Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 80: Zero Composite is Infinitely Good

A total of five people, three men and two women.

The man is handsome, the woman is beautiful, and they walk like celebrities. He Chen asked Yi Jing, "Your friend?"


I don't know if it's an illusion, but He Chen noticed that Yi Jing's expression suddenly became stiff, and the fire of gossip in his heart suddenly ignited.

Judging from the attitudes of these people, it's obvious that they didn't come to participate in this animation festival, but came here specially for Yi Jingxi.

But Yi Jingxi actually said that they are not friends, which is intriguing.

What kind of acquaintance is it that makes her unwilling to recognize her as a friend?

He Chen rubbed his chin, could it be Yi Jingxi's suitor?

Many celebrities are two completely different people before and after makeup. But even with light makeup and no makeup, Yi Jingxi is still gorgeous. How can such a beauty have no suitors?

It might be that He Chen's gaze was too obvious, Yi Jingxi frowned, and her tone was a little angry: "It's not what you think!"

Not a suitor?

He Chen looked at the five of them. He was familiar with Yi Jing, and he was wearing sunglasses and a sun hat. With such a style and style, he must be a star in the entertainment industry.

Not a friend, not a suitor, and both in the entertainment industry, isn't that a competitor?

He Chen nodded secretly, convinced that his guess was correct.

At this time, those five people also came over, among them was a slender and elegant man with a bright face, followed by the other two men, one was handsome and sunny, the other had a calm demeanor.

A woman behaved elegantly and wore a long sleeveless dress. For some reason, looking at her, He Chen felt a chill rushing towards his face; the other woman - it should be said that she was a girl - followed behind that woman step by step.

"What are you doing here?" Yi Jingxi put down the lunch box and wiped her lips.

The leading man let out a flamboyant laugh: "Hahaha, we have a concert, and I just heard that there is an animation festival going on, and you are here, so I came here to see my former companions."

After finishing speaking, the man took a glance and sighed: "Oh, this is the best newcomer of our Golden Melody Awards last year, how did we get to this point, and we still have to eat box lunches! Jing, we were still classmates, after all, we just met each other In terms of love, if you don't get along well, just tell me, money is not a problem, even if you want to come to our ST Records, I can make people more accommodating."

"We don't have any friendship." Yi Jingxi said calmly: "Besides, I think this lunch box is pretty good!"

"This lunch box is delicious, haven't you guys tried it? Would you like some, don't worry, I don't want your money!" Ye Xiaoyu, who had a weak sense of presence and was almost forgotten in the corner, suddenly spoke out in surprise, and brushed angrily presence.

First, he pretended to be affectionate, but was immediately denied by Yi Jingxi; then he was made up by Ye Xiaoyu, who looked like a second-hand guy, thinking that he had no money to eat boxed lunches—think of him as a big singer, no one misunderstood that he had no money to eat boxed lunches!

The man's blood boiled suddenly, as if he had received a heavy punch on the face, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Seeing this, He Chen silently gave Ye Xiaoyu a thumbs up in his heart and secretly praised "GOODJOB".

But the matter is not over yet, among the man's companions, the sunny boy's eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked curiously, "Is it really delicious?"

"It's delicious! Come and taste it if you don't believe me!" Ye Xiaoyu nodded seriously, with pity in her eyes.

Sunshine boy walked over under the astonished eyes of everyone, took the unopened lunch box Ye Xiaoyu handed over, sat directly next to Ye Xiaoyu, and ate it like no one else was there.

"It's not that bad, you lied to me."

"No, no, these two dishes should be eaten together like this."

"Oh! Not bad! Delicious!"

He was obviously an enemy who came to provoke him, but he betrayed him instantly because of a bowl of lunch.

Everyone was embarrassed, and He Chen suddenly remembered a line from "EVA":

"Sorry, I don't know what expression to use at this time."

"Just smile and you'll be fine!"

The man couldn't hold back his face, and said angrily: "Sun Xiaotian, what are you doing! Come here!"

"Boss, I haven't finished eating yet. This is delicious. Would you like to have one too?" Sun Xiaotian really took a boxed lunch and waved to the man.

The man's face was as dark as ink, and Yi Jingxi looked at the elegant woman who had been looking at her without saying a word since she came here: "Hutao, are you as boring as him?"

Before Hu Tao could speak, the man immediately replied: "Huh! Yi Jingxi, I should be glad that you didn't agree before, otherwise, how could I be with Hu Tao!" Then he wanted to put his hand on Hu Tao's fragrant shoulders, but Being dodged by her very rudely, the man's face became embarrassed.

Seeing this, He Chen suddenly realized that he had chased after Yi Jingxi before, but failed, and brought another woman to show off on purpose.

He Chen continued to despise, "Even if you're looking for an actor, you should find some professional one. This one won't even dump you. Are you here to beat Yi Jingxi, or are you here to be a tease!"

"You, and Hu Tao?" Yi Jingxi seemed to have heard something unbelievable, her clear eyes widened instantly.

The sunglasses blocked Hu Tao's eyes, but with her white pointed chin and thin cheeks, she was obviously a beauty.

