However, An Ruoqing didn't want to let go of this servant.

Her emotions seemed to have reached the extreme, An Ruoqing snorted directly and gritted her teeth and said, "Come on, don't pretend to me!"

"Don't think I don't know. Everyone of you now looks at me upset, everyone laughs at me in your heart! You are all down to me in your heart, don't you!"

"Ah, I don't have any, ma'am, I really don't have any..."

All of a sudden, the servant's ears were about to be unscrewed, and he really cried directly.

She cried and said, "Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu hasn't eaten or drink, you have been dehydrated and lost a lot. Ah, ma'am!"


At the same time, a familiar male voice suddenly came from the door.

An Ruoqing's originally angry emotion was suddenly interrupted when she heard this voice.

After that, An Ruoqing turned around almost immediately, and then saw Gu Jun at a glance.

"Gu Jun, Gu Jun, you are back!"

Seeing Gu Jun, An Ruoqing seemed to regain her soul instantly, and she immediately ran towards Gu Jun excitedly.

When he ran to Gu Jun, An Ruoqing still wondered if he was dreaming.

And when her hand touched Gu Jun in person, An Ruoqing soberly realized that she was not dreaming! Gu Jun in front of you is real!

"Gu Jun, why have you lost such a big circle during this period of time? And where did you go? Why can't I contact you, oh oh oh!"

Not knowing what was wrong, An Ruoqing suddenly cried.

Gu Jun saw this scene, but his eyes were full of indifference.

Just thinking of this woman, who was also Song Yijun's aunt anyway, she had treated Song Yijun well before, so Gu Jun reluctantly corrected her attitude.

He said soothingly, "Madam, I'm back."

An Ruoqing nodded when she heard this, and said while wiping her tears, "It's good to come back, it's good to come back!"

Although Song Yijun has completely left now, An Ruoqing feels more cordial as long as he can see Gu Jun next to Song Yijun.

However, Gu Jun did not want to talk nonsense.

He directly spoke to An Ruoqing, and said in a cold voice, "Madam, I am coming back this time to avenge Miss."


An Ruoqing was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't quite understand what Gu Jun meant.

Then Gu Jun said, "Madam, when the young lady was alive, there were still a lot of hatreds and she still had many unfulfilled wishes... Therefore, I came back this time to fulfill these wishes for the young lady."

"Fulfill your wish?"

An Ruoqing still didn't quite understand the meaning of these words.

She had to ask, "For example?"

"For example, seek revenge from the Song family!" Gu Jun's voice suddenly became sonorous and powerful.

Then Gu Jun talked about his plan to An Ruoqing, and An Ruoqing listened carefully.

The rough meaning is that Gu Jun decided to stay in this city and inherit everything that Song Yijun left behind.

Then, he will replace Song Yijun and take revenge on the unfair fate of the past.

In other words, Gu Jun wants to replace Song Yijun and live again.

After Gu Jun had finished speaking, An Ruoqing had to show suspicion.

She looked at Gu Jun unbelievably and asked, "Gu Jun, why did you pay so much for Yijun?"


At this point, Gu Jun was inexplicably choked up.

Afterwards, Gu Jun almost categorically told An Ruoqing, "Madam, for the young lady, I can do anything, whether she is alive or dead."


An Ruoqing was very moved when he heard the words, and sighed moved, and then asked, "What about your own life? Do you want to live for Yijun for the rest of your life? What about yourself?"


Gu Jun suddenly smiled coldly.

In fact, he didn't think about himself, he didn't think about it, he wanted to start a new life, he also tried.

Unfortunately, Gu Jun couldn't do it.

His fate has long been tied to Song Yijun, and Gu Jun has long been accustomed to the days when Song Yijun is by his side.

Even if Song Yijun had a bad personality and often yelled at him, Gu Jun didn't care.

He only needs one Song Yijun, as long as she is there.

But now, Song Yijun seems to be a fragile bone, saying that he died prematurely.

There is no way to live on leaving Gu Jun alone.

I thought about dying rashly, but Gu Jun felt unwilling again, thinking that even if he entered Huangquan, Song Yijun would not forgive him.

Therefore, Gu Jun made up his mind and planned to live on for Song Yijun.

As for himself... he has no himself long ago.

"Oh... Gu Jun, I'm really touched if you think so, Yijun is lucky to meet someone who loves her like you in this life."

An Ruoqing sighed at this moment, feeling very moved.

Moving back to moving, An Ruoqing quickly returned to reason.

After that, she almost said to Gu Jun without hesitation, "Okay, I will help you."


"You are right. When Yijun was alive, he was indeed wronged too much. We can't just forget the grudges and grievances of the past just because Yijun died."

Speaking, An Ruoqing looked at Gu Jun, and suddenly walked over, gently raised his hand, stroked, and touched Gu Jun's face.

Her tone was distressed, "Good boy, I'm sorry you are so worried about Yijun."

"Since you have decided to live on behalf of Yijun in the future, from now on, you can treat me as your own aunt."

"Auntie promises that as long as Auntie lives in this world for one day, I will try my best to help you!"

"Well, then, thank you Auntie." Gu Jun shouted strangely.

An Ruoqing shook her head, her eyes full of affection and love.

Then she directly greeted a servant and said, "Go, give Gu Jun, no, make a bed for Master Gu! From now on, he will live in our house."


The servant nodded after hearing this, and then proceeded to follow An Ruoqing's instructions.

But Gu Jun's heart is still at the moment.

He calmly looked at the familiar house in front of him, and in his mind there was even a figure of Song Yijun walking up and down here.

Gu Jun even felt that Song Yijun had not left, as if he was always by his side.

Thinking about it this way, Gu Jun felt inexplicably more of a sense of stability.

Afterwards, Gu Jun silently thought, Miss, don't worry! This time, I will never let you down again.

For your kindness and grievances, I will avenge you one by one.

I will let you rest under the nine springs.

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