Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 2241: Looking for a mistress outside?


Hearing this complaint, Li Jingyi didn't know how to respond.

Because he didn't know how Zhu Luo got along with his wife, Li Jingyi could only try to keep himself cold, and then said calmly, "You calm down."

"I'm calm? How can I be calm!"

The woman is still grumpy, and her mouth begins to complain, "You said before, the old man just values ​​you on the surface, but actually doesn’t treat you as a human being, right? In that case, you If you are unwilling to work under his hands, why not leave the organization, use your own name, and my family will have a good time and have a bad life?"

"Look at how many years you have been with him. For so many years, it's just an assistant in the organization. You haven't been promoted for so many years. Then look at that Baicheng. How important are you? It's like wood!"

After the wife finished speaking, she put her hands around her chest and sighed heavily, obviously very angry and helpless.

Li Jingyi's expression was also darker at this time. The amount of information this woman had just said was really not that big.

From what she said, it seemed that this man named Zhu Luo was actually dissatisfied with the old leader of the white blood organization?

Moreover, his name does not seem to be Zhu Luo, but he actually has his own real name?

So this Zhuluo is actually not 100% loyal to the old leader?

"You speak, look at you, every time you talk about this, you are silent, Zhuluo, when will you talk about you not being so useless?"

"Even if you don't think about it for yourself, can you also consider it for the child in my stomach, okay? That old man can live for a few years. My child and I will be with you for the rest of my life, so you know which one is better? Heavy, is it successful?"


Li Jingyi understood, and became more certain.

It turned out that Zhuluo's wife was very dissatisfied with the old leader, and Zhuluo seemed to have a double heart for the old man.

So, Zhu Luo is really not easy.

On the surface, he looked loyal and served the old man meticulously. In fact, he was secretly concealed in his heart, and he had long thought of leaving the organization.

Thinking of this, Li Jingyi finally looked better.

I didn't expect to get so much information after eating a meal. If I guess right, there should be more information in this family.

Maybe I can find more clues here.

This identity, it seems that he will continue to use it fraudulently.

"Okay, don't be angry."

Finally, Li Jingyi pretended to be kind, and smiled at Zhu Luo's wife, "I know what you said in my heart, so I don't need to remind you repeatedly. Of course, I will consider it for you and your children."

"Are you serious?" His wife squinted at him.

Li Jingying nodded, "Yes, I am a man. This family is destined to be supported by me, so I will consider everything you consider, don't worry."

"Ah, great, husband, I know you are the best."

The woman became happy when she heard Li Jingyi's words, and immediately got up from her seat, and wanted to run over to give Li Jingyi a big hug.

Li Jingyi evaded, and quickly stood up and stretched out his hand in front of him and the woman, saying, "Don't."

Although it was pretending to be someone else's identity, it belonged to others' treatment, and Li Jingyi didn't want it.

What's more, Li Jingyi just wanted to quickly investigate everything, give the old bottom of the white blood organization, and then quickly return to Tang Nuan painting.

So this woman's enthusiastic attitude is unnecessary!

Save it until her husband comes back.

"No, what's the matter with you? Why don't you let me approach you?"

His wife frowned at this moment, obviously dissatisfied with Li Jingyi's resisting action.

Li Jingyi just kept his hands sideways and explained, "I went to the medical base today, and there were all viruses in it. It is not good for you and the children in your stomach if you are close to me."

This explanation is quite reasonable. When the woman heard the word virus, she was a little bit far away from Li Jingyi in dismay.

"Well, really, you run into the virus pile every day when you are fine, so you are really not afraid that something will happen to you."

Back to her seat sullenly, the woman continued to eat at this time, and she didn't notice any difference.

Li Jingyi was also a little relieved.

Unexpectedly, the woman looked at Li Jingyi for a while and said, "No, didn't you often go to the virus pile before? Why are you so indifferent today?"

In the impression of this wife, Zhu Luo usually ran into the virus pile in peacetime, but he had never refused to approach him when he returned home before.

Why today, he is afraid of avoiding it?

"Say, what happened to you today!"

Suddenly, the woman looked at Li Jingyi sharply, and said, "From the moment you came home and didn't want to enter the house, I felt that something was wrong with you. What's wrong with you? It's too much to ignore me!"


Li Jingyi's face was confused, he thought to himself what happened? Is there anyone who loves to answer this woman?

The woman said that she was not right, could it be that she could see that something was wrong?

Thinking of this, Li Jingyi explained with good words, "It's nothing, just a little tired."

"Tired? You don't want to hug me if you are tired? You haven't hugged me since you walked in." The woman bit her lip aggrievedly.

Li Jingyi was even more helpless, "Didn't I tell you everything, am I afraid that the virus will infect you?"

"Then why were you not afraid of infection before?" the woman continued to yell.

"Before," Li Jingyi almost couldn't answer, but fortunately, his mind turned quickly and he quickly found a reason. "In the past, it was because those viruses were not very contagious, but today's are different. Today's viruses are more powerful. Communication, I am also doing this for your good."

"Really? How do I feel that you deliberately didn't want to approach me? I'm a woman, and my woman's sixth sense is very accurate!"

The woman is still stubborn, anyway, she just feels that her husband is very indifferent to him today!

Huh, shouldn't he, is he looking for a mistress outside?

"Zhu Luo, I..."

"Don't think too much, it's really nothing. I'm full and very tired, so I go to rest first."

When the woman was about to continue arguing with Li Jingyi, Li Jingyi obviously had no patience, so he quickly put down his chopsticks and walked upstairs.

As for quarreling or something, Li Jingyi was not interested.

Let's wait for the woman's husband to come back, and the two of them quarrel behind closed doors.

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