Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1625: Can there be any evidence

"No, I won't go."

At this time, the old man had a firm expression and a firm tone of voice. "Just go, grandpa will help you stop these people outside. I'm old and they won't do anything to me."

In fact, the grandfather is thinking that if they go down together, then these villagers will definitely conduct a big search of their home.

Isn't it a matter of minutes to find the cellar?

However, if the old man is stopped outside, he will be more obstructed and disturbed their psychology, maybe it can be delayed a little longer.

So the old man thought firmly, let these two young people go down to the cellar together, and he would help stop them outside.

"Grandpa... Grandpa... shall we go down together? Don't stop outside, I'm afraid they will do it to you!"

Xiaohong said that she didn't want anything. How could she leave her grandfather and escape by herself?

Grandpa brought her from childhood to adulthood. What happened would always stand in front of her unswervingly and resist all wind and rain for her.

This is why Xiaohong has not been bullied too much since she was little.

Because Grandpa will always stand by her side all the time, even if he takes out his old life, he has to fight others to the end.

But now, grandpa is no longer the spirited grandpa back then, how could she leave her grandpa behind?

"Little Red, obedient!"

At this time, grandpa said firmly to Xiaohong in a low voice, "Grandpa is already a handful of age, nothing will happen, but if you and this **** are really caught by them, what will happen to you? It will be miserable, so you are more important, understand?"

"After you hide in the cellar for a while, call the police as soon as possible. Although the police find it difficult to find the place where we live, I don't believe that the police will not be able to make it within a few hours. As long as the police can come to this place, We will be saved, do you know!"

It is precisely because of this that the old man has to stand outside whatever he said, delaying time for them.

"Grandpa...Grandpa..." Xiao Hong was still crying, and she couldn't abandon her grandpa at all.

This is simply trying to steal a life, it's a treason!

Helpless, the old man had no choice but to look at Quan Zhichen who was aside, "Hey, bastard, hurry up and bring Xiaohong to the cellar! If she doesn't want to, you can carry him down, and you must protect me. Okay, this girl is safe, you know?"


Quan Zhichen's heart was uncomfortable.

He is a man, and he can clearly feel the determination that grandpa is in his heart at this moment.

A man, as long as he can protect the one he loves, even if he saves his life.

And grandpa has guarded Xiaohong for a lifetime, of course he didn't want to see Xiaohong have any accidents?

Now, Grandpa is more assured to hand Xiaohong's safety to Quan Zhichen, how can Quan Zhichen fail his grandfather?

He had to gritted his teeth, and then firmly assured his grandpa, "Don't worry, grandpa, I will take care of Xiaohong's thoroughness, and you must also protect yourself!"

"Don't worry, I know."

The grandfather nodded, and then no longer had the patience, he urged directly, "Okay, stop talking nonsense here, your young couple hurriedly go to hide in the cellar and hide it for me. The smell under the cellar is a bit unpleasant. , You two bear it a little bit, but don't make any noises, you know?"


Quan Zhichen nodded seriously.

After that, he pulled Xiao Hong abruptly, and dragged her directly regardless, and the two went to the backyard.


Xiao Hong looked at the decisive figure of grandpa, and she couldn't make a sound for a moment. She kept struggling, "Brother, brother, let me go, I want to save grandpa, I want grandpa to hide with us, we can't leave grandpa! "

Quan Zhichen could only comfort him rationally, "Silly girl, we are not leaving Grandpa. Grandpa is getting old, and the villagers will not treat him well!"

"But if we pull Grandpa down together, and the three of us will be found together, the consequences will be unimaginable, do you understand?"

With that, Quan Zhichen pulled Xiaohong abruptly, and dragged her down the cellar.

The cellar was built under the ground, and it was usually covered with a piece of grass. It looked no different from the ground, and it didn't make people think there was any mystery in this place.

So after the two of them hid, they felt a lot safer.

And at this moment, with a bang, the door was kicked open!

The villagers who were cursing at the door rushed in one by one regardless.

After entering the door and seeing the old man, most people are not too polite, and directly yelled, "Hey, old man, where is the little red in your house?"

"We heard that she hides a man in her house. It's really corrupting the morals of the village. How can such a woman want it!"

"The old man sees that you are too old. If you are acquainted, you can quickly hand over your granddaughter!"

"That is, confess to be lenient and resist strict, and quickly hand over your granddaughter!"

"And the man she hid privately, let the two of them get out quickly, don't ruin the virtues of our village!"

"That's it, get out!"

In this way, a group of people clamored unceremoniously.

In contrast, the old man was extraordinarily calm at the moment. Hearing the foul language of these people in his ear, he first sighed softly, only feeling bad.

Then the old man raised his head, looked at all the villagers with an indifferent look, and asked, "You keep saying that my granddaughter hid the man, what evidence is there?"


This sentence blocked the mouths of the villagers.

At this time, a tall man looked directly at Aunt Li next to him and asked, "Aunt Li, didn't you just say that Xiaohong hid a man at home? What about your evidence?"

"That's it, your evidence."

For a while, everyone turned their eyes to Aunt Li, and forced her to show evidence.

Aunt Li was stared by so many people, and her whole body trembled suddenly.

Afterwards, Aunt Li didn't know where the courage came from, she suddenly pointed to the room behind the grandfather and said, "It's right there!"

"When I brought the food over, there was a strange movement in that room. I was about to go up and check it. But the old man came out and stopped me. Did you say you hid the man? What else?"

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