Speaking of Wuying, he turned sideways slightly, allowing Li Jingyi to look at the people behind him.

Li Jingyi took a closer look at this moment and found that in the reception room, there were indeed a few people who assembled camps and alliances.

Black, Dunn and others are here.

When several people saw Li Jingyi, they all showed hearty smiles, "Boss, happy newlywed."

"Happy newlywed boss."

"Happy newlywed, deputy leader."

Hearing this, Li Jingyi also smiled faintly, nodded to several people, "It's been a long time, sit down."

Then the group waited and sat down.

After sitting down, a few people chatted first, and after a few words, Wuying took out the generous gift he had prepared in advance.

"Jing Yi, do you want to know what gift I am preparing this time?" Wuying laughed.

"That's it."

Li Jingyi didn't care, he was never interested in guessing.

When Blake and Dunn heard this, they all laughed. As expected, Li Jingyi was still Li Jingyi, always so reticent.

Then Wuying had no choice but to stop selling it. He smiled, and then took out a large square gift box, a document bag, and a box of wine on the ground.

"Look, Jing Yi, these are all prepared for you by the assembly camp." Wuying laughed.

Hearing this, Li Jingyi glanced at the wine on the ground subconsciously, then looked at the document bag in Wuying's hand.

Afterwards, Li Jingyi directly reached out from Wuying's hand and took the document bag.

Then take out the files inside and take a closer look.

No, Li Jingyi's face changed directly as he watched.

"Hey, how about Jing Yi, do you still like this gift?" Wuying said with a smile from the side.

While smiling, open the square box.

Subsequently, a large seal was directly pushed to Li Jingyi's face.

Li Jingyi frowned.

It turns out that just now, what was written in the document was nothing else, but a transfer letter from the head of the global elite assembly camp.

"Jing Yi, the old man has already ordered him down, saying that he is too old to take care of the assembly of the British, so I want you to take over the task of the assembly camp, let you lead everyone, Jing Yi, the chief has high hopes for you. ."

Wuying said calmly, and while speaking, he opened the wine box on the ground and took out a bottle of good old wine from it.

"You see, this wine is a brew that the chief has kept for many years. He specially asked me to bring it to you."

"Yeah yeah."

The surrounding Blake and Dunn nodded their heads after hearing this. They thought this would be a big surprise for Li Jingyi.

No, Li Jingyi's whole expression turned wrong.

Seeing this huge seal and the agreement on the transfer of the chief in his hand, Li Jingyi's brain hurt.

Simply pushing directly, Li Jingyi pushed the agreement and the seal to Wuying again, "No need."


Wuying had a meal and looked at Li Jingyi for unknown reasons, "Jing Yi, what do you mean?"

"I'm not interested in accepting the assembly camp, you know that too, don't you?" Li Jingyi directly looked at Wuying coldly.

From a long time ago, Li Jingyi was reluctant to stay in the assembly camp. How could he be willing to return to the assembly camp now?

And this point, Wuying is clearly the most clear.

Now Wuying appeared in front of him, asking him to take over the assembly camp? what the hell!

"Brother, I know you don't want to!"

Wuying sighed heavily at this time.

Afterwards, bitterly persuaded Li Jingyi, "But I can’t help it? The assembly camp is no longer in charge. The only person the chief can count on is you. You said you won’t take over temporarily, who can Take it?"

"Couldn't you?"

Li Jingyi asked coldly.

He could hear his tone of impatience, and then he said, "Wuying, I am not interested, you know. Go back and tell the chief to ask him to find a more suitable person. I don't have the skill. "


Wuying's heart tightened when she heard this.

Then he sighed again, thinking that too, it is basically impossible to force him to do something he doesn't like.

Wuying came today and didn't expect Li Jingyi to agree directly.

He had no choice but to say, "Well, Jing Yi, since you don’t want to, the assembly camp will not force you, but I hope you can consider it. If you want to accept the assembly camp, we will still wait for you to come back. . After all, the only person that the entire assembly camp can count on now is you."


When Li Jingyi heard this, he sneered and ignored it.

For a while, the atmosphere became a little embarrassing unexpectedly.

There has always been a lot of speechlessness, but now I don't know what to say.

He simply turned his attention away, Wuying looked at the old wine that was just opened next to him, and then smiled and said, "Forget it, let's get back to the business Jing Yi, today is your wedding day, why don't we brothers have a drink together!" "

With that said, Wuying began to pour wine to the few people inside one by one.

Xu Mo was very sensible and found a few goblets, and then Wuying poured wine for everyone.

Although Li Jingyi was unwilling to take over the assembly camp, if it was just drinking, Li Jingyi still had no reason to refuse.

So next, Li Jingyi held it up all his life and put it under his nose and smelled it.

A strong mellow fragrance rushes to the face.

Just by smelling the smell, Li Jingyi knew that it must be good wine.

Then Li Jingyi touched a glass with a few people and drank it all in one go.

After that, Wuying was also very acquainted, and did not continue to talk about the assembly camp, only to respect Li Jingyi a few more glasses of wine, it was content.

About half an hour later.

"Okay, Jing Yi, I have taken up enough of your time, do you still have things to do? We have a few brothers, so I won't bother you."

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Wuying said contentedly.

When Li Jingyi heard this, he nodded slightly, but felt something was wrong in his heart.

You know, before, Wuying this guy only had to find him for a drink, and that would be endless.

Could it be because today, considering the day when he got married, it was more refreshing?

Maybe so.

Thinking this way, Li Jingyi felt understandable.

After that, Li Jingyi turned around and told Xu Mo, "Entertain him well."

Xu Mo nodded sensibly, "Yes."

Then Li Jingyi took a step forward.

At this moment, Wuying suddenly fixed his gaze on Xu Mo, and a deep smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He filled a glass of wine, handed it to Xu Mo, and said, "Little brother, you work by Jing Yi every day, and you are tired. Why don't you have a drink too?"

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