"If it weren't for you, why would we Xiaohong suffer such a grievance! It's all to blame for you bastard, why did you come to our house?"

The old man's voice was full of anger, and there was a deep dislike for Quan Zhichen.

When Quan Zhichen heard this, he felt even more confused. He wondered what happened to him?

Did he say something wrong, or did he do something wrong?

Why is the old man so hostile to him?

As everyone knows, just now, when Xiaohong ventured to borrow some words from the village chief's house, she almost felt wronged.

In the beginning, she was first used as a labor force by the village chief, who asked her to go to the mountains to help pick wild vegetables.

When he came back from picking wild vegetables, Xiao Hong thought that she could finally borrow the phone, but the **** village chief, who had a meal and some wine with others, actually began to think about Xiao Hong.

That wretched look, and that wretched look... Xiao Hongguang was terribly scared just looking at it.

Therefore, Xiaohong rushed back in the first time, and because of fear, she hugged her grandpa and cried.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, girl, since they've already returned, it's okay."

The old man patted Xiao Hong's back quickly now, constantly calming his granddaughter's emotions.

While soothing, he glared at Quan Zhichen, "You **** bastard, it's so good that you die on the mountain, why come here to harm my granddaughter!"

Unexpectedly, when Xiaohong heard this, he quickly helped Quan Zhichen to explain, "Grandpa, these are not the brother's faults. Don't blame him."

But the old man couldn’t calm down anyway, “It’s not his fault, but who else’s fault? He asked you to call the village chief! He almost killed you! You said you are a stupid girl, how did you get caught? If someone else sells it, they have to turn around to help others count the money!"

"No, no grandfather, it's not this elder brother who asked me to borrow the phone for him, but I want to go and try it myself."

However, Xiao Hong was still desperately explaining, desperately helping Quan Zhichen to speak.

Although Quan Zhichen couldn't see the scene in front of him, he couldn't express his emotions when he heard these voices.

After all, a strange girl can trust him so much. How can this tell him not to be moved?


At this time, the old man sighed very helplessly.

His old hand touched his granddaughter’s face, his eyes full of heartache, "You said you are a silly girl, why don’t you know how much you have a heart? This man who picked it up from the mountain casually , Can you believe it? You are not afraid that others will harm you!"

Xiao Hong is still explaining, "It's okay grandpa, this brother is a good man, you can rest assured."

"By the way, he also said he would take us away from this place, grandpa, isn't our wish to be able to leave this village? This is our hope."

"Oh...Grandpa certainly hopes to take you away from this ghost place, but we can't just trust a stranger casually!"

This is where the old man is worried.

After all, he has lived a long time, and there are all kinds of people he has met, so naturally he will not easily trust a stranger.

Nowadays, there is a man in the good house for no reason. This man just said a few words casually, wanting to take them away from this place?

Can you believe this?

Even if the girl Xiaohong is stupid and young, he can easily believe in others, his grandpa can't be so careless.

So in any case, the old man couldn't trust Quan Zhichen, he just dropped a word perfunctorily, "You kid, heal up the injury, go quickly, don't hurt us in our house."

"My grandfather and grandson Xiaohong and I were not full of food. Now we have to have one more mouth to eat with us. You don't think you are a burden. We think you are a burden! So, if you are more acquainted Just get out of here, don’t get in the way here."

Talking about the old grandfather, he hugged his granddaughter tightly, and said nothing more to look at Quan Zhichen.

"Grandpa, Xiao Hong..."

Quan Zhichen felt that he was really helpless. If he could, of course he didn't want to come to this place. Who would be good at running to such a remote place to endure hardship?

But right now, isn’t there any way...

"Forget it, since you have all said that, then I just leave this place now, not to burden you."

Quan Zhichen is not the kind of person who likes to stick to his cold **** with a hot face. He thought to himself that since this family doesn't welcome him, can he just leave?

No, Quan Zhichen was just groping for a step, Xiaohong suddenly chased after him frantically and hugged Quan Zhichen tightly from behind.

She was tearful and tears were coming out, "Brother, brother, don't just go away like this! Your eyes are not good, and you have no ability to act. You just left, where can you go? If you go outside, , Isn't that waiting to die?"

The old man yelled from the side, "Xiao Hong, let him go! Even if this man died outside, he has nothing to do with you and our family! We saved his life and it was a big grace. De, the future path is his own life, what do you care about him?!"

"I don't..." Xiaohong said that she would not let go.

She hugged Quan Zhichen tightly, "Brother, didn't you say you want to take me and grandpa out of this place? Since you have promised me, don't just leave us casually, okay? "

Hearing this, Quan Zhichen felt a pain in his heart.

Yes, he did promise this little girl that he would take her out of this place.

But right now he has this heart, but he doesn't have this ability.

There is no communication equipment, and he has no way to communicate with the outside world. How can he take the grandchildren out of the sea of ​​suffering? It's better not to drag them down here.

Thinking of this, Quan Zhichen had to sigh helplessly, "I'm sorry Xiaohong, my brother may not be able to do what I promised you. You should live with grandpa in the future. Thank you for saving me. I have nothing to pay for my fate, and I can't drag you down anymore."

After finishing speaking, Quan Zhichen directly broke Xiaohong's hand from his waist, and then stubbornly, he had to fumble and walk outside.

"Don't go, brother, don't you go!"

Xiao Hong had to keep crying and pleading behind.

Unfortunately, at this moment, there was a commotion from the crowd.

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