Then came a string of refreshing footsteps, and Xiao Hong just left.

Quan Zhichen was the only one left in the room. He lay back on the bed and suddenly sighed with some sadness.

Unexpectedly, his Quan Zhichen would actually fall into such a day.

After living for more than 20 years, Quan Zhichen never thought that one day, he would be so impoverished and embarrassed.

Not only did he fall into such a small and impoverished feudal mountain village, but he was also blind...

Heh... It's really like a plot that only appears in TV dramas.

It seems that this time, fate really tested him...

While it was just being tested, Quan Zhichen suddenly remembered another person, that is Tang Nuan painting.

He will always remember the tense expression on Tang Nuan's painted face the moment he fell off the cliff...

Tang Nuanhua kept reaching out to catch him, but was powerless.

Thinking of this, I don't know why Quan Zhichen has a little sweetness in his heart.

In fact, he has always known that Tang Nuan's paintings have no feeling for him, and even deliberately kept a certain distance from him.

But think about it, Tang Nuan's paintings are already famous, and she is pregnant with other men's babies in her belly. How can it be easy to be tempted by herself?

If you put it in the past, Quan Zhichen will definitely not, and is tempted by this kind of famous woman.

But I don't know why. As soon as he sees Tang Nuan's paintings, he can't help his heartbeat, and his heartbeat will speed up uncontrollably.

Maybe it can be understood as love at first sight?

When thinking of this, Quan Zhichen was actually a little nervous, and he was about to forget his current situation.

He thought in his heart, Tang Nuan painted, you should be nervous in the two days I fell off the cliff for you?

Don't worry, I will be back soon, I won't keep you waiting.


At the same time, the airport.

Just like what Li Jingyi said, Lord Tang and Chu Chen had returned to China the next morning after a period of recuperation.

On the first day of returning to China, both Tang Nuanhua and Lin Nanxiang ran to the airport very happily to pick them up.

The moment he saw Chu Chen and Tang Master, Tang Nuan's painting was so happy that she forgot her shape. She rushed forward, hugged her father tightly, and kept bouncing on the spot, tears almost flowing out of her eyes. , "Dad, you finally came back, you finally came back!"

"Oh ha ha, I finally saw my baby girl!"

Master Tang was also very happy. With a healthy smile on his face, he hugged Tang Nuan's painting tightly, and then asked very affectionately, "How is my baby girl's life in the past few days when my father is away?"

Tang Nuan's painting is very well-behaved, but there is a sense of anger in his tone, "Well...I'm not doing well, not at all."

"Oh, why is it bad?"

Master Tang frowned when he heard that his daughter was not doing well. He let go of Tang Nuan's painting, and looked at Li Jingyi aside reproachfully, "Jing Yi, didn't you say you want to take care of Nuan for me? Did you paint it? Wouldn't this girl be wronged, right?"


Li Jingyi wanted to cry without tears, thinking that he was simply innocent.

Fortunately, Tang Nuan painted with a smile and explained sweetly, “Dad, what do you think, of course it’s not Jing Yi’s problem. You don’t know how good Jing Yi has been to me.”

"Hey...Isn't Dad worrying about you? You said that you are a pregnant woman and you have to keep a good mood every day. When Dad hears that you are having a bad time, doesn't this make you nervous?"

No way, who made his baby girl a pregnant woman now?

Pregnant women must pay attention to their bodies, keep their moods at all times, and maintain a cheerful mood, so that the baby in the belly can grow healthier.

"Oh, Dad, I was actually making a joke."

Seeing that his father became more serious, Tang Nuanhua quickly explained with a smile, “I said I’m not doing well, isn’t it because I miss you? You said that you treat illnesses abroad every day, and I can’t let it go. , Of course it’s a bad life. In this way, everything is still father’s fault."

The voice fell, and everyone present laughed.

Then, Tang Nuanhua looked at his assistant Chu Chen next to him.

Seeing that the wounds on his whole body have finally recovered, Tang Nuan painting can be regarded as relieved with a sigh, "Chu Chen, you are finally getting better, and I worry about it for a while."

When Chu Chen heard this, he smiled with satisfaction, "Miss, thank you for sending me abroad for treatment and helping me get out of the pain of illness. I will definitely work harder in the future."

"Yeah, that's good." Tang Nuan painted a gratified smile.

In this way, it can be said to be double happiness.

On the one hand, Song Yijun's big trouble finally disappeared from the world completely.

On the other hand, both father and assistant have returned safely.

It can be said that Tang Nuan's current mood in painting is unprecedentedly comfortable, relaxed and happy.

She thought happily, maybe from now on, her good life will really come.

that is really good!

Tang Nuan painted just thinking about a happy and fulfilling life in the future, and he couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth, and his heart was more satisfied than ever.

But there is still one biggest problem, and that is about Quan Zhichen.

This matter is still a knot in Tang Nuanhua's heart. She thought to herself that she must find Quan Zhichen as soon as possible.

Regardless of whether he is alive or dead, Tang Nuanhua must find him as soon as possible.


Later, in a remote village.

Xiao Hong has been walking for almost four hours.

Quan Zhichen has been waiting for Xiaohong in the room, but he hasn't waited until this girl comes back.

Quan Zhichen couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

He thought to himself that it was strange, the little girl was just going out to borrow a phone call. It's fine if you can borrow it. If you can't borrow it, it's fine. How could it take so long?

Could it be... something happened?

Thinking of this, Quan Zhichen almost immediately sat up from the bed.

Regardless of the pain all over his body, Quan Zhichen reluctantly fumbled around the bed with his hands, supported his body with his elbows, and got out of the bed carefully.

Afterwards, he continued to touch the wall by the window all the way, slowly moving towards the door.

Along the way, he would kick something and make some crackling noises from time to time.

But because he couldn't see it, he couldn't squat down to pick it up, so he had to constantly move toward the door.

And at this time, Xiaohong's house came to visit.

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