Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1633: I can't cry without seeing the coffin

"You, your little girl, how can you be so powerful!"

The village head was amazed at the strength of Tang Nuan's paintings. He didn't seem to expect that Tang Nuan would have two more troubles in painting this little girl.

Tang Nuan painting just sneered, thinking that he did not learn Taekwondo and martial arts for a whole year.

If this little trick can't resist, she won't come here and cause trouble for people in vain.

Then she said coldly, "Don't talk nonsense, quickly let me go. As long as you can let me go in time, I can assume that nothing has happened, and spare you!"

"But if you are not so stubborn, I tell you, you will really regret it! Don't say it's you then, even the villagers of your entire village will suffer along with you! You, the village chief, don't you think? Haven't you realized it at all?"


After hearing this, the village head seemed to feel a little guilty.

But he thought about it calmly, and suddenly felt that this was something in his own village. What does it have to do with these people?

Even if you want to warn yourself, is it their turn to warn again?

These people are just being nosy here. What he wants to do with the people in their village is he who has the final say, it is his turn to stop them!

Thinking of this, the village chief's heart was a little guilty, and he was instantly filled with confidence!

But just as he was about to continue speaking, not far away, there was a scream.

It turned out to be Quan Zhichen. Because he couldn't see with his eyes, he had never dared to move. Who would have thought that he was spotted by the villagers!

Suddenly a villager stepped forward and punched Quan Zhichen directly.

This fist was extremely heavy, and he knocked Quan Zhichen to the ground, even his nosebleeds.

"Achen! Achen!"

When Yan Jie saw this scene, his whole heart was suspended, and he rushed in the direction of Quan Zhichen.

Tang Nuanhua also rushed over worriedly.

Then the two lifted Quan Zhichen up from the ground. They didn't want to see Quan Zhichen's nosebleeds as soon as he got up.

Quan Zhichen also felt the warmth under his nose, as if some liquid came out.

Raising his hand, he put his finger under his nose and smelled it, and then he smelled a thick **** smell.

Quan Zhichen knew that he had been beaten with a nosebleed.


This is the first time in his life. Since his birth, Quan Zhichen has never been beaten, let alone a nosebleed.

It seems that these villagers really don't want to live today!

Quan Zhichen coldly commanded Yan Jie next to him, "Yan Jie, no matter what today, you have to help me arrest these people! I want them to pay a certain price for their actions! "


Yan Jie nodded solemnly when he heard this.

In fact, even if Quan Zhichen didn't order him, he would do it.

After all, the young master of their Quan family, not everyone can offend!

So Yan Jie stopped talking nonsense. He took out the walkie-talkie at his waist and said to the walkie-talkie, "Comrade police, it looks like you need to go out!"

"Roger that!"

There was a rustling echo from the intercom.

In fact, Yan Jie came with the police, but he just thought that the police shouldn't act rashly, so he brought his subordinates first.

But in this situation, Yan Jie couldn't help it.

These villagers were arrogant and arrogant, and they couldn't cry without seeing the coffin.


Yan Jie thought helplessly, since they don't know what the law is, and what a society under the rule of law is, let them learn and teach today.

Then, a swarm of police rushed out of the dark.

Shattered, a large group of people in blue uniforms soon surrounded the villagers!

They all held a gun in their hands, and their voices were even louder, "Don't move, everyone, raise your hands!"

And the villagers who were still arrogant, when they saw this scene, they panicked.

Those who didn't know the situation raised their hands obediently, and then asked nervously, "The village chief, what's the matter? Who are these people?"

However, their village chief has also been unable to do so.

While fighting with people, he has to answer the villagers’ questions. Where does the village chief have so much energy?

And at this moment, the two policemen stepped forward and kicked the village chief's right leg directly, grabbing him down with a neat motion, and issued a commanding voice, "Don't move!"

And the village chief, who was still arrogant and domineering, didn't dare to move anymore in an instant.

How could he not know who these people in all uniforms are?

It seems that their good days are finally over.

There is no need to go into details afterwards, the old grandfather and Xiaohong were successfully rescued, and the village chief was also arrested.

No, not only the village chiefs, but even the villagers were punished by the police.

Since everyone is an accomplice, the police directly fined everyone.

When they heard the word fine, all the villagers felt that their own sky was about to fall.

They live in such a small village in a remote rural area. Where can they be rich?

It's a bit ugly, but it's all a group of dogs and ants.

So for a while, everyone was crying, and one by one began to bow their heads to admit their mistakes to the police officer.

After confessing to the police officer, they confessed their mistakes to Quan Zhichen and Tang Nuanhua, one by one, wishing to kneel on the ground and kowtow to them.

Tang Nuan painting felt helpless when he saw this scene.

She wondered why these people are?

It is their own choice to keep themselves in such a small village, stand on their own feet, and live in poverty.

Why bother?

However, Tang Nuan painting knew that no matter how much he said, it would be useless. This kind of thing still depends on the villagers to realize it. If they can't realize it, then they can only do this.

So next, Tang Nuanhua didn't talk nonsense to these villagers, but turned his attention to Xiaohong and Grandpa.

"Grandpa, little girl, are you all right?" She asked very concerned.

"We're all right, girl, don't worry."

The grandfather shook his head, but he didn't have a cane on his hand, and the action was a bit difficult.

At this time, Xiao Hong looked at Tang Nuan's painting eagerly, and she suddenly felt that she was about to suffocate.

How can there be such a beautiful woman in this world?

Before encountering Tang Nuan's paintings, Xiaohong thought she was pretty.

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