The person here is an older lady.

The auntie dressed in coarse cloth and carrying a vegetable basket swaggered into Xiaohong's home. She yelled as she entered the door, "Xiaohong, the auntie picked some wild vegetables on the mountain today, and she picked a little too much. If you can’t finish it in a while, I’ll give you some."

After speaking, the auntie put the wild vegetables she picked in the living room of Xiaohong's house.

Then the aunt turned around and wanted to leave, but the moment he turned around, a strange noise suddenly came from the room.

It turned out to be Quan Zhichen, who accidentally hit the bowl on the table.

The porcelain bowl fell on the earth, and although it was not broken, it made a dull sound.

"Who? Is Xiao Hong inside?"

The auntie heard this sound, and thought Xiao Hong was making a movement in the room, so she couldn't help asking with some curiosity.


Quan Zhichen was not good at making a sound, so he had to hold his voice without replying.

As a result, his silence made the lady feel even more strange.

The aunt frowned curiously, thinking something was wrong, if it was Xiao Hong, why didn't she talk to herself?

You must know that on weekdays, this lady thinks she still cares about Xiaohong very much, and she will be worried about any good things.

Why now, she asked a question, but Xiao Hong didn't answer it?

and many more!

Is there a thief in this house?

Thinking of this, the aunty made a suspicious voice, "Xiaohong, and are you at home? If you are at home, you will reply to the aunt.


Quan Zhichen was about to suffocate at this moment.

He thought to God, why is this lady so nosy? You brought the food, would you please leave immediately?

"Xiao Hong? Tsk, what's wrong with this kid!"

After the aunty shouted for a few times, she found that no one responded. She couldn't help but feel a little strange and dissatisfied. "Little Hong, the auntie knows that you are usually a bad-spoken person. You are quiet and don't like to talk, but the aunty greets you. You can't help but respond? This is very rude!"

"Forget it, ma'am, I'll come over and see you."

When the words fell, the auntie really came directly towards the door.

Quan Zhichen instantly felt that his heartbeat was about to stop, and he thought to his mother, this auntie, why are you so nosy?

No, no, Quan Zhichen thought suddenly, Xiaohong had already told him that this place was very feudal.

If it is known that Xiaohong is hiding a man in the house, what will it be like?

So Quan Zhichen decided to find a place to hide.

But helplessly, it was pitch black in front of him, and he couldn't see anything. Even if he wanted to hide, he didn't know where to hide.

Helpless, Quan Zhichen had no choice but to do this, listening to the aunt's footsteps constantly approaching, his heart became more and more flustered.

Fortunately, at this moment, just as the auntie was about to enter this room, suddenly an old man walked out.

This old man is Xiaohong's grandfather.

He has pale hair, even the scum is snow-white, and with a cane in his hand, his skin has been slack to the point.

When I saw the aunt, I saw the old grandpa coughing in his throat, "Ahem, Aunt Li, why are you here again?"

When the person called Aunt Li saw the grandfather, she immediately smiled flatteringly, "Oh, isn't this grandpa? I heard that you were ill two days ago. You won't rest in the room properly. Why are you running out?"

"Rest and rest, you always have to come out to let the air out, don't you?" Grandpa replied kindly.

But if Quan Zhichen heard it right, this old grandpa didn't seem to like the aunt in front of him very much.

No, just after a few words of greeting, the grandfather issued an order to evict the guests, "Mrs. Li, you are usually very busy at home. Don’t always come to our house when things are all right. Our Xiaohong is a filial one. Child, she usually thinks of ways to do some farm work, where is there so much time at home?"

"Oh, yes, yes, I certainly know that Xiaohong is a good boy."

After hearing this, Aunt Li hurriedly smiled embarrassedly, and then mentioned another thing, "But I am also worried about Xiaohong, you said he is a girl from family, and he goes to farm work every day. How tired, it is better to marry my son as soon as possible, and do nothing at home every day, don't you think?"

It turned out that this was the idea of ​​that lady Li.

In fact, Aunt Li has long been attracted to Xiao Hong, because she accidentally saw Xiao Hong’s plain face when she was washing clothes by the river, and found that this girl was actually quite watery, so she thought about Xiao Hong. .

I happen to have another son in my family, and maybe I can match this daughter-in-law to my son.

However, Xiaohong's grandfather did not agree with this marriage from beginning to end, only as hearing a joke.

Grandpa sneered unceremoniously, "Aunt Li, this is really not that I don't want to let Xiaohong marry over, it's that our family Xiaohong doesn't have the blessing to marry your son."

"You said that your son smokes and drinks every day and has nothing to do. This is a life of happiness. Our Xiaohong doesn't have this life. You should give it to your baby son separately and see if there are other suitable girls."

As he said, the grandfather walked forward directly on crutches and hurried Aunt Li to the door, "It's too early for Aunt Li, please go back and work quickly, don't waste time at our house."

Helpless, Aunt Li had to be pushed outside by her grandfather.

While pushing and still quibbling, "No, Grandpa Xiaohong, how can you say that to my son? My son is a talented person. What's wrong? Isn't it right that Xiaohong and Xiaohong are on board? We..."

The voice just got farther and farther.

In the end, the grandfather finally pushed the aunt out, then turned around and moved towards the room where Quan Zhichen was.

Soon, Quan Zhichen heard the voice of the old man coming back with a cane.

"Good grandpa."

When the voice approached, Quan Zhichen took the initiative to ask the old man hello, his attitude was very polite.

Grandpa looked up at this moment, and finally saw Quan Zhichen's appearance, could not help feeling a little surprised.

In fact, he had known that his granddaughter had picked up a man back, but at that time, the grandfather felt ashamed and never came to see it.

After seeing it today, I found out that Quan Zhichen was a pretty handsome young man with a tall stature, a sign of appearance, and a talent.

At first glance, it is a child in a big city.

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