"Excuse me, even if you are a policeman, you can't say such unfounded words. If you have evidence, just show it out. If you don't have evidence, don't accuse me of anything in front of me, understand?" Wuying laughed.

"Evidence? Isn't it easy to get evidence?"

The police think this is simply funny, can they still come here to arrest people without evidence?

"Mr. Wuying, I would like to trouble you to cooperate and hand over your mobile phone. We will find out after checking the implementation." The police said blankly.

However, Wuying's face immediately changed as soon as he heard this, and there were a few lines on his forehead that were unbelievably wrinkled, "You want to check my phone?"

"Yes, Mr. Wuying, you heard it right. After investigating your call records, we found that you have been in contact with a person in Wuguang Village, and that number seems to have been set by you, any number other than you We couldn't even dial in, so we thought, it must be a bit weird, you should cooperate with our investigation." The police still said this without changing his face, but he was already secretly cheering in his heart.


Before this Wuying did not cooperate time and time again, he showed them expressions, asking them to handle the case with their tails between them, and they didn't even dare to speak loudly to Wuying.

But now they have finally caught a trace of it. Although the attitude is still not arrogant, it is indeed a lot more arrogant than before.

"Oh, but this seems to belong to my personal privacy? I have the right not to cooperate with your investigation, right?" Wuying squinted keenly, looking at the crowd in front of him, his face clearly full of resistance.

Are these people crazy?

The arrogance came over again and again before, Wuying could bear it, this time they actually want to check their mobile phone?

What do these people want to do!

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Wuying. In the face of such an important case, if you insist on not cooperating with our work, then we can only regard you as having a ghost in your heart, resisting the investigation, and can only take strong action."

Suddenly, just after hearing the police officer say this, he waved his hand to the next hand behind him, "You come forward, hold him down, and then bring the phone."


Several entourage police officers immediately stepped forward, grabbed Wuying's limbs, and restrained Wuying in such a domineering manner.

"You dare to do this to me! One by one, you have eaten the bear heart and leopard gall?"

Wuying was stunned. He had not been treated this way since he was born. The person who treated him this way was the white blood tissue last time, so Wuying has always held a grudge against the white blood tissue. I did not expect that even the police would dare to do this this time. Reluctantly.

Damn it! This group of people is tired and crooked! ?

But no matter how Wuying resisted, his mobile phone still fell into the hands of the police. After that, the police officer who took the lead tried to open the phone, only to find that the phone needed a human face to unlock.

Reluctantly, the police officer winked, "Hold him tight." After that, he walked forward quickly, swept the phone's lens to the shadowless face, and the phone was turned on.


This is the first time Wuying has hated such advanced technology! I had already set up a password lock if I knew it, what kind of face to unlock, it really hurts people.

"Huh, Mr. Wuying, you also said that there is nothing in your phone, but you sent all these messages, right?"

After getting Wuying’s mobile phone, the first thing the police officer did was to open Wuying’s communication records, but Wuying seemed to be very smart and had already cleared the communication records in advance, so there was nothing to find out in it. .

However, the information is different.

Although Wuying had cleared all the information, after some investigation by the police, the deleted information was found in the sender's recycling box.

The content inside is all in contact with Li Jingyi.

Although Wuying did not specifically note who this number belongs to, the police can be sure that this is indeed the number of Wuguang Village.

The corners of the mouth couldn't help but raised a satisfying arc. The police thought proudly that this was really what the Emperor was worthy of. After looking for clues for so long, they finally asked them to find a little bit!

What's ridiculous is this Wuying, who thought he would be fine after deleting the SMS record? Oh, if he didn't have any means, he wouldn't have come to inquire so confidently.

Afterwards, the police officer said to the people around him, "I will call this man now, you remember, keep track of this man's location at any time, and be sure to find him!"

"Yes." The police officer behind him nodded silently.

Then the police officer started to call Li Jingyi, and what he didn't notice was that there was a little jade in Wuying's nervous face at this time.

Humph, just relying on you few, also want to investigate Jing Yi's whereabouts?

To be honest, just such a little call record and information record were deliberately revealed to you by my Master Wuying. Otherwise, do you think you can really find it?

Oh, foolish dreams.

Of course, on the surface, Wuying still pretended to be very nervous, "You guys are really prepared, very good, I will remember you!"

The police officer thought he had found a bargain, and chuckled indifferently, waiting patiently for the call to be connected.

At this moment, the jewelry company is downstairs.

Li Jingyi had been waiting here for a long time, so he was not surprised when he received this call. He just looked at the increasingly dim sky outside the window, thinking that a heavy rain should be fast. Coming soon.

"Hello?" In the end, he slid to answer, Li Jingyi's voice sounded with a deep chill.

The people on the other side of the phone felt like a layer of goose bumps all over their body just hearing Li Jingyi's voice. Of course, they still had to bite the bullet and ask, "Li Jingyi, where are you?"


Li Jingyi asked calmly, not the least nervous as an "international wanted criminal."

Instead, the police officer on the other side of the phone became nervous. He swallowed his saliva and hardened his tone. "I am Interpol number A108. Now I solemnly warn you. Please immediately report where you are at this moment and where you are. Stand by for our arrest and investigation. As long as you are obedient, our police can consider a lighter punishment!"

"Is it?"

Li Jingyi sneered when he heard the opponent's pretentious tone, and couldn't help asking, "Isn't you always investigating my position? No one knows where I am better than you, right?"

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