Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 2235: Sira, please open the door

One day, he will give this tone back!

Little did he know that at this time, Li Jingyi thought silently in his heart, if he knew in Baicheng that this farce was all his own harm, how would he feel in his heart?

It's going to be crazy.

Unfortunately, he didn't have this opportunity to know so much.

Li Jingyi's expression at this time, as if nothing had happened, asked calmly, "Where to go next?"

"Where else to go? You are not going to the new medical base? Since you are going, you will go together today, and you will not come to me again next time." Baicheng said impatiently.

After all, he didn't want to see Zhuluo, and didn't like Zhuluo to trouble himself.

This time, if he hadn't lost playing billiards, he would not be willing to lead him here.

Since I'm here this time, do everything you need to do so that next time, you won't have to trouble yourself again!

Li Jingyi gave a cold voice at this moment, but didn't say anything.

As for whether to trouble Baicheng or not, who knows?

In an instant, another hour passed.

This time, the medical base they went to was no longer in the suburbs, but a rich village in the city center.

The reason why the rich village is called the rich village is because this place is not affordable for ordinary people.

The housing prices inside are terribly high. If only the rich are ordinary people, it is impossible to live here.

"Oh, I really don’t know how much it will cost to buy this rich village, and I don’t know if the leader will hurt me. Anyway, I definitely won’t spend so much money to buy such a village, just to build such a base. of."

At this time, the car has been driven into the rich village.

The village is very magnificent and luxurious, with scenery everywhere, and the decoration around it is also called a famous landscape, like a series of classical castles connected together, turning into a large castle.

Looking at the scene inside, Baicheng thought to himself that although this place is beautiful, the price of this lot is too expensive.

Although Baicheng is already rich, he runs this underground city, including many large and small businesses, his property is no longer comparable to ordinary people.

Relying on Baicheng's assets, it would be nothing to say to buy a house in this rich village.

But if you want to buy the entire rich man's village, then Baicheng is afraid to cut the meat with pain.

This is how rich and powerful can we buy this place for all!

Just looking at this place, Baicheng felt sighed, thinking that he didn't know how capable the leader was, and he could actually buy all of this community.

Really, too rich!

At this moment, Li Jingyi listened to this. Although he didn't say anything, he knew from the line that this place was probably bought by the old man.

If you guessed it correctly, the valuation of this lot is definitely not less than three digits per square meter, which is about one million per square meter.

If you buy a villa of several hundred square meters in this place, you can own a house here for about a hundred million yuan.

But if you wrap this whole piece...

Don't even think about it, this is not something ordinary people can do.

Speaking of this, Li Jingyi remembered again that in the morning, the old man established the private hospital in the community, and it seemed that the old leader had all taken care of it.

Hey, it seems that this old man is really extraordinary!

Of course, it was impossible for Li Jingyi to ask Baicheng about what kind of person this old leader was.

Because of his disguised identity, Zhu Luo, who has been with the leader for so many years, he must know more about the leader than Baicheng.

Therefore, Li Jingyi just silently looked at the surrounding scenes and made a strange look, like a machine without emotions.

But after a while, the car finally stopped.

The car was parked next to a huge castle, which looked brand new, noble, and luxurious.

A discerning person knows at a glance that this is definitely a place where very rich people can afford to live.

Looking at this small castle at this time, Li Jingyi thought to himself, should the new medical base be built in this place?

If it is built here, it would be too conspicuous.

But what I didn't expect was that the new medical base was really built in this castle.

But to be precise, it should be in the basement of this building.

"Let's go, I will take you to see the new medical base. You will be surprised!"

After getting off the car, Baicheng walked into the castle with Li Jingyi directly, then got off the elevator and went to the basement.

The basement here, on the surface, has two floors.

Both floors are all parking lots. The parking lot spans the entire plot, so the area is very large.

However, the place where Baicheng and Li Jingyi are going is the third floor of this basement.

Yes, this design was modified by Baicheng based on the design of its own dungeon. One is to ensure the privacy here, and the other is because the space below is really spacious.

But there is no elevator on the third floor.

After Baicheng took Li Jingyi to the second floor, the two walked to the center of the parking lot. Suddenly, Baicheng stood still in the center of the parking lot.

"what are you doing?"

Li Jingyi looked at Baicheng with some doubts, very puzzled.

In the next second, Bai Cheng smiled slightly on his face, "You are standing still."


Li Jingyi was even more puzzled, but he hadn't reacted yet, and a smile came up at the corner of Baicheng's mouth. He suddenly stretched out his hand and patted it regularly.

There was a crisp applause, and it was especially sweet in this huge parking lot.

Then, a magical scene happened.

The ground under Li Jingyi and Baicheng suddenly began to sink!

Li Jingyi almost couldn't stand firmly. He held a handful of Baicheng firmly, and finally found that they were indeed descending. It felt like standing on a lifting platform.

"what happened?"

Li Jingyi frowned at this moment, completely not understanding what design this was.

Bai Cheng still smiled softly, "What's the hurry? You'll know later."

The voice fell, the "lifting platform" stopped and continued to sink, and finally stopped.

It was dark all around.

Li Jingyi was confused, wondering what the **** is this Baicheng doing? Didn't he just take him to a new medical base?

What are they doing now? Can anyone explain it?

"Baicheng, what are you doing?"

"Hurt, Zhu Luo, you are so nervous, you weren't such a nervous person before." Bai Cheng smiled softly.

After that, Baicheng shouted into the air, "Sira, please open the door."

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