Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 2245: It is impossible to ask for leave

As a result, he just appeared in front of him with the key in this way, and said he wanted to keep the key to himself?


She wondered if she had heard it wrong.


While the woman was thinking about it, Li Jingyi suddenly clutched his head and squatted down pretending to have a headache.

He thought to himself that since he was going to pretend not to remember things, he had to pretend to be a little bit like.

So Li Jingyi directly leaned against the wall weakly, and then slid down towards the ground bit by bit.

"Husband, husband!"

The woman was immediately frightened by Li Jingyi's reaction, and she squatted down to care about Li Jingyi, worrying about whether something happened to his body.

Li Jingyi just still held the key in his hand, pretending to ask weakly, "What the **** does this key do?"

"I, I don't know, my husband, you never told me what the key is for, how can I know it!"

The woman was so frightened, her voice trembled.

After another thought, she seemed to remember something, and she suddenly woke up and said, "Oh, I seem to remember. You told me before, you said it seemed to be something related to white blood tissue, right? For you, the things inside seem to be very important. As for what it is, I don’t know. Alas, are you better, husband? Are you better?"

Compared to what the key is for, this woman is obviously more concerned about her husband's body.

While caring, she couldn't help cursing, "Really, I told you not to follow that old man. You see you work under his hands. You are either exposed to this virus or that virus every day. You are not afraid of me. Fear, the child in my stomach is also frightened, when will you save our mother and son!"

While talking, the woman's tears were about to come out.

After all, she is a wife and mother, how can she not care about the head of this family?

The woman felt uncomfortable when she thought that Zhu Luo had to work in the white blood tissue every day, and had to come into contact with all kinds of viruses and bacteria every day.

If possible, she wished her husband would stop being a subordinate to the old man.

It’s so nice to have a family in peace and harmony!

But Zhu Luo did well. Every day, he had to follow the old and immortal white blood tissue, day by day, either studying longevity medicine, or studying viruses like Gu art, and engaging in these weird and strange things.

This kind of thing is inherently dangerous, even if Zhu Luo herself is not afraid, her wife is always hanging on her heart!

Alas, this tells her how to not worry.

"I, I seem to be better."

At this moment, after pretending for a while, Li Jingyi can be regarded as holding his head in a look of improvement.

The wife on the side hurriedly pulled him and shouted, "Why don't I, tomorrow I will go to the hospital for a check-up, will you go with me?"

"At that time, we will do a prenatal checkup first, and then I will accompany you to take a look at your body and see what is wrong with your body, okay?"

"Still no more."

Hearing this, Li Jingyi pretended to be weakly supporting the wall and stood up from the ground.

Turning around slowly, Li Jingyi comforted, "I'm fine, I just feel a little pain in my head. Besides, I have to go to the organization tomorrow. I have a lot of things to deal with, so I won't accompany you to the hospital."

"Oh, why are you, why are you so stubborn, what if your organization has something to do? Can't you take a leave of absence if you are unwell?" the woman said eagerly.

Li Jingyi shook his head, meaning it was impossible. It was impossible to ask for leave.

"Oh! I'm really worthless but you!"

The woman knew that she couldn't persuade her husband, so she sighed, and her heart was filled with countless anxiety.

But then he added, "Okay, if you don’t want to go to the hospital with me, then you have to promise me that you have to take care of yourself, do you hear? Don’t you let me worry about you anymore, you should worry You should be the right person. I still have a baby in my belly."

"Ok, I know."

Li Jingyi nodded. It can be regarded as perfunctory to this woman.

"You still have this key. You should keep it for yourself. Don't say anything for me to keep it. You also know my bad temper. I didn't like you staying in that **** white blood tissue. If you give this key to me If you do, maybe I will get angry someday, find your safe and pry the contents, and then shake out all the secrets in it, it’s not necessarily, so you better put it away by yourself."

Although women are making troubles unreasonably, they are not embarrassed after all.

She knows that she has a bad temper, and she also knows that sometimes she may not be able to control her temper, so she must never hold this key.

Otherwise, when one day comes up with a violent temper, the consequences will not be generally serious.


These words actually fit Li Jingyi's heart.

He just wanted to borrow this key to get some words out of this woman's mouth. Now that the words have been gotten out, this key will of course not be given to this woman.

After putting away the keys again, Li Jingyi comforted, "You hurry up and rest, I'm going to the study first, there's still something to do."

"Well, you remember to pay attention to your body, not too late."

The woman turned around as she said, and soon closed the door.

Li Jingyi breathed a sigh of relief, then returned to the study, and then put the key that had just been taken out of the incubator in again.

Not urgent.

Although Li Jingyi really wanted to know this key, where the lock was opened, and what different things were hidden in that place, he was not in a hurry.

It's still a long time anyway, and if we investigate now, everything will seem strange.

In the coming days, it’s okay for Li Jingyi to find the secret behind this key.

Later, it was not early.

Li Jingyi was not familiar with this house yet, and it was impossible to sleep with the woman just now. So he went downstairs and asked the babysitter to see if any guest rooms were cleaned, and he was ready to sleep in the guest room tonight. .

Although the babysitter felt a little strange, why didn't his husband slept with his wife, but seeing Zhu Luo's cold face, the babysitter did not dare to ask more.

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