The next day, the Tang Group.

Tang Nuanhua has been very busy these days, seeing that New Year's Day is coming soon, and the Spring Festival after New Year's Day, the company's affairs suddenly become more.

In addition, a while ago, the self-branded cosmeceuticals endorsed by Tang Nuan painting became popular directly online, and the company had to carry out a series of preferential activities and so on... Tang Nuan painting had already lost its skills.

As for what happened to Gu Jun, Tang Nuan naturally knew nothing about painting.

Since Song Yijun's death, Tang Nuanhua thought that life had completely calmed down, so he didn't care too much.

Until this day, Chu Chen hurried into the office and reported a news to Tang Nuanhua.

"It's not good, Miss, I heard that Song Qianran is dead!" Chu Chen ran to Tang Nuan's screen and said nervously.


Tang Nuan's paintings didn't even react. Who was Chu Chen just talking about? Who died?

"Miss, it is Song Qianran, Song Qianran, Song Qianying's younger brother!" Chu Chen reminded.

Tang Nuanhua suddenly remembered, isn't Song Qianran just the daughter of the Song family, Song Qianying's younger brother?

But how could a good person die? Could it be that what happened?

Thinking of this, Tang Nuan asked, "What the **** is going on?"

Then Chu Chen sighed, "Hey, it's a car accident."

In fact, Chu Chen just saw the news in the newspaper. It was said that Song Qianran went to the nightclub last night to dance, and ended up driving drunk on the way home, and then had a car accident.

"Hey, I heard that people died terribly, and the entire skull was directly lifted, bloody." At this point, Chu Chen felt a little inexplicable, and she couldn't help but shudder all over.

When Tang Nuanhua heard this, he couldn't help but fill in a picture in his mind, and couldn't help but shudder, feeling that the hair on his body was about to stand up.

Song Qianran should be in his early twenties this year, right?

Hey, a good young man is gone, and his life is too fragile.

But after thinking about it, Chu Chen just said that Song Qianran had an accident because of a drunk driving, and Tang Nuan suddenly felt that it was not strange at all.

So why do I have to drive drunk?

Why can't you think about it like this?

There is no one who doesn't get wet shoes when walking by the river. It's good now, and I lost my life after drinking a drink.

"Hey hello, what are you talking about?"

At this time, Lin Nanxiang came in with two cups of tea from outside the office. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Tang Nuan painting and Chu Chen talking in a serious atmosphere, and couldn't help but join in the fun.

Chu Chen had to say it again, "Mr. Lin, don't you know? Just now I saw the news that it was Song Qianran, the young master of the Song family, who died while driving in a car accident last night."

"What? Song Qianran is dead?"

Lin Nanxiang was shocked when he heard the news.

She looked a pity, and then sighed in disbelief, "Why did another one die? What can the Song family do?"


When Tang Nuanhua heard the news from the sidelines, he was very confused, wondering what does it mean to die again?

"Nanxiang, why would you say that another person died? Did anyone else die before?" Tang Nuanhua asked curiously, widening his eyes.

"Um... don't you know Nuan Painting?" Lin Nanxiang also looked at Tang Nuan's painting strangely.

Tang Nuanhua and Chu Chen shook their heads when they heard this.

Lin Nanxiang said afterwards, "Don't you know that Song Qianying also died unexpectedly a few days ago?"

"What? Song Qianying also..."

Tang Nuan painting was completely silly now.

For a while, she couldn't react to anything in her heart, thinking why Song Qianying was also dead? When did she die? What's the situation?

Tang Nuan painting still clearly remembered Song Qianying's request for help more than a month ago. How could Song Qianying actually... and she didn't know anything about it?

"Hey, it seems that the Song Group is hiding too tightly. I thought you knew it, so I didn't tell you." Lin Nanxiang whispered.

Then Lin Nanxiang looked at the paintings of Tang Nuan and Chu Chen didn’t know what was going on, so he explained roughly, “Actually, I also heard the news. It seems that on the day Song Yijun died, Song Qianying also died with her. I heard that it was in the wilderness, where someone directly pierced the carotid artery with a knife, causing death."

"Also, I also heard that Song Yijun seemed to have done all this, because Song Yijun's body flowed down the river, and that river happened to pass the place where Song Qianying died, so..."

"All in all, it's a pity that people are gone like this! There are only two children in the Song family, one son and one daughter, but now they are all gone. Hey, the second elder of the Song family will probably collapse, right?"

After speaking, Lin Nanxiang sighed, silently feeling sad for the Song family.

But Tang Nuanhua was completely stunned at this moment, she thought how could this be?

There were only two children in the Song family, but now they are all gone one after the other... The two old people send white-haired people to black-haired people again and again, how sad in their hearts!

Coupled with the huge company and the heavy work, it all fell on the second elder of the Song family!

Oh my God, Tang Nuan just thinks about painting, and feels like a chill in his heart.

After all, a good family, such a family was destroyed... All of this was too cruel for the two elderly people.

However, even if it is a pity in his heart, Tang Nuan painting can't do anything to evaluate. Who can the Song family blame for this step?

This is the cause they planted themselves and the result they got.

Although it is indeed a bit pitiful, but sometimes fate is so indifferent, whether the disease should come, aging, natural disasters and man-made disasters, in short, everything is indispensable.

Even if Tang Nuan painting feels extraordinarily regrettable, regrettable, it is helpless.

In the end, Tang Nuan’s painting just whispered, “Nanxiang, if you have time, please send me some tonics to the Song’s house, so comfort the two elderly people, so that they can change their grief, and remember to take good care of their bodies. In any case, they are getting older. Good health is the most important thing."

"Well, that's the only way." Lin Nanxiang nodded, and then went to follow suit.

So in the afternoon, Lin Nanxiang personally came to Song's house with supplements.

In order to better calm the emotions of the two old people, Lin Nanxiang took a few deep breaths and adjusted his state before entering the Song family mansion.

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