However, people always think of ways.

Tang Nuanhua thought for a while, and suddenly remembered that when film directors look for actresses, they seem to be looking for actresses to audition, right?

At that time, the cosmeceutical product produced by their company happens to be shooting a series of videos to advertise the product...


Suddenly, Tang Nuan's mind flashed.

She made a suggestion, "Nanxiang, why don't we send out this announcement to find a spokesperson for a sea election?"

"At that time, we will launch an audition event to see who is most suitable and use whom, what do you think?"

"Well, this is a good way!"

Lin Nanxiang nodded vigorously as soon as he heard Tang Nuan's painting proposal, very much in favor of Tang Nuan's painting.

However, she added a few suggestions, "Nuanhua, if we conduct a national audition, it will not make much sense. After all, even if there are such beautiful amateurs, they are not famous and can't carry goods. what."

"So I thought, Nuanhua, why don't we just choose between actresses in the entertainment industry?"

"Well, that's fine too."

Tang Nuan nodded after hearing it, and had to admit that this was indeed more thoughtful.

In this way, the two reached a consensus.

So next, this plan went on smoothly.

In the next few days, both Tang Nuanhua and Lin Nanxiang were busy looking for spokespersons for the company's products.

The entertainment industry is already small, and news spread quickly.

So soon many actresses signed up for this audition selection.

Tang Nuan painting is naturally very busy.

In order to make the selection smooth, Tang Nuanhua even spent a lot of money and invited a well-known director to personally select people and shoot the commercial.

Suddenly, this audition became even taller.


Two or three days later, the audition event officially began.

Facts have proved that the cosmeceutical brand created by Tang Nuanhua is indeed a hot advertising endorsement.

Because on the day of the audition, Tang Nuan painted at the audition site and saw countless popular actresses, including some popular little flowers, etc., first-tier and second-tier actresses came over.

For a time, a group of beauties all sat in a pile, it was almost.

After that, Tang Nuanhua sat in front of the instrument with the director and began to watch the actresses audition one by one.

I have to admit that this group of female stars is indeed a natural beauty.

In order to be able to see the true skin conditions of these female stars, Tang Nuanhua asked before the audition. To come for the audition today, it must be in a bare face state.

So now, the female stars are basically all without makeup.

But when they appear in front of the camera, even if they are facing a strong spotlight, even if they are shot by such a high-definition lens, their skin is surprisingly good!

Gee tee.

Lin Nanxiang saw these good skins and couldn't help but exclaimed, thinking that the skins of these female stars are really good.

Sure enough, a celebrity is a celebrity, and it is not something ordinary people can do.

Tang Nuanhua just laughed when he heard this, and then concentrated on examining the female stars with the director.

In fact, there is no requirement for this audition, just show it at will.

The only death requirement is to read a line, which is the slogan of the cosmeceutical brand launched by the Tang Group-"Early Tang".

"With safe products, the more you live, the younger you are. I am the brand spokesperson for the early Tang Dynasty cosmeceuticals. If you want to choose a good product, follow me and choose the early Tang cosmeceuticals!"

It's that simple sentence.

However, although this line is very simple, it tests the expressiveness of the actresses.

They must put out their best state, and at the same time they enjoy saying this line, they must also make people feel attractive.

According to the director, it is the feeling that people look at the advertisement and want to follow them to buy.

The rules of the campaign are as follows: every actress has three opportunities to perform. During these three opportunities, they can constantly adjust their state in order to show their best side.

However, it turns out that it is indeed difficult to find a suitable spokesperson.

Although these female celebrities are all very beautiful, their skins are very good in all states of plain makeup, and they are also very expressive.

I don't know why, when they read this line, they just don't feel anything.

If Tang Nuanhua saw such an advertisement, she thought to herself, she would definitely not buy this cosmetic.

Let alone the director, he is such a harsh person who doesn't know how many times he shakes his head, and keeps saying, "Next, next, next..."

In this way, the female stars changed one after another, round after round.

Unknowingly, all the female stars have already tried.


The director looked at the actress in the camera, and shook his head dissatisfied.

As a result, the staff on the side stepped forward and said softly, "Director, no, there is no next one. This is the last one..."

"What? Is it the last one so soon? How many actresses came to audition today?" the director asked.

The staff answered honestly, "Director, there are 30 female stars in all."

"Thirty? Why is it so small?"

The director asked strangely, "What about the good audition? Only 30 people, what to choose?"


Speaking of this, the staff was a little embarrassed and looked at the painting of Tang Nuan behind the director.

Then he explained embarrassingly, "The director, the boss of the Tang Group has requested that the female stars we are looking for must be first-tier and second-tier female stars, and they do not want third-tier and lower female stars, so those who come to audition will so little……"

"What? It must be first-tier and second-tier? Is it so demanding?"

The director was surprised when he heard this.

He is a direct person, so he turned his head directly and asked Tang Nuanhua, "Miss Tang, does the spokesperson chosen by your company have to be a female celebrity who requires first-line and second-line?"

"Ah? I haven't asked for it like this." Tang Nuan was stunned.

She shook her head, thinking that she had never made this request.

Tang Nuan has never criticized whether she is a first-line, second-line or third-line female star.

She felt that as long as it was appropriate, it was enough to have a little fame, after all, it was necessary to promote later.

Besides, spokespersons are important, but the product itself is king.

The celebrity's reputation, to put it bluntly, is only used for publicity.

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