After adjusting himself, Lin Nanxiang raised his hand and pressed the doorbell.

"Ding Dong!"

"Ding Dong!"

"Ding Dong!"

The doorbell rang several times, but no one came to open the door for a long time.

"It's weird, isn't there anyone here?" Lin Nanxiang murmured to himself.

After that, I thought that too, after all, the Song family had just passed away, and the two old people should be in the funeral home at this moment.

It seems that she has gone in the wrong place.

Thinking about this, Lin Nanxiang turned around and left.

But at the moment Lin Nanxiang turned around, the door of the Song family mansion behind him suddenly made a dull sound.

The door opened.

It was a door opened by an old cook in an apron.

After opening the door, she looked at Lin Nanxiang outside the door very strangely, but still asked politely, "Miss, may I ask you?"

"Oh, hello, auntie, this is Lin Nanxiang. Today I came to visit Master Song and Mrs. Song specially." Lin Nanxiang nodded very politely.

As a result, the chef was a little surprised when she heard this, she cast her eyebrows at the gift Lin Nanxiang was holding, and asked suspiciously, "Are you sure you are looking for the master and wife?"

"Yes, is there any problem?" Lin Nanxiang asked strangely.

"No, no, it's just that the feelings of the master and wife are very unstable now, or you should come back another day, miss." The cook said helplessly, and she was about to close the door.

At this moment, Lin Nanxiang suddenly squeezed forward, "Auntie, it doesn't matter!"

"I know what happened. The reason why I am here is to talk to Master Song and Mrs. Song."

Hearing this, the cook stopped.

She looked at Lin Nanxiang up and down again, and Lin Nanxiang nodded sincerely to the cook.

A few worries passed in the chef's eyes at this time, and she didn't know what she was thinking, but after that, she still nodded.

After that, Lin Nanxiang followed behind the cook.

After entering the Song family mansion, Lin Nanxiang suddenly found that this house was exceptionally deserted.

In the huge luxury villa, except for the cook in front of you, you can't even see the shadow of a servant.

"Where are you people here?" Lin Nanxiang couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Let's go." The cook said calmly.

In fact, in the past two days, after these things happened in the Song family, Mr. Song and Mrs. Song seemed to be crazy and drove away all the servants in the family, leaving only such a cook to cook for them.

Almost overnight, Master Song and Mrs. Song all turned white, their faces were exhausted, and their state was extremely unstable.

Therefore, when the chef brought Lin Nanxiang to the house of Mrs. Song and Mrs. Song, she also specifically told Lin Nanxiang, "Miss Lin, the master and wife are in the room now, but their emotions are really different. Be stable, you remember to be careful."


Lin Nanxiang nodded.

After that, the cook left first, leaving Lin Nanxiang standing at the door of the room, taking a deep breath.

Then he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!

"Master Song, Mrs. Song, are you there?" Lin Nanxiang asked tentatively.

At this moment, there was a crackling noise in the room, like a vase, which was lifted and fell to the ground.

A fierce woman's voice sounded, "Who are you? Get out of me, get out of me!"

Then, it seemed that a heavy object had been hit on the door, and the door in front of Lin Nanxiang made a loud bang.

Lin Nanxiang couldn't help feeling a cold sweat, thinking that it seemed that the cook was right. This was the emotions of Master Song and Mrs. Song, and it was extremely unstable.

Helpless, Lin Nanxiang had no choice but to soften his tone and try to communicate, "Master Song, Mrs. Song, I am the boss of the Tang Group. Tang Nuan sent me to come here. Can the two of you open the door to see me? Anything? Let's say it well."

At this time, there was no movement in the room.

Lin Nanxiang frowned strangely, wondering what these two old people are doing in the room?

As a result, at this moment, the door in front of Lin Nanxiang was suddenly opened.

The person who opened the door was Mrs. Song, who was Lin Jiaohua.

She stood in front of Lin Nanxiang with an extremely vicissitudes of life and withered face.

Lin Nanxiang was almost taken aback, but she forced herself to calm down, and then squeezed out a smile, and said to Lin Jiaohua in front of her, "Sorry, Mrs. Song, I'm bothering you."

"You said you came from the Tang Nuan School?" Lin Jiaohua asked coldly.

Lin Nanxiang nodded, "Yes."

Then he picked up the tonic in his hand and said warmly, "Mrs. Song, these are the warm paintings that I brought here. She already knows everything. Let me come to comfort you and comfort your emotions, and let you two mourn. Take it easy, don’t be too sad, your body is the most important thing."

"Haha, I'm sorry to change, my two children are dead, how can you let me to change my sorrow?" Lin Jiaohua was coldly ironic.

Lin Nanxiang looked a little embarrassed when he heard this, but still calmed down, "All in all, I hope you two elderly people will not be too sad."

In the end, Lin Jiaohua didn't bother to listen to this. She just took Lin Nanxiang's hand directly and said, "You come in with me, I have something to tell you."

Then Lin Nanxiang was pulled into the room by Lin Jiaohua, and the door was closed.

Lin Nanxiang felt very strange, but still couldn't react, Lin Jiaohua directly pressed her on the sofa in the room.

Master Song was also in the room at this moment. He suddenly went to the window and closed all the curtains.

The whole room was so dark.

"Master Song, Mrs. Song, what are you doing?"

Seeing this scene, Lin Nanxiang felt a little flustered inexplicably, wondering what the two old people wanted to do.

Fortunately, Mrs. Song said, "Miss Lin, don't worry, we are not malicious, but there are some things that we have to tell you secretly."

Lin Nanxiang was even more strange when he heard this.

But seeing Master Song and Mrs. Song in front of them, they both looked serious, so Lin Nanxiang didn't ask much, and quietly waited for Lin Jiaohua's following.

"Miss Lin, do you know why we are hiding in this room?" Lin Jiaohua said with a strange expression on her face.

"Why?" Lin Nanxiang asked.

"Because there is danger outside!" Lin Jiaohua suddenly narrowed her eyes.

When Lin Nanxiang heard this, Mrs. Song in front of her felt a little nervous.

But she kept calm and asked, "What is the danger outside?"

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