There seemed to be a group of people outside the door, their steps were so powerful, they stopped directly at the door of Xiaohong's house.

Then, a sonorous voice came.

"Ms. Li, are the words you just said true? This little red usually looks weak and weak, and dares to hide a man in his own home. How can it be?"

"Yes, yeah, Liu Xiaohong doesn't look like such a bold person, right."

Several men around also followed suit.

At this time, Aunt Li quickly explained, "Oh, my fathers and villagers, of course what I said is true. How can this lie to you. I heard with my own ears that a strange man came from Xiaohong's house. His voice is absolutely true."

"In other words, Xiaohong hid a man in her own home, and her behavior was serious?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Aunt Li nodded vigorously.

What no one noticed was that there was a fierceness in Li Auntie's eyes at this time.

Her sulky gaze pointed straight at Xiaohong's home, thinking Xiaohong, Xiaohong, you stinky girl!

Thanks to my old lady, I have been so hard to treat you for so long, and caring for you for so long, just to let you and my son be together, but you dare to hide a man in your own home?

Oh, you shameless woman, don't blame my ruthless men!

Afterwards, a group of men went to knock on the door of Xiaohong's house.

"Xiao Hong, Xiao Hong, you open the door for me and come out for me!"

"I heard that you hid a man at home, and hand that man over to us!"

"You husband and wife, you dare to do such a nasty thing, come out quickly and give us villagers an explanation!"

While talking, everyone knocked **** the door of Xiaohong's house. The posture at that time made people feel particularly horrible.

Xiao Hong's heart trembled in an instant. She couldn't believe it. How could the existence of Quan Zhichen be discovered in such a fast time?

Obviously she carefully hid Quan Zhichen well, how could she let others know?

"It's Aunt Li!"

At this moment, Grandpa suddenly said in a heavy voice.

He thought to himself that when Aunt Li came home, she heard some strange movement in the room, and she was puzzled and ate behind closed doors. That's why he brought someone to Xingshi to ask the teacher.

This is no, it has already caused trouble.

"Grandpa, grandpa, what should we do now? These villagers are so fierce. If we open the door, they will definitely take us out and bully us fiercely!"

Xiaohong panicked completely. She didn't know what to do, so she could only look at the grandfather next to her helplessly.

Quan Zhichen felt nervous when he heard these movements, but he didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only quietly not bother him.

The knocking outside the door continued.

Those people became more and more fierce. They knocked on the door of Xiaohong's house desperately, "Open the door! Open the door for us!"

"Since you dare to hide a man at home, don't dare to do it or be it, Xiaohong, come out if you have the ability! Give us that man!"

"This damned dog man and woman, come out quickly!"

It's just such dirty words, as ugly as they are.

Seeing that door, I guess it won't last long. The old man took a deep breath now, and his whole heart trembled.

He knew it, he knew it would happen.

From the moment his granddaughter picked up Quan Zhichen from the outside, the father seemed to have expected this situation to happen.

However, even though he had been mentally prepared in advance, the old man's hand on the crutches still trembled uncontrollably.

After that, he almost gritted his teeth and said, "Go away!"


When Xiao Hong heard this, tears welled up in her eyes. She held her grandfather's hand tightly, "Grandpa, I won't leave. I didn't do anything wrong, but just saved it casually. It’s just a person, so why should they be criticized as a dog and a man? What did we do wrong..."

"No, you did nothing wrong."

The old man tried his best to keep himself calm, and then calmed his granddaughter's emotions, "Silly girl, the wrong person has never been you, the fault is the deformed people in this village!"

"In their eyes, everything is dirty and everything is deformed. It's not your fault at all, you know?"


Xiao Hong nodded vigorously, tears filled her eyes, "Grandpa, what should we do? Do we have a place to escape?"

"Yes! We, there is one last way!"

The old man nodded vigorously.

Xiaohong was stunned when she heard this, as if she didn't expect that in the face of this desperate situation, Grandpa could tell her so powerfully that they still had a way to go.

In fact, the old man seemed to have expected such a day for a long time, so he had always hidden a secret and didn't tell Xiaohong.

For this day, when desperation comes, they can have a place to escape.

"Go, in the floor of our backyard, there is a cellar that has been dug for many years. Go and hide in there first!"

The old man suddenly said firmly.

While talking, he took out a very old old phone from his pocket, and put the phone in Quan Zhichen's hand.

Quan Zhichen just felt cold in his hands at first, not knowing what the grandfather gave him.

And when he touched the thing in his hand, which was probably an elderly phone, his fingers trembled a little, "Grandpa, you are..."

Xiaohong also felt surprised, "Grandpa, why do you have a mobile phone?"

The old man sighed at this time, "This is what your parents bought for the family when they came back that year, so that we can keep in touch, but no one thought that your parents would never call again... "

Speaking of this topic, Xiao Hong and the old man are both sad.

However, time is not waiting.

The noise outside the door is getting louder, and the time that the wooden door can support is getting shorter and shorter.

The old man had no choice but to urge the two immediately, "Go, the children quickly find a cellar to hide, and if they are caught by these people, we will be all over!"

"Then, what about you, grandpa? Let's go together!" Xiaohong said anxiously.

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