Unexpectedly, the rain would fall as soon as it said. The driver's eyes were stunned. He couldn't help looking at Li Jingyi through the rearview mirror, wondering if he had planted a fairy?

What he said is too effective, right?

However, Li Jingyi only raised the corner of his eyes silently, thinking that the rain had finally come, and finally, everything should "end".

"Damn it, why is it raining all right?"

At this time, the police cars following didn't even think about it. The rain came so suddenly that the police officer headed by him felt a little depressed in an instant.

Because of the rain, it is not so convenient for them to handle cases. The rain can easily block their sight, which is very distressing.

But even if it rains, it can’t hinder their desire to arrest the criminals. Thinking of this, the police officer at the head did not slow down the driver, but forced them to say, “Hurry up, speed up for me, and you must chase. Get in the car ahead!"

accelerate? Speed ​​up even after such heavy rain? This is very easy to slip!

The police officer driving in the front row thought so, but he only dared to protest quietly in his own heart, and ran after him desperately in action.

At this moment, the car reached the most critical intersection.

"Manager Li, we are here!" The driver suddenly said in a cautious tone.

"Okay." Li Jingyi nodded, "Go ahead."


The driver nodded, and then he took out a walkie-talkie prepared in advance from his arms, and shouted to the walkie-talkie, "Ready!"

"Roger that!"

A uniform voice came from the walkie-talkie, and some of them waited and started to act.

Soon, the car that Li Jingyi was in was completely integrated into the intersection. Looking from a distance, there was actually a park full of all black cars!

"Oh my God, sir, why are there so many black cars ahead?"

At this time, a small police officer next to the leading police officer could not be exaggerated to see the sight in front of him.

Because just after they followed Li Jingyi's car, they discovered that the intersection was full of black cars! ! !

But when Li Jingyi's car followed, they couldn't tell who was who. In addition, it was always confused when it rained. For a while, it was really difficult for them to tell who was who.

Then I saw the cars parked at the crossroads, all of them started to move, and then under the watchful eyes of the police, they began to divide into three groups!

They were all black vehicles, and when they were scattered one by one, the police officer who was following knew which one was which, and their eyes flashed instantly.

"Damn, we are in the middle!"

Seeing this dazzling scene in front of him, the leading police officer patted the seat in the front row vigorously, gnawing his teeth in his throat.

"Yeah, then, what should we do?" The little police officer next to him was also flustered.

But the police officer headed quickly recovered a bit of calmness and said, "It doesn't matter, don't you still have the location of Li Jingyi's mobile phone?

"Yes!" The little police officer nodded, and then took out his tablet computer and started playing around.

After fiddling for a while, I finally located Li Jingyi's position, and said, "Sir, we just need to chase eastward, Li Jingyi is in the car in the east direction!"

"Okay, chase to the east, give me speed up, I must catch up!" The tone of the police officer who took the lead was unspeakably firm.

No way, this case is really profitable!

Li Jingyi’s identity and status, coupled with his internationally wanted criminal charge, originally made the arrest of Li Jingyi extremely tricky, so the above directly gave a reward of 500,000 yuan, as long as Li Jingyi was caught, You can get this half a million immediately!

Five hundred thousand! This is not a small sum!

A while ago, this police officer was blackmailed away by Wuying for 200,000 just because he broke Wuying's ceiling.

Perhaps for Wuying and Li Jingyi, this two hundred thousand is not a lot of money, but for a police officer like him, his salary is not very high. This two hundred thousand is enough for him to work hard and earnestly. Years.

But the money went into Wuying's pocket for nothing. How could he be reconciled in his heart? The duck meat he cooked by himself was about to lose his money because he accidentally sprayed a drop of saliva on someone else's duck meat. He was almost bleeding in his heart.

So this time, he silently swears in his heart that he must pay back!

If you can get the bounty, it is a very substantial income!

No, it's not just income. If you can really catch Li Jingyi, it's for the police force you are in. If you want to be promoted in the future, of course, you will first consider someone like yourself who has done meritorious service!

Therefore, it is imminent for him to catch Li Jingyi!

But at this moment, seeing Li Jingyi in front of him, he still couldn't catch up. How could he be reconciled in his heart?

In any case, no matter what method he tried today, he had to catch Li Jingyi!

Otherwise, he would only be laughed at when he returned to the police force!

Thinking incomparably complicated in his heart, the police officer's face became firmer, and he thought to Li Jingyi, this time you can't escape, so obediently come back with me and go to the case, I must catch you!

In this way, under rainy weather, this police car chased Li Jingyi's car straight eastward.

And when Li Jingyi saw a few cars behind him, he felt a little funny in his heart. Each of these idiots really thought they would be so stupid?

As smart as Li Jingyi, how could he not know that his mobile phone had been positioned long ago, and even this positioning was deliberately opened by Wuying. This is the most direct reason why the police officers can catch up.

However, all this is unknown to the driver.

The driver did not expect that after the confusion just now, the police vehicle could still catch up straight. He was a little surprised, "Mr. Li, how can they catch up? It can't be thrown away. ?"

"Because I have a location on my phone."

Although this is only an old machine, the signal is very good, and it is not unusual that it will be located.


The driver was taken aback. He opened his eyes wide and wondered if Li Jingyi was crazy.

Just in order to get rid of the overtaking cars behind him, the driver was speeding up wildly all the way, and his life was almost gone!

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