Li Jingyi stood at the door for a while, hesitating whether to enter.

After all, he just occupied someone else's identity, he couldn't still occupy another person's house, not to mention Zhu Luo's own family in this home.

After hesitating again and again, Li Jingyi decided not to go in.

It is enough for him to occupy someone else's identity. If he wants to go to someone else's home, it would be shameless. This Zhuluo still has his own wife, or maybe he has his own children.

Thinking of this, Li Jingyi turned around, planning to find a place to live outside.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a woman walked out of the house. She was carrying a **** trash bag in her hand, apparently out to throw trash.

I just didn't expect to see a familiar figure as soon as he came out.

The wife shouted directly at Li Jingyi's back, "Mr. Zhu, are you back?"

After Li Jingyi's footsteps were stopped, he turned around and saw a person dressed as a nanny standing at the door of this cozy little bungalow, asking himself politely.

If you guessed it correctly, she should be the nanny of this family.

"Sir? It's really you. I said I should have read it right. Why don't you come in after you come back." The nanny smiled after seeing Li Jingyi's face clearly.

Li Jingyi didn't expect to be recognized temporarily, and now it's probably hard to leave.

The babysitter added another sentence at this moment, "Mr. Hurry up and come into the house. Today the wife made a lot of delicious food for you. It's a rare time for the wife to cook. Let's try the craftsmanship of the wife!"

"No, I have something else."

After Li Jingyi finished speaking, he turned around and decided to leave this place.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Zhu Luo’s wife walked out of the house and shouted reluctantly to Li Jingyi’s back, "You said you finally came back, why are you leaving again? Do you think The food I cook is not delicious, so don’t you want to eat it?"

Li Jingyi turned around and saw a woman wearing a house suit appearing in front of him.

This woman looked relatively young, and although she was not stunning, she looked pretty.

If you guessed it correctly, this should be Zhu Luo's wife.

After she walked out following the voice, she saw her husband standing at the door and refused to go in, and her mouth started muttering, "Huh, you know that the old couple is no longer in love. If you dislike me, just say it!"


Li Jingyi had no choice but to turn around and explain to the two strange women in front of him, "I have something else."

"What's the matter?" The woman retorted immediately.

Speaking of striding forward, after a sweet snort, he directly took Li Jingyi's hand, his tone softened, "Zhu Luo, I have a hard time cooking, you know I rarely cook. You can try my craft first. Is there anything you can do after you finish eating? Huh?"

Pulling Li Jingyi's hand and swaying it a few times, the woman acted like a baby at Li Jingyi, her voice incomparably natural.

"Sorry." Li Jingyi pulled out his hand in response.

The woman immediately grabbed Li Jingyi again and said self-willedly, "Oh, I don’t care if I don’t care about me. You can’t leave me behind if you have anything. You said before that I’m the one that compares my work with you. The most important one, if you leave me behind today, let's get a divorce!"

Obviously, this woman is also a fine shot.

If you talk about divorce at every turn, I think I am very confident in my heart.

It seems that Zhu Luo spoils his wife very much at ordinary times, otherwise this woman would not be able to say that she wants to divorce at every turn.

"Oh, why are you doing this, go in with me quickly, don't stand at the door!"

Without waiting for Li Jingyi's reply, the woman directly stepped forward and pulled Li Jingyi, pushing Li Jingyi into the house halfway through.

Li Jingyi was really helpless, but thought that if it were Zhuluo, he would not refuse his own wife's request.

So Li Jingyi had no choice but to go in perfunctorily, thinking about finishing the meal, and then leaving quickly.

Soon, a few people arrived in the house.

At this time, the woman pulled Li Jingyi to the side of the dining table, opened a chair for Li Jingyi, and pressed Li Jingyi down.

Then she walked up to Li Jingyi and sat down opposite Li Jingyi with a smile, and said to Li Jingyi with a smile, "What are you doing in a daze? Now that you have already sat down, why don't you try my craft?"

Li Jingyi breathed a sigh of helplessly, but still picked up his chopsticks, paused, and then picked up some vegetables to eat.

"How is it? How does my meal taste?"

Seeing "Zhu Luo" put the food in her mouth, the woman looked at Li Jingyi's face curiously, expecting Li Jingyi to praise him.

Li Jingyi thought to himself, this meal is really not very good, but it fits the personality. In order not to hurt the woman's self-confidence, he reluctantly nodded, "It's okay."

"Really? I didn't have any confidence in the food I cooked, but you actually think it tastes delicious?"

The woman was surprised, and quickly pushed all the food in front of her to Li Jingyi, and said in surprise, "Come on, if you like to eat, then you can eat more!"


Li Jingyi nodded blankly, and had to eat a little bit.

"By the way, Zhuluo, will you have time tomorrow? How about taking a time to accompany me to the hospital for a check-up?"

Halfway through the meal, the woman opposite asked another question, which contained a very clear message that she was pregnant.

Li Jingyi thought for a while, shook his head, "No, there will be business tomorrow."

"Ah? You have something tomorrow? Why are you always having something!" The woman directly threw the chopsticks on the table, obviously a grumpy master.

Li Jingyi just pretended to be an identity, not to bear the responsibility of all the people. Although he was a little sorry, he still rejected the woman, "I'm sorry, you find someone else to accompany you, I will have another organization tomorrow. Things must not be delayed."

"Oh, organization, organization, you only have your broken organization in your heart! Do you still have me and the child in your stomach? Zhu Luo, since I have been married to you for so long, you can count the amount of money you spent in the organization. How much time, and how much time was spent on me and the child?"

The woman felt angry and simply vented her dissatisfaction.

"Come on, you don’t need to say that I know it, it must be the old man you organized to call you to do something! Heh, that **** old man, he said that he treated you as his own son, but actually paid Didn't you be treated like a dog? Let me see, you can leave that organization as soon as possible!"

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