When Xiaohong heard Quan Zhichen's words, she was immediately overjoyed.

He hurriedly pulled his grandfather, and said excitedly, "Grandpa, did you hear me? My brother said he wanted to take us away, he really said he wanted to take us away!"

"Well, I heard that." The old man was also very happy when he heard this.

Originally, he thought that the boy said that he would take them out of the village, it was just a verbal promise, not counting.

Grandpa originally thought that he might die here today.

But now it seems that there is no way out of heaven!

And this kid seems to have the ability to take them out of this place, maybe, God has finally opened his eyes!

After that, the two grandfathers and grandsons hurriedly packed their things and left this place of right and wrong with Tang Nuan painting Quan Zhichen and others.


Three hours later, it was about eleven o'clock in the evening.

Tang Nuanhua and others finally returned to the city, after which Quan Zhichen was sent to the central hospital.

In order to prevent Liu Xiaohong's grandfather from being too old, there was any internal injury, Quan Zhichen specially ordered Liu Xiaohong's grandfather and grandson to live in the ward next to him, just in time for the two to stay in the hospital for a physical examination.

In this way, a few people can be considered settled down.

The big stone in Tang Nuan painting's heart had been hung for several days, and finally it also fell.

After that, it was not too early, and Tang Nuan painted farewell to Quan Zhichen.

"Quan Zhichen, it's late now, I'll go back first, and I will see you again tomorrow when I have time."

Hearing this, Quan Zhichen said jokingly, "Since it's already so late, what are you going to do? Or else, you can stay overnight, right?"


Tang Nuanhua and Yan Jie were shocked when they heard this.

Quan Zhichen hurriedly laughed and hit haha, "It's just a joke, what's the matter, forget it, Nuanhua, you go back quickly, just have Yan Jie with me."

"Yeah." Tang Nuan painting was relieved.

Then she rubbed her abdomen and said with a distressed expression, "Well, I haven't eaten tonight to find you today. I'm starving to death. I'll go back and eat something quickly, Achen, you remember to also Have something to eat, then I'll leave first."

After saying this, Tang Nuanhua left without looking back.

Only Quan Zhichen and Yan Jie were left in the ward. After some twists and turns, the two finally settled down, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Achen, this time you scared me to death."

Although Quan Zhichen has been rescued, Yan Jie still feels lingering in his heart. He sighed, "You said, if something really happened to you, how can I explain it to the master?"

Quan Zhichen laughed after hearing these words, "Don't say it's you. Actually, I thought I would die, but there is no way out of the sky. I can count on this as my life."

"That's not right, as the saying goes, if you don't die in a catastrophe, there must be a blessing. This time you can be safe and sound, and you will definitely get better and better in the future." Yan Jie said with a sharp glance.

"hope so."

Quan Zhichen smiled palely, then said nothing.

It's just that he looked out the window with some blank eyes, and looked at the sky outside the window that had been completely dark, there was an indescribable melancholy in his heart.

As for what he thought, only he knew.


Twenty minutes later, Li Yuan.

After taking a taxi along the way, Tang Nuan painting finally went home.

This day can be said to be frightening. She felt very tired as well. As soon as she walked in, she quickly took off her shoes and coat, which completely relaxed.

At this time, Li Jingyi hadn't slept yet.

He has been reading in the living room while waiting for Tang Nuan to paint.

At this moment, seeing Tang Nuan painting finally returned, he quickly put down the book on hand, stood up and went forward to greet him.

"Why did you come back so late? Did anyone find it?"

"Yeah, the person has been found." Tang Nuanhua nodded, with a relieved smile on his face.

In fact, before Tang Nuan painting set off, she told Li Jingyi about her search for Quan Zhichen.

In order not to worry Li Jingyi along the way, she kept sending messages to Li Jingyi to confirm her safety until she got home safely.

At this moment, Li Jingyi saw the relaxed look on Tang Nuan's painted face and knew that this matter probably had a good result, and he couldn't help but relax a lot.

Then he asked with concern, "Have you eaten? I asked Mrs. Li to save you a midnight snack, so hurry up and eat something."

"Hmm, I happen to be hungry."

Tang Nuanhua nodded obediently, and then sat next to the dining table with Li Jingyi. At this time, Sister Li brought the supper to Tang Nuan.

It turns out that Tang Nuan painting is really hungry.

The supper that Li's sister left for Tang Nuan's painting was a piece of porridge. After Tang Nuan's painting saw the porridge, he almost felt that his saliva was about to flow out, so he quickly picked up the spoon and gulped it.

"Eat slower, no one will rob you." Li Jingyi watched the scene next to him, worried that Tang Nuan painting would choke when eating too quickly, so he reminded softly.

Tang Nuanhua nodded obediently when he heard this.

When Li Jingyi looked at Tang Nuan's paintings, his eyes were full of pampering.

After that, within a few minutes, Tang Nuan painted a bowl full of porridge.

She finally felt that her stomach was filled, and she couldn't help being satisfied.

When Sister Li stepped forward to clean up the dining table, she asked Tang Nuan to draw a line, "Madam Young, are you full? If you are not full, there is still left in the pot."

"No need, no need."

Tang Nuanhua shook his head, touched his chubby belly, smiled contentedly, "I'm completely full, don't worry."

"Yeah! That's good." Sister Li packed up the tableware and went down.

And Li Jingyi and Tang Nuan painting then returned to the room. After arriving in the room, Tang Nuan painting began to prepare to pack the things to wash.

Just as he was packing up, Li Jingyi mentioned one thing.

He said softly and warmly, "Nuanhua, did you know that our wedding date has been set."

"Ah, really?"

When Tang Nuanhua heard this, he felt a little surprised instantly.

Hastily put down the action on hand, ran to Li Jingyi and sat down, and then asked excitedly, "What day is that? Mom, have you already decided on it?"

"Well, Mom and Grandma, everything has been arranged."

Li Jingyi nodded, and then said, "Mom said that your belly is getting bigger and bigger. If you get pregnant without marriage, it will not be very good for you or me, so it's best to get married early."

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