"Received, welcome Mr. Bai home."

A female robotic voice sounded out of thin air, and Li Jingyi and Bai Cheng were among them.

Afterwards, the dark surroundings suddenly turned on as if the lights were turned on, all of them lit up!

The light was particularly dazzling, and it stabbed Li Jingyi's eyes a little for a moment. Li Jingyi stretched out his hand to block his eyes and squinted slightly for a while before it was considered a reaction.

After his sight adjusted, Li Jingyi took his hand away and saw a completely transparent high-tech laboratory under the strong blue light.

Even though he has seen countless high-tech places, when he saw the blue light laboratory in front of him, Li Jingyi was slightly shocked.

Blue X-rays are refracted on the transparent glass wall, and the technology screen floating in mid-air. At this time, the technicians can randomly click on it twice to control all the robots in the entire blue light room. The ceiling and floor are blue light screens. The whole space is particularly bright.

Looking around, the area of ​​this medical base is extremely large.

All the hospital beds are transparent, and all the instruments are made by heavy industry, with comprehensive and powerful functions...

In short, this place feels like it doesn't look like it should be in the 21st century.

As if science and technology have advanced more than ten years in advance, human power has become extremely small. This medical base has been completely controlled by robots.

"How about this place, isn't it?"

At this time, Baicheng led Li Jingyi forward step by step. The two of them seemed to be sightseeing along the way. Looking at the surrounding scenes, Baicheng's heart was full of pride.

After all, this environment was designed by him and others, and all the scenery, all the lights and instruments in it were also arranged by Baicheng.

Baicheng promised that no one else could do this except himself.

He held his chin proudly, and his heart was greatly satisfied.

"It's fine."

At this moment, Li Jingyi said abruptly.

Although this scene looks from a distance, it is indeed very magnificent. It is estimated that it will take a lot of effort to create this medical base.

But if you look closer and closer, in fact, it is not difficult to build this place.

Therefore, Li Jingyi looked at it a few more times, and he was completely offended.

"Hey, you! What do you mean, do you look down on me? I tell you, if you were given this opportunity, you might not do better than me."

Speaking angrily, Baicheng thought to himself that this person was simply too much, would he die if he praised himself?

Li Jingyi didn't have the patience to talk nonsense with him at all. After a glance around, Li Jingyi asked, "Where is the most central place here?"

This is what Li Jingyi wants to know.

He doesn't care how big this medical base is or how scientific and technological it is. The only thing Li Jingyi wants to know is where they are most critical here and where the core of this medical base is.

"Here, you come with me."

Bai Cheng snorted coldly at this time, and he was upset when he saw the cold face of the person beside him, and he didn't bother to care about it anymore, and led Li Jingyi forward directly.

The two gradually walked to a blocked door.

It is not so much a door as it is like a cosmic hatch. When standing at the door, Li Jingyi seems to be in a space capsule.

Reaching out, Li Jingyi immediately wanted to open the door in front of him. Unexpectedly, Bai Cheng suddenly reached out and grabbed him, "Hey, wait!"


"I'd better warn you in advance. If you enter in a while, don't be scared by the contents inside. If you are scared, don't blame me for not reminding you." Baicheng warned.

"Really?" Li Jingyi was expressionless.

"If you don't believe me, forget it, go in."

Since this person didn't believe it, Bai Cheng didn't bother to continue talking, anyway, Li Jingyi would know what was going on as long as he went in and saw it with his own eyes.

Li Jingyi was speechless. He only felt that Baicheng was making a fuss. They hadn't seen any scenes before. Could there be any monsters and ghosts inside?

The answer is no.

The moment he opened the door, his deep and deep eyes were indeed squinted, as if he felt that the scene in front of him was very spicy, but he was not scared yet.

What appeared before Li Jingyi's eyes was a collection room with many specimens.

It's not as bright as the outside. It is surrounded by dark gray closed walls. Looking around, there are many bottles and jars and other containers with various biological specimens inside.

Snakes, tortoises, scorpions, and centipedes are all commonplace. In addition, there are also some aged wild Ganoderma lucidum, sea cucumbers, and various medicinal materials.

These things are soaked in the potion like specimens, neatly placed on the circular steps one after another. Looking at it, although it is a bit exaggerated, it is not too frightening.


There was a grin behind him, and Bai Cheng seemed to mock Li Jingyi a little.

Li Jingyi didn't bother to pay attention to the person behind him, and took a few steps forward. Unexpectedly, his eyes were fixed, he saw several containers connected to the ceiling not far away.

The container looked completely black from the back, so Li Jingyi didn't know what was inside, just frowned and approached.

When he got a step closer, Li Jingyi looked to the front and saw that the container was full of potion, and there was a person in it! ! !

To be precise, it was a body curled up into a ball.

This body seemed to have been hollowed out, suspended in the middle of the potion, buried his forehead in his arms, unable to see its appearance and expression.

The skin on the body has long lost the color of a normal person, and it is soaked all over the body is white, but strangely, the body is not swollen due to long-term soaking. The necessary muscles are still very strong. It seems that it should be The reason for this potion.

Anyway, this white blood tissue is really abnormal!

It does not matter if you use people to do experiments, but you actually make specimens and soak them in the potion, which makes people feel nauseous!

Li Jingyi frowned tightly, turned around, and saw another container.

The container was filled with a woman, but, unlike just now, the woman raised her head with her eyes open.

As soon as Li Jingyi turned his head, his eyes met the woman's eyes directly, and he couldn't help but feel shocked!

It soon realized that this was just a specimen, and Li Jingyi took a deep breath, and then his eyes fell on the woman's fingernails.


Why is this woman's fingernails so long?

It’s not the nail length that a normal person should have...

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