Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 2244: Why don't you remember anything

She gritted her teeth and looked resentful, "My birthday. How can you forget it casually, this is a very important day for us, you, you are so annoying!"

"No, I... I accidentally put some potion on the medical base today. The potion seems to have side effects, so I forget about it, sorry."

Li Jingyi didn't know how to circumvent this lie, so he had to find a reason to prevaricate it.


The woman obviously didn't believe it.

Li Jingyi nodded perfunctorily, "Well, if I forget someone's birthday, I won't forget you. You are my most important person, aren't you?"

Although Li Jingyi's tone was not emotional when he said this, but for this woman, it seemed that this sentence was enough.

She nodded with satisfaction, and smiled contentedly, "Huh, this is pretty much the same, if you dare to forget my birthday casually, I can't spare you!"

When the voice fell, the woman began to complain again, "Oh, but your organization is really true. I don't know what it is to study so many viruses every day. Is it possible that they want to do something about the biohazard?"

"And you, if you are okay in the future, you should avoid going to places where the virus is present. You see, today, you can forget such important things. Maybe you will forget where your home is in the future. Did you hear that, you can’t send me to places where there are many viruses in the future.”

The woman said partly blamed and partly worried. It can be seen that although she speaks harder, she is still very soft in her heart and loves her husband very much.

Li Jingyi didn't want to get rid of this woman's happiness, but he was too lazy to say more to this woman, and simply nodded, "Okay, I know it, it's too early, you go back to the room to wash and sleep, I have some If things have to be dealt with, I won’t tell you more."

After the voice fell, Li Jingyi closed the study door without hesitation.

The movement was so swift and without hesitation at all.

"Hey you……"

Before the woman could finish her words, the face of her turned into the white facade of the study.

"Really, will you die if I say a few more words? To be so cold to me, too much!"

The two were still talking and laughing in the last second, and they closed the door in the next second, which is really disgusting!

But the woman was also reluctant to be angry with her husband, so after just a few casual complaints, she swallowed abruptly, and then left honestly.

At the same time, Li Jingyi had already locked the door and returned to the front of the password box.

After that, Li Jingyi began to face the password box, and tentatively entered Zhu Luo's birthday to see if he could unlock it.

December 8th, which is one twenty eight.

Entering this number carefully, Li Jingyi pressed the confirm button. The next second, the door of the safe turned a bit, but it did not open as expected.


Is this password wrong?

Li Jingyi thought in his heart, and reached out to delete those numbers, and then entered Zhu Luo's wife, which was the woman's birthday just now.

Zero six zero three.


This time, the lockbox was opened.

Li Jingyi looked at the lockbox that suddenly opened the door, and thought that Zhu Luo loved his wife really deeply, otherwise he wouldn't set such a secret thing as his wife's birthday.

Of course, these are not the most important.

The important thing is that Li Jingyi opened the safe as quickly as possible, and then took out something from it.

After finally taking something out of it, Li Jingyi twisted his eyebrows directly.

Why is it a key again?

Li Jingyi originally thought that he could take something different from this incubator, but unexpectedly, it was still a key.

The difference is that this key looks much bigger than the mini key just now.

So, with so many keys hidden in each other, what tricks are they playing?

Where is this key locked?

Thinking of this, Li Jingyi rummaged in the study again, but he didn't see any safes or the like.

Or, the lock that can be opened by this key is not in this room?

With a quick turn in his mind, Li Jingyi thought that maybe all of this, Zhu Luo's wife should know some clues, so she quickly walked out of the room with the key and found the master bedroom.

"Boom boom boom!"

After Li Jingyi knocked on the door, he asked, "Are you asleep?"

"What do you mean, where is someone going to bed so soon? Besides, I have to wait for you to come back." The woman quickly walked over and opened the door, and saw that her husband had finally returned to the room, her face I couldn't help but smile.

However, Li Jingyi didn't come to flirt with her. Li Jingyi directly took out the key in his hand and handed it to the woman in front of him, "This, you can keep it for me."

"what is this?"

The woman murmured something inexplicably, then looked down at a key in Li Jingyi's hand.

Unexpectedly, I didn't know it, and I was shocked.

Similar to what Li Jingyi thought, this woman had seen this key, and she seemed to be repelled by it, she looked at Li Jingyi directly, "Zhu Luo, what's the matter with you? This key is for you. Isn’t it very important, what are you doing with me?"

"I... I don't remember."

Li Jingyi only tested such a sentence for a while, and then tested the woman's reaction, and simply pretended to follow the trend, "Does this key have any important meaning to me?"

"Oh my God, Zhu Luo, what the **** is going on with you, what virus are you infected with? Why don't you remember anything? This key is so important to you, why did you forget it too! "

The woman looked at Li Jingyi in surprise, as if some big accident had happened.

In fact, this woman had seen Zhuluo take out the key many years ago. At that time, she asked Zhuluo a few words in her heart. About the key, Zhuluo scorned a few words.

At that time, she was thinking, what exactly did this key do, and how did Zhu Luo consider this key so important?

Of course, she also knew that although Zhu Luo treated herself very well, it was better not to touch some bottom lines, so she didn't ask much.

As time went by, women almost forgot about this key.

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