She couldn't help but pulled Quan Zhichen's hand, "Or brother, shall we go out and have a look? I'm a little worried..."

"No way."

Before Xiao Hong finished speaking, Quan Zhichen shook his head categorically, "Xiao Hong, I know you are worried about Grandpa in your heart. I am worried about him just like you. But you must think clearly that we can't let Grandpa waste our time. If we go out now, wouldn't it be the same as throwing ourselves into the net?"

If they run out now, one is a weak woman and one cannot see with their eyes, how can they compete with those people?


When Xiao Hong heard this, she thought about it carefully, and had to admit that Quan Zhichen had said the same.

Grandpa worked hard to protect them. If they ran out by themselves, Grandpa's kindness would be wasted.

Thinking of this, Xiao Hong had to give up the idea of ​​going out.

Then she became listless and sighed deeply, then she found a step and sat down with Quan Zhichen and waited.

At the same time, Quanjia.

After Yan Jie received the news from Quan Zhichen, he immediately coordinated with the police to summon the manpower and began to take action, preparing to rescue Quan Zhichen.

Before the action, he made a phone call to Tang Nuanhua, roughly talking about Quan Zhichen's current plight.

"What, do you say Quan Zhichen is still alive?" Tang Nuan painting can be said to be pleasantly surprised by the news.

Then she said almost immediately, "Well, you wait for me to go with you!"

After finishing talking, Tang Nuanhua hung up the phone and directly interrupted his work. He picked up his bag from the desktop and ran out.

"Nuanhua, where are you going?" Lin Nanxiang watched this scene and was puzzled.

Tang Nuanhua quickly explained, "Yan Jie said that Quan Zhichen's whereabouts had been found. I will follow along to see the situation. The company's affairs will be left to you and Chu Chen. Come on!"

"Ah? Okay." In this case, Lin Nanxiang is not easy to stop, so he had to tell, "Then you must pay attention to safety."

"Hmm, don't worry, I'm leaving!"

After speaking, Tang Nuan ran away.

Soon she disappeared from Lin Nanxiang's line of sight, and then quickly rushed past.

And Yan Jie was also unambiguous. When Tang Nuanhua was taking a taxi downstairs, a black car drove over. Yan Jie pulled down the window and said cleanly, "Get in the car."

Tang Nuanhua got into Yan Jie's car in this way. After that, the two went to the place where Quan Zhichen was, and went to rescue them.

Along the way, Tang Nuanhua tried to contact Quan Zhichen, but failed to get through.

Yan Jie looked aside and faintly answered, "You can't get through. I don't know what mobile phone Achen uses. It has no effect other than being able to call the police. We can't contact him at all now."

"Huh?" Tang Nuan was stunned, "Then how do we find where others are?"

"Did you forget that there is a high-tech called signal location?" Yan Jie reminded coldly, "If I only rely on a number, of course I can't find Ah Chen. It was the police just now, according to the address of Ah Chen. After the positioning, I barely knew the position, but..." After speaking, he paused.

"But what?" Tang Nuanhua asked.

"But we want to find Achen based on this positioning, but there is still a little difficulty." Yan Jie said honestly.


"Because the location given by this positioning is very vague, the police said that this location is in a deep mountain and old forest, and most people would never go to that place, and that place and the location where Achen fell from the top of the cliff, there are also A certain deviation."

"So in other words, this positioning is likely to be inaccurate?" Tang Nuan was shocked.

"Yes, we can only try." There was no way, and that was all Yan Jie could do.

He also kindly reminded him, "By the way, we will go into the mountain to find someone in a while. There may be no road inside. The mountain road will be very muddy. Please be prepared in advance."

"I... okay." Tang Nuan painting didn't expect to take the mountain road, a little speechless, but had to agree.

But I added another sentence, "But I have a request, you must satisfy me."


"If the mountain road is steep, you have to send someone to follow me to protect me."

"Why?" Yan Jie raised his eyebrows with a smile when he heard this. "Aren't you always great? How come a small mountain road makes you stump?"

"No." Tang Nuanhua explained helplessly, and subconsciously touched his slightly raised but not obvious belly with his hands, "It's because I'm pregnant, I'm afraid of accidents."

Upon hearing this, Yan Jie was silent.

He silently glanced at Tang Nuan's lower abdomen, and found that there were indeed some bulges there, which were indeed signs of pregnancy.


Reluctantly, Yan Jie had to sigh meaningfully, "Well, I'll let someone follow you for a while, and I won't let you have an accident."

"Yeah." Tang Nuanhua nodded obediently when he heard this, and was relieved.

Gradually, the sky slowly sank, and it was almost evening.

The car finally stopped as it moved slowly, and stopped in front of several large mountains in the wild.

Tang Nuanhua and Yan Jie got out of the car together, and then they faced the dense and lush mountains in front of them.

"Really going in from here?"

Seeing that it was getting dark, Tang Nuanhua had to ask suspiciously.

"There is no other way." At this moment, a police officer approached Tang Nuan's painting and said, "This is the place closest to the location. From here is the fastest and most direct path."


Now that the police officers have already said so, Tang Nuanhua and Yan Jie naturally have nothing to say.

Next, the group of people waited without talking nonsense. They packed up one by one and started to enter the mountain.

Yan Jie also arranged two bodyguards for Tang Nuan painting as he had promised, so that they could protect Tang Nuan painting's thoroughness all the time. In this way, dozens of people set off toward the mountain with their hands. .

In the cellar at this moment, Quan Zhichen and Xiao Hong were already cold and trembling.

"Brother, when will the people you call come over? It's really cold in this cellar. I, I'm about to die from the cold. Grandpa doesn't know what's going on. Brother, I'm really worried." Blushing said helplessly.

"Don't be afraid, don't worry."

For a while, Quan Zhichen didn't know how to comfort him, so he said, "My friends will be here soon, and we will be able to go out soon."

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