In fact, as long as the product is easy to use, even if it is a third-line star endorsement, after the promotion is done, it can still sell well.

But if the product is not easy to use, even the most popular female celebrity may not be able to bring the goods.

Therefore, Tang Nuan painting's requirements in selecting spokespersons are not particularly harsh.

Because she was not looking for the famous one, but the most suitable one.

As for the first-line and second-line, Tang Nuan painting doesn't care at all, okay?

"Sorry for Nuanhua, this request, yes, I made it."

At this time, Lin Nanxiang on the side spoke silently.


Tang Nuan was taken aback for a while, then saw Lin Nanxiang a little sorry, scratching his head.

Lin Nanxiang explained embarrassingly, "Nuanhua, sorry, I thought that the spokesperson our company was looking for must be a well-known female celebrity in order to carry the goods. Therefore, I did not consider those third-tier and fourth-tier. Female star."

"But I didn't expect that Nuanhua, you don't have any requirements for the celebrity position of an artist... I'm sorry, it's because I have not considered it thoroughly."

With that, Lin Nanxiang bowed slightly to Tang Nuan painting, expressing his apologies.

Tang Nuanhua realized that it was Lin Nanxiang who set the threshold for the audition, which led to so few people coming to the audition.

However, this cannot be blamed on Lin Nanxiang.

Tang Nuanhua knew that whatever Lin Nanxiang did, he was thinking about the company.

So Tang Nuan painted a smile quickly, and went straight over, took Lin Nanxiang's hand and comforted, "It's okay, it's not a big deal, it's not to blame you, your request is for the sake of the company, it doesn't matter. ."


Lin Nanxiang nodded when he heard this, and was very moved by Tang Nuan's generous painting.

Then, Tang Nuanhua turned around and said to the director, "I'm sorry, director, since we didn't find a suitable spokesperson today, then we will relax the requirements, hire more people, and audition again."

"Okay, that's the only thing." The director nodded, without comment.

After all, Tang Nuan painting was the one who invested, and the director put it bluntly, it was only Tang Nuan painting invited to guide it.

Therefore, Tang Nuan painting has said that it can be delayed, and the director naturally has nothing to say.

But at this moment, Tang Nuanhua suddenly asked curiously, "By the way, the director, do you think we have been looking for so long, what type of spokesperson are we looking for?"

With so many actresses selected, none of them are what the director wants.

So Tang Nuan painting is really curious, what kind of female celebrity, what looks and temperament are suitable to be the spokesperson of their products?


The director hesitated at this moment, and said with some embarrassment, "In fact, this thing about temperament is really hard to say."

"When I was making movies and selecting actresses, I never imagined in my mind what the actress must look like, what kind of temperament it must be. But when the right actress appeared, We only have to look at it and we can determine at a glance that that is the person I am looking for."

"So, looking for an actress of what type, it's really possible, this is a kind of sensory intuition, do you know what I mean?"

"Uh, I probably understand."

Tang Nuanhua nodded, vaguely understanding the director's meaning.

"As for your cosmeceutical product..."

The director seemed to think for a while, and then hesitated to say, "Although I can't think of what the appearance of the person who can endorse your product looks like, according to the information you provided, including your product The characteristics, I can probably understand that the spokesperson I am looking for must look good and have good skin and temperament. It is best to look milder, and the face is best to be delicate, but not aggressive. That's the best."

"Also, you see, this line that you designed is originally a plain line. If it is a person with a strong personality, and a person with a gentle personality, it must be a different feeling. and so……"

Halfway through the conversation, the director suddenly got stuck.

Tang Nuanhua frowned strangely and asked, "So what?"

As soon as she raised her head, Tang Nuanhua unexpectedly found that the director's gaze fell straight on her face.


Tang Nuanhua thought that the director was in a daze, so he could not help but stretched out his hand and shook it before the director's eyes.

As a result, the director remained unmoved, still staring at Tang Nuan's face tightly.

That feeling was very strange, as if seeing some treasure.

The director's gaze was straightforward and uncomfortable.

Tang Nuanhua couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed. He reached out his hand and touched his face, and asked with a puzzled look, "Is there something on my face? Director?"

"No." The director shook his head.

"Nothing, then, then why are you looking at me all the time?" Tang Nuan couldn't figure it out.

She thought it would be nice. Why is the director looking at herself directly? Is there anything strange about her?

However, what Tang Nuanhua didn't know was that at just a moment, the director saw a different temperament from Tang Nuanhua.

In fact, the director is all about auditioning today, and he has never looked at Tang Nuan's painting carefully, and he has not noticed what Tang Nuan's painting looks like.

At this moment, the director took a close look at Tang Nuan painting, and suddenly found that the girl in front of him was very energetic!

Tang Nuan's picture was ruddy, his eyes were big, his nose was high, and his mouth was small. The whole person looked very delicate, but he just didn't have any attack power.

In addition, when Tang Nuan painted, the temperament that he was born with when he spoke, gave people a very comfortable feeling.

For a time, the director almost got lost in it.

I don’t know if it’s a ghost. Suddenly, the director made a suggestion, "Miss Tang, I think you look pretty and exquisite, and your state feels good, or else this time the spokesperson of your product , Is it up to you?"


! ! !


Tang Nuanhua almost dropped his jaw when he heard this.

"Yes, it's you!"

The director seemed to have dug a treasure, almost beaming his eyes and said, "Miss Tang, I think your temperament and your looks are very suitable to be the spokesperson for this time! Or you can try Right!"

"No, no! Director, don't be joking, I can't."

Tang Nuan's painting was a little frightened, and he said three no in one breath, shook his head and waved his hand.

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