Lin Nanxiang also walked to Li's side and took a look at the baby. After a while, the baby grew up a lot. She couldn't help teasing the baby's tender face, and the baby laughed instantly.

After laughing, the childish little mouth still spit out a few words, "Mom, mom..."

It sounds a bit similar to Ma Ma, but people around him heard that he was calling mother. Lin Nanxiang couldn't help but smiled and turned around to look at Tang Nuan's painting, "Have you heard of Nuan painting? The baby is calling your mother."

"Yes, Tang Nuan painting, take a good look at the baby, not only do you need Jing Yi, but the baby also needs you very much, don't you?" Gu Yunzheng hurriedly seized this opportunity and added a few more words.

Tang Nuanhua didn't speak anymore, but looked at Li's wife firmly, and seemed to calm down a bit.

At this time, Sister Li also hugged the child with confidence, approached Tang Nuanhua and smiled, "Madam, you haven’t been home for a few days. The baby can’t see you crying all the time these days and nights. Just call Mommy, I think, he probably has a psychological touch with you."

"Yes, Nuanhua, you think the baby misses you, and you haven't hugged him in a long time."

They were all girls, their voices were always gentle when they said such things, and even Mu Wushuang, who had always been relatively cold-tempered, had softened his complexion.

Tang Nuanhua took a look at Sister Li at this time, and finally seemed to have some soft light in his eyes, "Sister Li, please carry the child over, I want to take a good look at him."

"it is good."

Sister Li nodded, and then she hugged the child to Tang Nuan's painting. Xiao Xiaoxiao had a tender face and immediately smiled at Tang Nuan's painting.

Seeing this smile, Tang Nuan's first reaction to painting was also a smile, but after the smile, there were more deeply heartaches.

She stretched out her hand to hold the child, tears fell on the child’s face, her voice was extremely weak, "Sorry for my little terror, mom lost your dad, mom let dad disappear, it's all bad for mom. Mother is not good..."

Hey... the people around were all sad to see this scene, but at any rate, seeing Tang Nuan's paintings became more normal, and I felt a little relieved.

Then Gu Yunzheng said comfortingly, "Tang Nuan painting, don't be too sad, you have to stand up again, know? After all, the Li family hasn't come to an end, even if Jing Yi left, you still have a small child. Shocking night, you still have us, don't you?"

"Yes, Nuanhua, the baby will always be by your side, and we will also be by your side, we will not leave you." Seeing Tang Nuanhua finally calmed down a lot, Lin Nanxiang followed.

And Tang Nuanhua cried more and more fiercely.

If she was crying with venting just now, then Tang Nuan painting is just looking at her poor baby, and she is crying with a muffled voice.

Sorry baby, you are still so young, but I let you lose your father. It's all bad for mom and mom is bad, sorry...

Holding the baby forcefully into his arms, Tang Nuanhua closed his eyes tightly, feeling countless guilt and sadness in his heart.


Gu Yunzheng and Mu Wushuang also felt sad when they saw this scene, but they didn't know how to comfort Tang Nuan's painting, so they could only silently wait for Tang Nuan's painting to vent their emotions.

But what a few people didn’t expect was that after waiting for Tang Nuan’s painting, there was no sound suddenly.

Tang Nuanhua closed his eyes and fainted directly with his legs soft.

The baby in her arms almost fell to the ground without being held tightly. Aunt Li was so scared that she was about to fly out, "Madam!"

With eye problems, he hugged the baby tightly. Aunt Li was almost scared to death. As a result, the baby was successfully rescued by Aunt Li, but Tang Nuan painting had fallen directly to the ground.

"My God, warm painting, warm painting!"

Lin Nanxiang was almost scared to death, and squatted on the ground to help Tang Nuan painting's body, but Tang Nuan painting had completely fainted. No matter how nervous Lin Nanxiang called Tang Nuan painting, Tang Nuan painting did not wake up. The meaning of coming.

For a while, Gu Yunzheng and Mu Wushuang were also shocked, staring at each other and wondering what to do.

"You guys will help me. Put Nuanhua to bed first." Lin Nanxiang turned around and shouted at the two of them.

Gu Yunzheng hurried forward to help, and the two worked together to help Tang Nuan draw onto the bed.

After that, Lin Nanxiang turned directly, "You take care of Nuanhua here, I'll call the doctor, and I'll come right away!"

Lin Nanxiang hurried out as soon as the voice fell. It was obvious how eager she was in her mood.

Mu Wushuang couldn't help but sigh silently in his heart that Tang Nuans painting can also reap Lin Nanxiang's friend who is willing to share the joys and sorrows with her.

But after a while, the doctor came.

Lin Nanxiang saw this doctor a few days ago. It was the doctor who decisively caught Tang Nuanhua while Tang Nuanhua was escaping, and gave Tang Nuanhua a tranquilizer.

Just now that the doctor was free, Lin Nanxiang pulled him over.

After arriving in the ward, the moment I saw Tang Nuan's painting, I was still a bit taken aback, but he didn't show anything unusual, and continued to diagnose Tang Nuan's painting in a proper manner.

Gu Yunzheng and Mu Wushuang were waiting patiently nearby, and Li's wife was sweating a little while coaxing the child.

Fortunately, after the doctor checked Tang Nuan’s heartbeat, blood pressure, etc., he breathed a sigh of relief, “Don’t worry, everyone, this lady should only be overly emotional for a while, and she has been suffering from malnutrition recently. Blood sugar is nothing serious."


Upon hearing this, Lin Nanxiang, Gu Yunzheng, and Mu Wushuang let out a sigh of relief.

Tang Nuan’s painting is fine, and it’s fine. Otherwise, at such a critical moment, if anything goes wrong with Tang Nuan’s painting, wouldn't it be worse?

They don't want this to happen, it's not good for anyone, so Tang Nuan's painting is fine, and they feel more at ease.


The doctor paused for a while and continued to add, "This lady seems to have lost a lot of weight recently. When I saw this lady a few days ago, her face was much fuller than it is now. Why, is it because something happened? ?"

"This one……"

Lin Nanxiang heard this question silently and thought to himself, is this doctor too curious and asks too much?

What happened to Tang Nuan painting? I'm afraid it is not convenient to tell this doctor.

Fortunately, without waiting for Lin Nanxiang's embarrassing response, the doctor had already smiled at himself and rounded up the topic, "It doesn't matter, no matter what happens, you have to take care of this lady."

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