Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 1634: Overflow from the bottom of my heart

Although not particularly beautiful, among the crowd, Xiao Hong's appearance is actually enough to attract people's attention.

But now compared with Tang Nuan's paintings, Xiao Hong is simply ashamed.

She thought to herself that there would still be such a beautiful girl in the world. It turns out that a girl like her is nothing at all.

Then, wouldn't there be more beautiful girls that Quan Zhichen met?

Thinking of this, Xiaohong looked at Quan Zhichen nervously, but saw that Quan Zhichen was smiling at Tang Nuan painting, "Nuan Hua, you said I took such a big risk for you this time, how can you thank you? I?"

"What do you mean?"

Tang Nuanhua replied indifferently, and walked to Quan Zhichen's side with a smile. The two seemed to have a close relationship.

"I said? If you want me to say that you are better off, just accept it. Isn't it all in TV dramas?" Quan Zhichen joked with interest.

As soon as he said this, Quan Zhichen was lightly hammered in front of his shoulder by Tang Nuanhua, "Stop talking nonsense, you just can't see your eyes, and your brain is not confused. If you talk about nonsense like this, I can kill. about you."

"Yo, do you dare?"

"I have nothing to dare."

Tang Nuanhua shrugged and smiled, "Anyway, you can't see your eyes now, so you can only let me kill you? Hmph, I can do what I want to do with you. You can hit me if you have the ability."


Quan Zhichen was angry, and he reached out and grabbed it. As a result, Tang Nuanhua jumped back wisely, and he just grabbed it.

Suddenly, Quan Zhichen said funny and angrily, "Okay, you little girl, you dare to provoke me when I can't see it. After I go back, my eyes will recover after surgery. You can see how I can treat you!"

"Hehehe, then wait and see, the big deal is when your eyes are cured, I won't see you anymore."

After Tang Nuan painted playfully, he turned his head and ignored Quan Zhichen, but ran directly to Yan Jie to see how the finishing work was done.

Quan Zhichen was still chattering, "Don’t you dare to see me try it, Tang Nuan painting, I’ll tell you Tang Nuan painting, I fell off the cliff for you, if it wasn’t to save your life, maybe you’re right now You have already lost your life in Huangquan. You don't know the report, it chills me too much, you really chill me!"


Only air answered him.

? ? ?

Quan Zhichen didn't know that Tang Nuanhua had run away at this moment, and thought that this girl was sulking after listening to her own words.

Suddenly, Quan Zhichen became a little anxious, "Hey, Tang Nuan painting, why don't you speak Tang Nuan painting?"

"Wait, it's not that I just said too harshly, making you uncomfortable, oh, I just talked casually, not serious, Nuanhua, I apologize, can I apologize to you? ?"

"..." The answer to him was still air.

"Nuanhua, I was really wrong..." Quan Zhichen was still apologizing.

"Don't say it, she has already left." At this time, Xiaohong walked quietly to Quan Zhichen's side.

When Quan Zhichen heard this, he was almost astonished, "What? This **** woman has gone?"

"Damn, fortunately, I'm still here alone to say so much, so she didn't listen at all. Okay, this girl is getting bolder and bolder. I will see how I deal with her in a while!"

Although that was the case, Quan Zhichen's tone clearly didn't have the slightest anger.

It can even make people feel that his attitude towards Tang Nuan's paintings is actually full of pampering.

For a while, Xiao Hong didn't know why, she was very sad, and her nose became sour.

She had never seen such a Quan Zhichen.

Since she rescued Quan Zhichen back home, she has always regarded him as a big brother.

She thought that this elder brother was handsome and heroic, and it turned out that Quan Zhichen was indeed the same.

However, he would have a humble side, he would have such a humble attitude in front of a woman.

And he just seemed to say that it was for the woman named Tang Nuanhua that he fell off the cliff.

So is that woman already worth his life for her?


Xiao Hong couldn't help feeling a sore nose, even tears welled up in her eyes, and then she couldn't help but ask, "Brother, is that girl the girl you like?"


Hearing Xiaohong's question, Quan Zhichen was taken aback, as if he had never thought that Xiaohong would actually ask such a question.

Then he smiled lightly, raised his hand and groped to the top of Xiao Hong's head, and rubbed it very gently, "Silly sister, why do you want so much?"


Xiao Hong wanted to say that it was not that she thought too much, but that Quan Zhichen was good at Tang Nuan's paintings. It was too obvious.

Even if it is verbally saying that Tang Nuan's painting is not, even if it is verbally against the girl, even if Quan Zhichen's eyes are out of sight, his love for her will still overflow from the bottom of his heart.

With a gentle tone in every overbearing sentence and every smile from the corner of his mouth, it fully shows that Quan Zhichen's feelings for Tang Nuan's paintings are so sincere.

Sincerely enough, Xiao Hongguang was approaching Quan Zhichen, and felt very sad in her heart.

Of course, Xiaohong didn't dare to show this kind of sadness, because she herself didn't know why she was sad, only that she was sad.

On Yan Jie's side, finishing work is almost done.

Each and every household of these villagers was fined. As for the dirty tricks they had done before, no one knew and no one dared to say, the police had no choice but to give up.

However, from now on, this place is no longer under their own management.

The police promised that they would send people here to keep order, and would clear a road as soon as possible to communicate with people.

And the villagers promised each and every one that there would never be similar things happening again, etc...

When it comes to this, it will come to an end.

In the end, after dealing with everything, Yan Jie and Tang Nuanhua returned to Quan Zhichen together.

Yan Jie said with a sigh of relief, "Okay, it's not too early, we should go back. After I go back, I will find the best doctor for you and treat your eyes as soon as possible."


Quan Zhichen nodded when he heard this, thinking that it was indeed time to go back.

"Brother..." Xiaohong carefully pulled the corner of the Chichen Laquan's clothes and asked, "Will you take me and grandpa together?"

Quan Zhichen laughed when he heard this, "Of course, I promised to take you and grandpa out of this place, you go and pack up, we are going to leave."

"Ah! Are you true?"

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