Today, I finally had the opportunity to come out. I can take a look at the city by the way, but I have no time to appreciate the style of this city.

Li Jingyi took the old-age machine that Wuying gave him before and sat in a dark car. No one but the driver could see Li Jingyi, and Li Jingyi was just able to hide himself.

He has to wait for someone to show up.

At this time, Wuying's jewelry company.

Wuying is still working as usual, as if nothing happened, and even hummed a small tune when he felt good. It seemed that he was in a good mood, but it was inevitable that he would be a little bit arrogant.

At this time, there was another commotion outside the company!

"No, police officers, you can't go in. You don't know how many times you have come this month. You said that you always come here and you always come here. Every time you come, you can't find anything. It doesn't make sense to come. Right?" Wuying's assistant was desperately blocking it at this time, and his voice was deliberately amplified when speaking, for the purpose of making Wuying audible.

"Hey! Here again."

Wuying was originally looking at the files on the computer, but when he heard the movement outside, he sighed faintly, wondering if this group of people would end there?

Two days later, they came to investigate, but they returned empty-handed every time, but they didn't give up again and again. What's the point?

But at least they dare not break Wuying's ceiling casually now. The 200,000 indemnity last time has scared the police officer who took the lead, so even if he comes to Wuying's company, he dare not continue to be arrogant. rash.

No, when I walked into Wuying's office, the police officer in the lead still bowed to Wuying first, and then asked respectfully, "Is Mr. Wuying going well these days?"

Wuying rolled his eyes, "Can't you tell if you are doing well?"

The police officer laughed when he heard this, "Mr. Wuying's face is radiant and full of energy, presumably life should be quite moist."

"Hmm, yeah, but if you bother me less, maybe I will have a better life."

Wuying said bluntly, and suddenly gave these detectives a face, and continued to ask coldly, "Let’s say, what is the reason for coming today? Last time you found out that Li Jingyi’s position is with me." , But you didn’t find anything. The last time you came to check the surveillance, you still didn’t find anything. What was it the last time? Oh, sorry, your excuses are so varied, I almost can’t remember , Ah, forget it, let's talk, what do you want to check again this time?"

During this period of time, these Interpol did not know how many times they came, each time they came violently, but in the end they found nothing.

It was okay to do this once or twice, but if it took a long time, Wuying would really be a little irritable.

Why, don't they need to operate a company as big as they are?

He always takes time to deal with these various things, sorry, he doesn't have the mood and the time.

With that time, Wuying thought that he might as well work hard. He is the largest jeweller in South Africa. How about a few million in business affairs?

Of course, Wuying is not uncooperative to speak seriously. He maintains a 100 cooperative attitude towards these criminal police officers. Although his mouth is a little erratic, his attitude is always willing to cooperate.

Of course, the reason for this cooperation is also because Wuying and sufficient confidence, he thought you would check it, just check it.

If I Wuying can let you find out a little bit of something, it can be regarded as your skill!

"I am very glad that Mr. Wuying, you can cooperate with me time and time again. Actually, I didn't want to check anything this time. I just wanted to ask you, has your friend contacted you recently? If you do, why not I hope you can tell us the truth."

That friend was naturally Li Jingyi.

These police officers also knew that Li Jingyi was Wuying's friend, so he was still polite.

But no matter how polite their voices were, Wuying just sneered, and shook his head decisively, "I'm sorry, no, if there is contact, of course I will tell you as soon as possible. I am a good citizen who obeys the law. Trust me."

"Really?" The leading police officer raised the corners of his mouth, but there was some connotation in his eyes, "Then why did I find a number from Wuguang Village in your communication records? You are in such a remote corner, isn't it? Will there still be friends?"

"No Light Village?"

When Wuying heard this name, Wuying was obviously stunned. Wasn't that the place where he let Li Jingyi hide? It's just that Wuying didn't expect that they could find such a remote corner?

After that, Wuying looked at the detective in front of him with a guarded look, and said, "You actually check my call records? This is my personal privacy. You check my call records, don’t you need to say hello to me? !?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wuying, we also know that this is your personal privacy, but the police handle the case very fairly and justly. If you don't have a ghost in your heart, what's the matter even if you are checked by us? Mr. Ying, we are all helpless. Who will let you keep hiding something from our police?" The police officer smiled indifferently, as if he didn't mind showing off in front of Wuying.

The dealings between them again and again made them not only exhausted and tired, but these police officers were really tired, but fortunately, this time they finally found out a little clue, which can be regarded as comforting.

"So, what do you want to express? Just relying on the positioning of an unfamiliar number to start speculating on me? Is it a bit jumpy to make a conclusion?" Wuying still looked confident and confident.

Anyway, even if they find out Wuguang Village, so what? They are a step slower after all.

Thinking of this, Wuying's appearance still contained a trace of pride, and he still didn't put the group of people in front of him in his eyes.

"Heh, doesn't Mr. Wuying know that shielding criminals is equivalent to being his accomplice? Why do you protect an international wanted criminal like this?" The police officer sarcastically said, but he thought Wuying was too stupid.

Why is it necessary to fight the Interpol repeatedly for the sake of an internationally wanted criminal who has been beaten up by everyone?

As everyone knows, Wuying has already planned everything in his heart, even in the face of provocation by the police, he is still very calm.

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