Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 2150: The building will fall

"I think this young lady is not in the right mental state recently. You are fine on weekdays. It's better to comfort her."

Imagine how a good-looking woman would suddenly become such a skinny look in just a few days?

If you say you haven't experienced any changes, even the doctor himself doesn't believe it.

But this is all the patient's private matter after all. As a doctor, he seems to be very kind in Tang Nuan's paintings at first glance, but this is not the reason for him to intervene too much.

"In short, let the patient take a good rest." Finally, leaving this sentence behind, the doctor turned and left.

"Yun Zheng, did you say that we talked too much just now, otherwise Nuanhua won't faint."

Mu Wushuang looked at Tang Nuan's painting on the hospital bed with regret at this time, feeling a little guilty in his heart. After all, the words they just said were indeed a bit too exciting.

"It may be a little bit, but we have no other way."

Gu Yunzheng did not deny that he was overly emotional just now, but he just wanted to quickly make Tang Nuan's painting more sober.

"Alas, our requirements for Nuanhua are indeed too high. If this happens to me, I may not be more calm than Nuanhua."

Mu Wushuang sighed helplessly, thinking that after all, they were all women. Although Mu Wushuang was not the party involved, if she were Tang Nuan painting herself, she probably wouldn't be more beautiful than Tang Nuan's paintings.

On the contrary, the more hysterical Tang Nuan's painting is, the more it proves her love for Li Jingyi.

It's just that this love will never get a response.

"Forget Yun Zheng, Nuan Painting has suffered too much this time. Let's be considerate." In the end, Mu Wushuang spoke from the perspective of Tang Nuan's painting.

Gu Yunzheng showed a difficult expression at this moment. He looked back at Mu Wushuang with a helpless look, "Wushuang, I am not unwilling to understand Tang Nuan's painting. I also know that warm painting is not easy, but, Who will understand us?"

"Shhh, let's go out and say that."

Mu Wushuang only noticed halfway through the conversation, Lin Nanxiang and Sister Li were both silently listening to their exchanges.

But some of what they wanted to say was inconvenient for people to hear, so Mu Wushuang quickly took Gu Yunzheng out of the ward.

The two walked outside the ward and confirmed that there was no one else. Only then did Gu Yunzheng feel relieved and began to vomit bitterness in front of Mu Wushuang.

"Wushuang, you also know mine. I didn't mean to blame Nuanhua from start to finish. It's just that this time, the Li family and the Li group suffered too much trauma, do you understand?"

If possible, Gu Yunzheng did not want to come to the hospital to force Tang Nuan to do something in the past few days when Li Jingyi had just left.

But, he really can't help it...

Now the entire Li family is greyed out. After Li Jingyi left, everyone in the Li family felt that the dragons were headless, and started various chaotic operations.

Many relatives of the Li family couldn't sit still one by one, and even started directly at the meeting, publicly saying that they would change a president to preside over the overall situation, and even secretly voted in private.

These people are really incompetent, but they have greater ambitions than wolves!

In addition, a while ago, the company had a deficit of more than one billion yuan. At that time, it was the loophole that Tang Nuanhua paid for out of his pocket. Now, without the continuous supply of the capital chain, this loophole has become bigger and bigger. Up.

There are also many old customers who are cooperating with the Li Group, and now they are trying to find the Li Group to withdraw their capital. The reason for the car is that Li Jingyi is no longer there, and there is no need to cooperate with the Li Group...

In short, it is a lot of things.

And there is only one Gu Yunzheng in the company now. Although he said that Li Jingyi personally confessed to him to temporarily manage the company, as the news of Li Jingyi’s “going away” came, his escrow was in everyone’s minds. The status is also visible to the naked eye.

In every meeting, what Gu Yunzheng said would not only not be recognized, but would even be publicly mocked by other directors.

On several occasions, Gu Yunzheng could not wait to end in person and beat up the directors who laughed at him fat, but in the end, he thought it over.

He has the highest position in the company as a manager. When Li Jingyi was here, he could still refute a few words with the board of directors, but now that Li Jingyi is no longer there, the directors are floating.

Gu Yunzheng knew that he couldn't control these directors, so he simply didn't bother to waste time to control anything.

He simply didn't want that the Li family would continue to rot and the company would continue to rot.

It doesn't matter if Gu Yunzheng has worked a little hard for the Li Group, but he doesn't want the Li Group to collapse like this. After all, this is Li Jingyi's painstaking effort over the years.

So only God knows how much Gu Yunzheng hopes Tang Nuan's painting can cheer up.

As long as Tang Nuan's painting can cheer up, at least Tang Nuan's painting can take Li Jingyi's son, and Li Jingye, once again stabilize his position in the company.

Just like this, Gu Yunzheng didn't want to watch the collapse of the Li Group, but was helpless.

But what?

Tang Nuan's painting has been devastated, and now he is still unwilling to face the reality, even the most basic Li Jingyi's funeral is not personally presented. What else can people do?

"Do we really want to watch the fall of the Li Group? If Jing Yi is in the sky, I definitely don't want to do this."

Gu Yunzheng let out a long sigh of relief, raised his head and looked at the sky outside the corridor, feeling at a loss in his heart.

"Oh, now we can only take one step and see one step."

Mu Wushuang sighed, there was nothing left.

At the end, Mu Wushuang said calmly, "Okay, it's not too early, let's go first, and we will come again when Nuanhua is resting."


Then the two left hand in hand.

On the other side, People's Hospital.

The old lady and the old man had been in the hospital for several days, and Li Haitian specially arranged them in the same ward, which was considered to be taken care of.

On this day, seeing that it was about to rain heavily, Li Haitian drove all the way to the hospital and went to visit the old lady and old man.

"Dad, mom, how are these two days?"

On the surface, Li Haitian is not much different from before. He still dresses himself decently and looks stable in his emotions.

It's not like the old lady or the old man at all. It has been depressed for several days. Even if I saw my son, I couldn't feel better.

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