"We have nothing to do with each other." Hu Tao suddenly clarified that Yi Jingxi seemed to have known this before, so it was not surprising at all. The man froze for a moment, and asked in confusion, "Hu Tao, didn't you say you would be my girlfriend?"

Hu Tao did not deny it: "Yes, but our agreement is to help me find Yi Jingxi, now that I have found it, well, we can break up!"

So we broke up?

He Chen seemed to hear something broken.

Hu Tao looked directly at Yi Jingxi: "Young lady, why did you leave Xingyun suddenly? Could it be because of me?" The cold voice was filled with pleading.

There is an inside story!

He Chen finally discovered that it was not the man who made Yi Jingxi feel embarrassed, but this woman named Hu Tao!

"Hu Tao, it's not because of anyone else, but because I like comics, I came to do this!" Yi Jingxi explained.

He Chen originally thought that this was a bloody drama where the old lady fell into trouble and came to pretend to be a show, but he only guessed the beginning, but not the end.

"I don't believe it! Then why didn't you tell me? You must despise me. I know that people like me will not be recognized by the public, so I always watch you from afar. I don't ask you to accept me. I I only hope that you can give me a back that I can watch! Instead of disappearing from my sight suddenly!" Hu Tao was extremely excited, and her voice trembled a little.

Everyone present, as long as they are not idiots, can hear the charm in the two people's words.

Wish there was only one!

He Chen slammed his palm hard, and made a definite judgment: the two of them are **!

As for the man who was dumped just a few minutes ago?

No one cared about him for a long time, what could be more attractive than the purest love between big stars?

Li Youyou suddenly sneaked up next to He Chen mysteriously, poked He Chen, and leaned into his ear and said, "He Chen, isn't our animation department's dubbing department a bit short?"

He Chen nodded. Now there are only more than twenty of them in total, and their strengths are also uneven. There will be more and more animations and more and more characters in the future. The audience can't always listen to the voices of those few people. , so it must be expanded as soon as possible.

"It's a bit small, but there are too few who are willing to apply for the job. Why, do you have a channel?"

"Hey hey!" Li Youyou said with a sinister smile, "Then what do you think of this Hutao?"

He Chen rubbed his chin and looked at Hu Tao: "The voice is very distinctive, very similar to Hyogo Kita..."

"...What is Hyogo Kita?"

"...This is a very professional term. If you don't understand it, don't interrupt!" He Chen said sternly, "Unfortunately, I haven't heard her song before, so I don't know how well she can control her voice. However, since she and Yi Jing I know her well, and presumably she is also a professional singer, so her voice control should be pretty good."

Afterwards, He Chen turned his head, looked at Li Youyou, who was so close that he could see the eyelashes clearly, opened his head, and said, "You mean to bring her here?"

Li Youyou nodded, fixed her eyes on Yi Jingxi, and said, "First of all, you must pass the test in terms of strength; secondly, you have Yijing here, even if she has no interest in animation, she will come obediently; finally, is it Do you just have the heart to break them up? Think about it, as Yi Jingxi is a big star and came here alone, if she becomes depressed and sick because there is no one to talk to, it will be a huge loss for you what!"

He Chen pondered for a moment, then nodded vigorously: "It makes sense! It seems that we have to pull her over!"

After speaking, He Chen stood up and walked towards Hu Tao.

Li Youyou looked at Yi Jingxi with a bright smile on her face.

"Hu Tao, I'm Tianman's boss, He Chen, would you like to join me in Tianman, and work with Yi Jingxi to dub animation?"

"No!" Yi Jingxi's complexion finally changed.

"I am willing!" Hu Tao happily agreed immediately, fearing that He Chen would regret it.

Liu Ying couldn't help frowning: "It's really a real two hundred and five!"

Zhuang Bufan and Zhou Zhe nodded in agreement while nibbling on the grilled chicken wings: "Haozi, what kind of coffin would you like to prepare for He Chen?"

Luo Hao rubbed his belly, hiccupped, and asked, "Why do you need to prepare a coffin?"

The two looked at each other and shook their heads: "There is no cure for his illness!"

He Chen and Hu Tao hit it off immediately. Hu Tao agreed with He Chen's proposal very much. As for the contract between her and her company, we will talk about it later.

"Hey, who is that! Do you want to come to our Tianman?" Only then did He Chen notice the man beside him whose name hadn't appeared until now.

"Come on Nima! Let's go!"

The man no longer cared about his demeanor, and cursed.

No one would be in a good mood when his girlfriend was poached in person.

After walking two steps, he suddenly found that no one was following him. He turned his head and said with a sullen face, "Hey! Can you go?"

The stable man took out a stack of manuscripts from nowhere, and handed them to He Chen: "Master! I am your fan, and I wanted to participate in this animation festival, but there is a concert, so I can't come. This is what I drew. , can you take a look? Do I have a talent for drawing manga?"

The girl who followed Hu Tao also took out a pen and paper, her eyes glowing: "Master! Please sign!"

You said that in such a situation, would they still leave?

The man's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted.

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