Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1622: I don't know how high the sky is

Grandpa's eyes changed a little.

However, after a brief change, the grandfather thought to himself, what about children in big cities?

In this poor and backward village, it is not good for a girl to pick up a man inexplicably.

So soon, the grandfather returned to a cold attitude and said, "I heard that your eyes are blind?"


Quan Zhichen was a little embarrassed, but he still responded politely, "Grandpa, my eyes are not blind, but temporary blindness. When I go back, I will get a cornea operation and I will recover."


The old man sneered directly, and didn't take Quan Zhichen's words too seriously.

He sneered coldly with disdain, "You have already come to this place, do you still think that you can escape from this place?"

"Is it possible?" Quan Zhichen asked.

"It can be, but unfortunately it's not that easy."

Grandpa took two steps forward on crutches, and said truthfully, "What do you think this is? Come and leave if you want. Do you use this as a vegetable garden?"


Before Quan Zhichen could say anything, he was interrupted by his grandfather, "Do you know that if I hadn't stopped the woman for you just now, you would probably become a public enemy of the villagers? I don’t even know if I die in this place, huh, escape? I really don’t know how great the world is!


Quan Zhichen had nothing to say.

It could be heard that although this old grandfather was very old and his voice had become extraordinarily old, his thinking was still very flexible.

and many more!

Quan Zhichen suddenly remembered that the old grandfather seemed to have just said that it is not easy to escape from this place, but he did not directly say no.

In other words, there is still a chance of life?

Thinking of this, Quan Zhichen immediately bowed his head and asked the grandfather in front of him politely, "Grandpa, if you have any way to help me escape from this place, please tell me?"

"Heh, tell you, what good can I do? It's just to find something for myself, maybe the trouble will get to my head, why should I bother?" The grandfather's tone was very cold, obviously, This old grandfather does not want to be nosy.

Quan Zhichen felt very helpless, but he could also understand the mentality of this grandfather. After all, living in such a place, it is always good to keep an eye on it.

Therefore, Quan Zhichen had to lower his head and ask for advice more respectfully, "Grandpa, I can’t guarantee you any benefits now, but I can promise you that if I can get out of this place, I I will definitely take you and your granddaughter and leave this place together!"


I have to admit that when the old man heard this, his heart moved fiercely.

What he wants most in his entire life is to leave this place, take his good granddaughter with him, completely leave this cannibalistic place, and get rid of such a dark life.

However, with such an important decision, how can he trust a guy who doesn't seem to be thirty years old?

If this young man really has this ability, why has he fallen to this point?

What's more, he is blind now. To some extent, he can see nothing and can't do anything now, just a cripple.

Why should Grandpa take such a gamble with such a waste person? This is too risky.

Thinking of this, the grandfather snorted without hesitation, "Don't say these unrealistic things, young man, I want to leave this place all my life, but I don't have this opportunity, you are just How can an outsider easily say, take me and my granddaughter to escape this life?"

"Let me see, you should still pray in your heart. If you can live here one more day, it will count as one day. My granddaughter and I can save you today, but you may not be able to keep you tomorrow. Just ask for your blessing. "

When the words fell, Grandpa turned around and left the room without giving Quan Zhichen a chance to explain.

Quan Zhichen is very helpless about this, but he also thinks, based on his current situation, what qualifications does he have to ask others to trust him?

Helpless, Quan Zhichen had to give up and continue arguing with the grandfather, but asked on a whim, "By the way, Grandpa, Xiao Hong said that she went to the village chief to borrow the phone in the afternoon. It has been a long time, and there has been no Back, I was a little worried about her, so..."

I didn’t want the grandfather in front of me to hear Quan Zhichen’s words, and suddenly his whole face changed, "What did you say? Where did Xiaohong go!"

Quan Zhichen replied in confusion, "I want to leave here, I must have communication equipment. Xiaohong said that only the village chief’s home has a landline, so she plans to go over and ask me to see if I can borrow the village chief. The phone at home, I..."

"Oh, confused!"

Quan Zhichen's words were not finished yet, the old man suddenly interrupted him, his eyes were full of anger when he looked at Quan Zhichen, and his two gray eyebrows wrinkled fiercely, "You young man, it is really harmful. The people are not shallow, does the village chief’s house mean that you can go there? Did you know that Xiaohong was almost caught there last time..."

The old man didn't say the rest, because when he was halfway through, a cry suddenly came from outside the door.

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

While covering her eyes, Xiao Hong ran back crying, as if a group of evil wolves were chasing her behind her, she closed the door severely when she entered the house.

Later, Xiaohong saw grandpa and Quan Zhichen standing together, and rushed over to hug her grandpa, crying all over, "Grandpa, grandpa..."

"Oh, my little red, you said you are so good, why are you going to that place to be wronged!"

The last thing the old man saw was his granddaughter crying, and he hugged his granddaughter tightly, his old palms brushed against Xiao Hong's delicate face, and his eyes were filled with distress.

For a moment, the two grandparents hugged each other tightly, hugging each other and crying.

Quan Zhichen saw all this on the sidelines and was at a loss. He wondered what was going on? Why did he just go out to borrow a phone call, and when Xiao Hong came back, his emotional reaction was so great?

Thinking of this, Quan Zhichen had to bite the bullet and asked, "Xiaohong, what's the matter with you?"

"You're so embarrassed to ask!" Quan Zhichen was reprimanded by the old man just as he said his words.

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