But he didn't want to, even in the face of such a big life threat, the grandfather still shook his head firmly.

"I do not know."

His voice is old, but very powerful, obviously not intending to compromise on these villagers.

And this uncompromising attitude also succeeded in stimulating the anger of the villagers to the highest point.

"You really don't know?!"

The butcher knife approached the old grandfather's chest once again, and the cold light of the blade's blade was chilling.

When the grandfather saw this butcher knife, he seemed to feel that he was dying.

He couldn't help closing his eyes deeply, and then he seemed to have made a fierce determination in his heart.

Finally, the grandfather gritted his teeth and said firmly, "If you don't know, you don't know. If you want to kill, you must cut, please!"


The villagers were all angry when they heard this.

It seems that he didn't expect that the old man's mouth was so hard, in any case, he would not confess his granddaughter?

It seems that it is impossible to persecute him without any means!

"Since you die old man refuses to tell the truth anyway, don't blame our ruthless men!"

Suddenly, after the man with the butcher knife finished speaking, he threw the butcher knife aside.

Then he invited a hand to the people around him, "You guys come here, since it's a dead old man with such a hard mouth, we should just put him off the pot! I want to see how hard his mouth is!"


When the words were over, a few villagers around him swarmed around.

Grandpa began to struggle desperately at this time, but how could his strength alone be able to withstand several big men?

The old man had to tear his throat constantly, and his old voice yelled and screamed, sounding very miserable, "You bunch of stinky bastards, who have no father or mother, actually put a big living person in a pot to cook. Are you still human!"

"Let go of me, you will be condemned by heaven, and you will be condemned by heaven!" He shouted hoarsely.

However, in this scene, in the eyes of the surrounding villagers, not only did no one sympathize with the old man, but everyone's eyes were full of interest.

In fact, this is not the first time they have used such inhuman methods to torture people.

The weird things that happened in this village before can’t be counted at all...

This is also one of the reasons why Grandpa desperately wants to leave this place.

For so many years, he has always been like a trapped beast, trapped in this place and unable to escape.

Now, for bad things, it is finally his turn.

"My God, what are they doing?!"

At the same time, not far away, Tang Nuan's painting finally rushed over two mountains and rushed here. Seeing this scene, she directly exclaimed.

Looking at the scene in front of him dumbfounded, Tang Nuan painting felt that his three views almost collapsed!

She wondered what these people were doing?

There is a big pot of water next to it. What is it for? Could it be that they are going to put a big living person into the pot to cook?

And the object they want to do is still an old man?

God, is this still something human did!

Of those onlookers, none of them wanted to stop?

? ? ?

They should be crazy!

No, Tang Nuanhua thought to herself that she would never stand by and watch such cruel things happen.

She directly pushed Yan Jie next to him, and said, "Go, let's go over and see what the situation is and stop all of this!"

I don't want Yan Jie to hold Tang Nuan's painting tightly, "Miss Tang, don't be so excited, let's observe again!"

"Observe? Observe the ass, don't you see that people are dying? Let's go and save them!"

Tang Nuanhua said urgently, thinking that those people were lifting the old grandfather into the pot, if she kept spending like this, I'm afraid it would be too late!

Thinking this way, Tang Nuan could not care about Yan Jie behind him.

Suddenly, her gaze fell on the gun on Yan Jie's waist, and then almost immediately, she snatched that pistol from Yan Jie's waist, and then pointed the pistol at the sky.


There was a loud noise.

The villagers were all shocked in an instant, wondering where did this come from? !

Afterwards, their eyes hurriedly looked towards the place where the sound was heard, and then they saw Tang Nuan painting coming out.

"Hey, this woman is really..."

Yan Jie was very helpless behind him. In fact, he didn't want to go so early, but seeing Tang Nuan's painting so rashly rushed out, although he felt very helpless in his heart, he had to bring his hands to follow.

"Keep up with everything!"

Speaking coldly, Yan Jie waved his hand cleanly, and the men behind him immediately followed him forward.

So a group of people waited, just came out of thin air.

The villagers on the side were shocked when they saw this scene and saw so many outsiders suddenly appeared!

Each of them was shocked, wondering where did these people come from? How did they find this place!

You know their village, it's extraordinarily remote!

If you want to find this place from the outside, you have to climb over two mountains at least, and you may not find your way in.

Why now, so many outsiders suddenly appeared here?

What are these people doing here?

Thinking of this, the villagers were all puzzled.

However, before the villagers expressed their doubts, Tang Nuan's painting had already rushed over!

I saw that she was holding a pistol in her hand, and she walked directly to the old grandfather's side, pointed the gun at the big men who were pressing the old grandfather, and said angrily, "Hey, you guys who are tall and mammoth, just Do you have a good conscience to bully an old man like this?!"

When several big guys heard this, they all felt guilty.

Because they were afraid of the gun in Tang Nuan's hand, they quickly let go of the grandfather, and the grandfather was relieved.

However, compared with guilty conscience, these villagers are more puzzled!

Because they didn't even know who was the woman in front of him, and who was the group of men behind him? What are they all here for? It's so strange!

At this moment, their village head spoke.

I saw one of the middle-aged people who was fairly well-dressed. After seeing Tang Nuan painting and others, he frowned first, and then asked, "Who are you people and how come you suddenly appear here?"

"We are here to find someone."

Yan Jie didn't talk nonsense, simply and directly expressed his intention.

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