"Looking for someone? Who are you looking for?"

"Have you seen this person?"

With that said, Yan Jie took out a photo of Quan Zhichen prepared in advance from his pocket and placed it in front of these villagers.

Seeing this photo, the villagers shook their heads one after another, saying that they did not know and had not seen this person.

Until Grandpa saw this picture.

Grandpa's pupils tightened in an instant, isn't the man in the photo the little bunny who was rescued by his granddaughter Xiaohong!

"Grandpa, have you met this person?"

Sensitively aware of the reaction on the grandfather's expression, Tang Nuanhua immediately asked nervously, and the people around also became nervous.

However, the grandfather shook his head abruptly, "No, I don't know."

After all, he still doesn't know whether these people in front of him are good or bad. If these people are the kid's enemies, wouldn't he help the kid get into trouble?

So even if the grandfather knew clearly that the man in the photo was Quan Zhichen, he still pretended that he had never seen him before.

At this moment, a loud voice interrupted the scene.

"Yan Jie, are you here?"

Not far away, Quan Zhichen appeared in everyone's sight with Xiao Hong.

In fact, just now, when they heard the gunshot, they probably knew that Yan Jie should have rushed over, so they quickly walked out with Xiaohong.

At this time, Yan Jie and Tang Nuanhua certainly heard Quan Zhichen's voice.

The two immediately turned their heads, and they saw at a glance, it really was Quan Zhichen!


In an instant, Yan Jie was so happy that he rushed towards Quan Zhichen.

Tang Nuan's painting was also so excited that he quickly passed by.

"Achen, I know you will be fine, and I know you will be fine, great, it's great to see you fine!"

Before and after the charge, Yan Jie hugged Quan Zhichen without saying a word.

Quan Zhichen was caught off guard, he was hugged, and he immediately laughed.

He smiled and said with a big grin, "Thinking too much, oh, what can I do, look at me, is it like a person who loses his life so easily?"

"You said so, but don't you know, I'm really dying of anxiety! You said, if something happens to you, how can I explain it to the master!" Yan Jie's tone was full of complaints, complaining and loosening. Opened Quan Zhichen.

"Heh, it turns out that this is your goal. If there is no old man, are you not going to save me?" Quan Zhichen chuckled.

"What are you talking about? How could it be possible." Yan Jie quickly retorted.

All in all, to see Quan Zhichen safe and sound, Yan Jie was just as happy as he could not tell.

Also happy, there is Tang Nuan painting next to it.

Seeing Quan Zhichen such a lively life, she felt relieved in her heart and couldn't help but smiled in relief, "Quan Zhichen, you are fine, it is really great."

Before that, she had been worried about whether Quan Zhichen had already died.

If Quan Zhichen really had an accident, Tang Nuan painting would surely die of guilt.

But now that she can see that Quan Zhichen is safe and sound, she feels relieved.

"Nuanhua, is it coming?!"

At this moment, when he heard the voice of Tang Nuan painting, Quan Zhichen's tone increased by several decibels, and the expression on his face was slightly excited.

I didn't want Yan Jie and Tang Nuan to paint. When they heard this, their faces changed.

It's strange, isn't Tang Nuan painting standing in front of Quan Zhichen? Why did he ask if Tang Nuan painting is here? Is he invisible?

Thinking of this, Yan Jie had a clue, changed the subject and asked, "Achen, how are you having these two days?"

As he asked, he shook his hand in front of Quan Zhichen.

Quan Zhichen's gaze has lost focus at this time. He didn't notice the slightest difference, and still smiled at the humanity in front of him, "Don't worry, I have taken care of Xiaohong these two days, which is very good."

"pretty good?"

Yan Jie suddenly gave a cold snort and withdrew his hand.

Through the action just now, he was basically sure that Quan Zhichen was already out of sight.

When Tang Nuanhua saw this scene, his heart was shocked, and then he asked in a low voice, "Achen, you, your eyes..."


The smile on Quan Zhichen's face suddenly changed.

However, after the subtle change, Quan Zhichen smiled pretendingly, "It's okay. When my eyes fell, I accidentally injured a little bit. I couldn't see it temporarily. When I went back, I had a minor operation. It will be restored soon."

The tone was relaxed, as if it was a simple matter of eating and drinking.

But he didn't want to, the more he showed so relaxed, the more Yan Jie and Tang Nuan painted their hearts, the more they felt sorry for Quan Zhichen.

A good young man, how can he be blind when he is blind?

Alas, but since Quan Zhichen is so optimistic, Yan Jie and Tang Nuan don't want to express any pessimism.

Tang Nuanhua smiled vigorously and patted Quan Zhichen on the shoulder, "You are right, such a small injury, after going back, you can recover after an operation, it's okay."

"Yeah, yes." Quan Zhichen nodded with a smile.

"Grandpa, grandpa!"

At this time, Xiao Hong saw her grandfather, and suddenly ran over, shouting loudly.

A few steps ran to the grandfather's side, Xiao Hong hugged her grandfather directly, crying, "How are you, grandpa? Are you okay!"

Seeing his granddaughter came, the old grandfather smiled in relief, "Grandfather is fine."

"Grandpa I'm sorry, I'm not good, Xiaohong shouldn't leave you behind! It's Xiaohong that's wrong..."

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay, Xiao Hong is not to blame." The grandfather patted Xiao Hong's back gently, patiently soothing.

At this moment, the atmosphere was pulled back again.

When the villagers saw the scene in front of them, they probably understood it too. It turned out that Quan Zhichen was the man from the Little Red Chamber!

In an instant, the man who was the village head became angry.

He pointed directly at Xiao Hong angrily, "Xiao Hong, as a villager in our village, you actually did such a thing as a private man who did not obey women's way and did not care about shame. Don't you feel ashamed of yourself! The atmosphere of our village? , I was ruined by you!"

"That's it! Village Chief, we must not let Xiao Hong go!"

"Never let this pair of grandchildren!"

The surrounding villagers booed loudly again.

With the support of so many people, the village head immediately became bold and waved his hand directly, "Come here, get me this old man and this woman who doesn’t obey the woman’s way, and we will all arrest them today. Pot, let the villagers take a warning!"

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