It seems that the two of them are really just ordinary friends, but they were misunderstood by the media.

Everyone is finally relieved.

Then, everyone no longer rejected Quan Zhichen so much.

Gu Yunzheng let go of his throat and said to Quan Zhichen, "Brother, you are a guest when you come! Since you are a friend of Nuanhua, then you are Jing Yi's friend, and since you are Jing Yi's friend, then you are My friend. Come, on such a good day, let's have a drink!"


Quan Zhichen was a little frightened by this enthusiastic attitude.

But then, he quickly raised the wine glass, clinked the glass with Gu Yunzheng, and drank it all in one go.

When Lan Sixia on the side saw this scene, she felt a little bit jammed in her heart, so she picked up the wine glass and had a drink with them.

Of course, Bai Ye couldn't fall. Whatever Lan Sixia did, he also had to follow along.

So soon, Gu Yunzheng, Quan Zhichen, Lan Sixia, and Bai Ye gathered together to drink.

Mu Wushuang looked worried on the side, and kept telling Gu Yunzheng, "You have a sense of measure in your heart. You have to attend the dinner at night, don't get yourself drunk."

"Yeah, I know, thank you wife for reminding me." Gu Yunzheng responded with a smile.

When Mu Wushuang heard this, his face blushed, and he groaned, "Who is your wife?"

Then he smiled and turned his head to chat with Tang Nuanhua and others.

And Li Jingyi has always been a dull person, so he just watched this scene silently, with a slight smile on his face.

At this moment, Xu Mo walked over in a straight suit and said to Li Jingyi, "President, you have some friends here."


"Well, it's the assembly camp. There are friends from the alliance. They said they knew you were married and gave you a generous gift."

Xu Mo replied, hesitating when he said, "However, they said it is not convenient to come here, so..."

"I know."

There is no need to say clearly what comes later, Li Jingyi already understands it.

The global elite alliance, as well as the elite assembly camps, have always been relatively secretive, and it is indeed not suitable to show up on such occasions.

Li Jingyi had no choice but to get to Tang Nuan's painting ears quietly, and said to Tang Nuan's painting, "The people from the assembly camp are here, I'll entertain you first."

Tang Nuanhua nodded, and then Li Jingyi got up and left.

However, Tang Nuanhua was a little tired from sitting at the moment. In addition, he didn't sleep well at night, and he got up earlier in the morning and was a little sleepy.

Just stand up, Tang Nuan painted waved to several people, "You eat and drink first, I'm a little tired, go take a rest."

Several people had no opinion, and then Tang Nuan painted and left first.

As for the remaining Mu Wushuang and Gu Yunzheng, Lan Si Xia Quan Zhichen and others, they all sat together drinking and chatting happily.

Lin Nanxiang was finally able to meet Bai Ye, and the two of them also left the crowd, found a place, and went secretly.

But for a while, the lounge.

The old lady is still in the lounge now, chatting with a few grannies of the same age.

Seeing that Tang Nuan's painting came back, he quickly smiled and introduced Tang Nuan's painting to the grandmother next to her, "Look, this is my well-behaved grandson-in-law, how lovely."

"Yes, yeah, what a watery person!"

Those old grannies around saw Tang Nuan's paintings, and saw that she was so beautiful, and she could pinch water out of her tender skin. They all loved them.

And Tang Nuan painting is also very polite. Seeing so many grandma here, she is also very polite and sensible to say hello to everyone, "Hello grandma."

Seeing that Tang Nuan's painting was so sensible, several old people nodded and looked at each other immediately, and were more satisfied with Tang Nuan's painting.

The vanity of the old lady was also satisfied in an instant.

Then she looked back graciously and asked Tang Nuanhua, "Girl, weren't you outside just now? Why did you come back?"

"Oh, I'm a little tired outside, just want to come in and rest."

Tang Nuan painted a clever explanation, rubbing his eyes, "I didn't sleep well last night, I was so sleepy."

Hearing this, several elderly people around suddenly laughed.

Then they laughed one by one, "In this world, there is no bride who is not sleepy. We used to get up early in the morning when we ended up. Can this not be sleepy?"

"Yes, plus I'm very nervous, it's normal to be sleepy."

The old lady also smiled.

Then he looked at Tang Nuan's painting with concern, "Nuanhua, or you can just sleep here for a while, let's go out, you have a good rest."

He said that he was going to pull a few old women to stand up together to make room for Tang Nuan.

Tang Nuanhua saw this scene and quickly stopped, "Oh, don't stop, grandma, I'm just a little tired, how can I disturb you?"

She is a young man, how embarrassed to let her elders make room for herself to sleep?

Tang Nuanhua quickly smiled, "Grandma, just sit here, I can find another place to sleep."

After speaking, Tang Nuanhua walked out carrying his wedding dress.

This move instantly made several old women's impression of Tang Nuan's paintings even better.

The old lady also nodded, feeling very pleased.

After Tang Nuanhua came out carrying the wedding dress, she really had a headache, because there was no place to rest.

Tang Nuanhua rubbed his head with a headache, and then thought, or just find a more secret place, just rest and rest.

As she walked, she came to a dressing room.

Glancing at the door of the dressing room, there is indeed the word dressing room pasted, and Tang Nuan doesn't think much about painting.

Open the door directly, walk inside, find a sofa, lie down, and fall asleep.

Perhaps it was the reason why the heating in the room was fully turned on. Tang Nuanhua was only wearing a wedding dress, but he didn't feel cold, so he just fell asleep.

She didn't know, she just slept for several hours.


At this time, a hospitality room in the backstage of the castle.

Under the leadership of Xu Mo, Tang Nuan painting walked directly here, and then opened the door.

The moment he opened the door, a figure rushed up quickly.

"Oh brother, happy wedding, but you want me to die!"

Wuying couldn't control his excitement, and hugged Li Jingyi tightly.

Li Jingyi almost choked on blood, and quickly pulled Bai Ye off of him, and smiled, "Enough, isn't it?"

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time, people miss you." Wuying said slyly like a baby, exactly the same as the old face.

Li Jingyi was helpless.

But soon Wuying returned to normal, and then said to Li Jingyi, "Brother, today is a good day for you to get married, and a few brothers and I have come to see you, it's interesting."

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