan Jie put down her collar and didn't get angry with Tang Nuanhua again.

After that, Yan Jie walked away angrily, thinking about how to explain to the whole family as he walked, thinking it over, and letting Master Quan know that his only grandson had such an accident, wouldn’t he be crazy?

No, it's not just the old man.

If Quan Zhichen is really dead, it is estimated that the entire Quan family will go crazy, after all, Quan Zhichen is the only heir to the Quan family's thousands of favorites.

Now, if the incense that has finally been cultivated is cut off, I am afraid that the entire Quan family will collapse.

As the main person in charge of supervising Quan Zhichen, Yan Jie must also bear the greatest responsibility this time. I am afraid that he will not have a good life by then.

Thinking of this, Yan Jie couldn't help feeling his body tremble slightly.

He had no choice but to put his fingers together and pray in his own heart, "Achen, don't make any accidents. If something happens to you, we will all be over. God bless God."

But Tang Nuan's painting was still staying in place at this time. She found a stone pier and sat down and looked at the top of the cliff, feeling very sad.

Quan Zhichen, what is the situation with you now? Did you really die like this? Why can't I believe it?

I always vaguely think that you won’t just die like this. You can be such a capable person that you can survive on the racetrack. Although you fell off the cliff, the hillside is so high and the hillside There are also a lot of obstacles, you will definitely find a way to save yourself, right?


Tang Nuanhua suddenly felt that he was deceiving himself a little again.

With such a high cliff, where can the people who fall down survive?

And the police also said that eight out of ten people fell from here, and nine of them died.

Thinking of this, Tang Nuanhua couldn't help but colic. She really didn't want to kill innocent people, she really didn't want to.

No one can understand the guilt in Tang Nuanhua's heart at this moment. She is almost guilty of death. She thought to herself that she was too sorry for Quan Zhichen, really too sorry.

If Quan Zhichen is still alive, she is really willing to agree to Quan Zhichen and everything.

At the same time, set up a big house.

After a morning of fermentation, the news of Song Yijun's death has been thoroughly spread.

This news once caused an uproar outside and shocked many people. As Song Yijun's aunt, An Ruoqing was of course not much better.

She has been sitting on the sofa for more than half an hour, holding a newspaper in her hand, which is reporting the death of Song Yijun.

The whole house was utterly quiet.

No one dared to come forward and say a word, no one even dared to breathe a little loudly, because they could obviously feel that An Ruoqing exuded a terrible aura at this moment.

A kind of aura that can eat people.

"Has the corpse been brought back?"

After a long while, An Ruoqing finally spoke faintly, her voice horribly cold.

The person who is colder than her is Gu Jun. Gu Jun looks expressionless, and the whole person is like a cold machine, "Yes."

"Have you found out who did it?" An Ruoqing asked again.

"Do you still need to check?" Gu Jun gave a wry smile, and the irony in his words was self-evident.

Then he whispered to himself, "I didn't take good care of her, I was not good."

Hearing this, An Ruoqing instantly felt that her emotions were about to collapse. She felt so uncomfortable that she could not breathe at all. She could only hug the pillow on the sofa tightly, and bury her entire head in the pillow after a long time. I couldn't cry.

"Oh, my Yijun, my Yijun!!! How can a good-looking child leave without saying anything? Why don't you wait for me? Auntie was planning to find someone to save You are, why don't you wait for Auntie..."

Just sobbing.

The people around were very sad to see this scene. After all, this was the first time that they saw their wife sad and sad like this.

Alas, too, how could a good-natured lady say she died and died?

In comparison, Gu Jun didn't have a tear.

Gu Jun was like a cold machine, without any expression on his face, just cold.

Or in other words, he couldn't accept such a thing at all, and it could be understood that he was so painful that he couldn't feel the pain anymore.

It seems to have responded to that sentence, with great compassion and no tears.

Gu Jun just listened to these words silently, and there was no tear in his eyes. If there was anything to say, then there was probably only hatred.

Song Yijun used to be the only beam of light in the dark life to him, so no matter where Song Yijun went, he was willing to follow Song Yijun like a follower, but now Song Yijun is dead, that beam in his life The light went dark from then on.

No longer feel a trace of light.

"Gu Jun."

At the end, An Ruoqing seemed to cry enough. She raised her red and swollen eye frame and raised her head from the pillow. Suddenly, she said firmly, "Have a beautiful funeral for Yijun! I want her to die and die. Decent."

"Yes." Gu Jun responded silently.

"and also!"

An Ruoqing added a few more words, "You have seen the cause of Yijun's death. It was the first daughter who did her job and then killed her. Therefore, you must find the murderer who defiled and killed Yijun. I want them to pay a heavy price!"

"Well, my wife I know." Gu Jun's voice was still calm.

"And you..."

An Ruoqing glanced at Gu Jun deeply at this time.

She has always known that Gu Jun's affection for Song Yijun is very deep. For more than a year, he has guarded Song Yijun almost every step of the way. It can be said that he is loyal and has never left.

Now that this girl has gone like this, it is estimated that Gu Jun will definitely feel uncomfortable.

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