Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 2119: Don't do things that are uncertain

"Sir! I found the location of the prisoner!"

Just as Li Jingyi's voice fell, a small police officer holding a tablet beside the police officer exclaimed.

The police officer who took the lead immediately turned his head to look at the location, and saw that the little police officer was on the map, sliding out with **** at the same time, gradually zooming in on the map.

Slowly, the red dots on the map became more and more obvious.

At this time, Li Jingyi on the phone gave the driver in front of him silently, and the driver immediately nodded intentionally, and the two reached an agreement silently.

The map is still expanding, and in the end, the map has finally expanded to the point where it can no longer be expanded.

Suddenly, only the little police officer screamed, "No Sir, this location is less than two hundred meters away from us at this moment, which means that this person should be downstairs now! "


Stunned, all the people in the office were stunned for a moment, including Wuying.

Wuying looked silly and frightened, and subconsciously shouted to the phone, "Jing Yi, run, run quickly, these policemen are in my office right now, you go!"

The police officer next to him was stimulated by Wuying, and immediately ordered, "Quickly, let's go downstairs, and we must catch the prisoner as quickly as possible!"

When the voice fell, all the police officers started to rush out.

The subordinates who clamped Wuying also let go of Wuying's hands in an instant, and threw the phone to Wuying that had not had time to hang up.

Wuying finally breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly caught the phone that was about to fall to the ground. He put the phone back to his ear numbly, and his voice suddenly became calm again, "Jing Yi, I have already In place, it's up to you next."

"Okay, I see." Li Jingyi responded flatly.

"Jing Yi, promise me that nothing will happen!" As he was about to hang up, he suddenly added another sentence.

When Li Jingyi heard the voice silently, he raised his mouth and said, "Don't worry, I won't do anything uncertain."

After quickly hung up the phone, Li Jingyi held the elderly machine tightly in his hand, and estimated the speed of the group of people getting off the elevator in his heart. Finally, when he felt it was almost the same, he directly faced the driver in front of him. Nodded, "Okay, act."

"Yes!" The driver in front immediately made a serious face, then started the car, turned his head and left.

And just at this moment, the police officers just stepped out of the elevator, ran out of the company door in strides, and saw the black car where Li Jingyi was in, turning their heads and driving away!

"Damn! Come on, catch me up with that car!"

Intuitively told the police officer who took the lead that Li Jingyi must be in that car, so he immediately sent someone to chase Li Jingyi.

But Li Jingyi was sitting in the car, and seeing the blond man behind him became anxious, a scornful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Come chase, though chasing, let him chase, even if he has the ability.

Although Wuying was nervous and terribly nervous, since this was Li Jingyi's decision, of course he had to do his best to cooperate.

Silently took out the phone and made another call, Wuying said to the phone, "Everything is ready, it's up to you."

"Good Mr. Wuying, please rest assured."

A familiar and old voice came from the other end of the phone, and then the phone was hung up.

"Mr. Li, this group of people are really chasing you!"

At this time, Li Jingyi and the driver were in the car. The two of them were driving forward, and the detectives behind them drove quickly to chase them.

The alarm sounded through the entire street, and the pedestrians on the road saw this chase, and each of them opened their eyes with an incredible look, "God, what is this doing?"

"The police arrested the prisoner? Tsk tsk, the guy who drove the black car ran so fast, the faster he ran, the more serious the conviction, right?"

"I don't know, who knows."

The pedestrians shook their heads and left for themselves.

At this time, Li Jingyi was sitting in the car safely, observing the movement behind through the rearview mirror, his face was calm that did not match the current situation.

The drivers in the front row were almost scared to pee, and couldn't help but tremblingly asked, "Mr. Li, their car is a bit fast, I, I'm worried we will be overtaken!"

"Don't worry, increase the throttle to the maximum and drive as planned."

Li Jingyi is still so indifferent, his voice always gives people a sense of victory, as if all of this is already in his grasp.

The driver in the front row had no bottom in his heart, but he didn't know why. After hearing Li Jingyi's voice, he suddenly felt that he had so much confidence in his heart.

Then the driver calmed down with Li Jingyi, skillfully turning the car and changing lanes, interspersed in the endless traffic, and finally overtook to the front.

With a set of operations, I was horrified to see all the surrounding vehicles, thinking how good car skills it takes to be able to shuttle in the car group like a stream!

These are not important points.

The point is that there were several police cars following them in succession, and they actually passed by them fluently. When the cars passed by, the tinnitus sound only deafened the ears of those car owners with open windows.

"Fuck, what's the situation?"

Those car owners couldn't help being surprised in the local dialect of South Africa, and the only people who answered them were black cars and police cars from the back.

Soon, the vehicle is about to reach a certain crossroad.

"Mr. Li, we will arrive at the destination soon." The driver in the front row suddenly became tense, and even the hand holding the steering wheel involuntarily grasped a little.

Li Jingyi's mood was a little more serious than before, but he still remained calm, "Continue driving, slow down a bit, and wait for those behind him to catch up."

"Okay." The driver nodded, glanced at the clouded sky again, and said, "It should be a heavy rain soon."

"Not right now, but now."

Li Jingyi had been observing the rain for a long time. From when he was waiting downstairs in the company, he began to wonder when the rain would come down.

At this time, the dark clouds were over the city, and the gray sky was too dark to be darker. It was time for a heavy rainstorm.


In the next second, the heavy rain suddenly poured down.

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