Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1629: Not obedient to women



Quan Zhichen nodded vigorously, then he stretched out his hand and directly took Xiaohong into his arms, "Come on, I'll give you warmth."

Quan Zhichen didn’t think too much when doing this action. In his imagination, Xiao Hong’s voice was charming, and it was estimated that at most she was a girl of fifteen or sixteen. Quan Zhichen only regarded Xiao Hong as a little sister. .

So he thought to himself, since he didn't feel too cold, maybe he could use his body temperature to warm the little girl.

I don't want to, unintentionally insert the willow into a shadow.


At the moment when Quan Zhichen gently hugged Xiaohong, her heartbeat suddenly missed!

A strange feeling suddenly rose from Xiaohong's heart.

It's warm, numb, and there is a feeling that the heart melts.

In fact, if you count it seriously, Xiaohong is also an 18 or 9 year old girl. Although she has never experienced emotional experience, she still knows more or less about the emotions of men and women.

Before meeting Quan Zhichen, Xiaohong hadn't even touched other men with her hands.

Even if she accidentally touched her hand occasionally, she would scream in fright.

As a result, she was held so strongly now!

With her ears on Quan Zhichen's chest, she could even hear the heartbeat of the man in front of her clearly.

Xiao Hong really felt like she was suffocating.

If it wasn't for Quan Zhichen who couldn't see it, and if it wasn't too dark around him, perhaps he could see Xiaohong's face in the dark, which was as red as a monkey butt.

And just at this moment, outside the cellar that had been quiet for a long time, some strange noises suddenly appeared.

Quan Zhichen was taken aback for a moment, and involuntarily calmed down with Xiaohong, listening to the movement outside.

At this time, in the village.

After an afternoon of searching, even if the villagers rummaged through the village, they still could not find Quan Zhichen and Xiao Hong.

These villagers couldn't help getting angry, and they were so angry that they simply took the grandfather at the knife.

In the open area of ​​the village, they had a big fire, and there was a big pot on the fire, and boiling water was burning in the pot.

And the grandfather was being suppressed by them at this moment, kneeling beside the fire, kneeling in front of people, his head drooping heavily.

Surrounded by countless villagers onlookers, at this moment, they are pointing to Grandpa.

"A lot of years old, it is really hateful to indulge my granddaughter and do such unruly things!"

"That's it, for such an old man, living a waste of our village's resources."

"I heard that he has a pair of children. When he was young, he ran out of our village to work. After he went out, he never came back!"

"Hmph, this old man is very weird, no wonder he will be abandoned by his own children!"

Just give pointers.

The eyes of the villagers were full of dislike for the grandfather, as if the grandfather had done something damaging to the world.

But the old man was kneeling in the middle of the crowd now, hearing these voices, he only felt a little funny.

What is not observing women's way?

His well-behaved granddaughter is an innocent girl who has never done anything more than half the time. It can be said to be honest.

Now, she only rescued a young man who was about to die. She had done good deeds, so why did she become obscure?

Why did he become a private man?

Why is it not obedient to women?

Also, even if his good granddaughter is really with that kid, what's wrong?

It is normal for men and women to have feelings.

One is an innocent girl, and the other is a handsome young man, why can't we be together?

These villagers do not obey women's way one by one, and one bite by one bite of depravity, it really makes people laugh.

Just such a broken village, closed and backward, is there any trend to talk about?

Thinking of this, Grandpa shook his head helplessly and smiled.

He deeply despised the group of villagers in front of him.

He didn't want the smile at the corner of his mouth to fall into the eyes of a villager next to him, and immediately angered the villager.

When the man saw that his grandfather was already dead, he could still laugh, and he was very angry.

Suddenly, I saw him rushing up and hitting the old grandfather's back with a sharp kick, "You die old man, what are you laughing at! We will put you in the pot and cook it later. I don't think you can laugh." You can laugh!"

Hearing this, the grandfather listened carefully, and the water in the pot had indeed boiled.

The villagers on the side began to yell at this time, "That is, make you a dead old man with a hard mouth, and a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water! If you reveal the news about your granddaughter and the adulterer earlier, you won't be here today. This step."

"What kind of person educates what kind of younger generation, if you want me to see that this dead old man is a scum in society, let him die soon!"

"That's it, why is such a person alive? Let him die!"

In this way, all the villagers became angrily together, wishing that Grandpa could be executed now.

But at the moment, facing the clamor of so many people, Grandpa is as calm as ever.

He thought to himself, it seems that his positive life can only reach today.

He has survived his whole life, and there are too many regrets, but it is a pity that he never has the opportunity to fill up those regrets.

Since the filling is not full, then forget it.

Grandpa thought in his heart only pleadingly, his only granddaughter, Xiao Hong, could leave this place safe and sound!

As for his old fate, whether he wants it or not, it doesn't really matter anymore.

He owes too much to his granddaughter, so in this life, as long as Xiao Hong can leave this place, even if he is dead, he will feel relieved.

"Hey, old man!"

At this moment, just as the grandfather lowered his head to think, suddenly a tall man walked in front of the grandfather.

He holds a sharp butcher knife in his hand, the kind that he usually hunts in the mountains. The blade is sharp, and the edges of the knife are all jagged...

Then the butcher knife was pointed directly at the grandfather, and the tall man said coldly, "Old man, since you have lived in our village for so long, I will give you one last chance."

"We promise that, as long as you tell the truth about your granddaughter and the position of the adulterer, we can consider sparing you, otherwise..."

While saying this, the blade gradually approached the grandfather's chest.

As long as the tall man in front of him exerts a little force, this sharp butcher knife can pierce the grandfather's chest straight.

In an instant, everyone was holding their breath.

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