Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 81 Come and sign a contract with me!

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Five people came casually, and one person left in a disheartened manner.

This is the real scene of that man, and the people in Tianman are already embarrassed to laugh at him. If he still comes to provoke next time, I wish him to find some reliable teammates.

After signing the girl's name, He Chen took over the steady man's manga, and as soon as he opened it, there was a powerful momentum coming over him, and He Chen immediately closed the drawing.

"...Let's talk about dubbing, are you two interested in dubbing?"

"Where's my manga? How's it going?" The steady man kept asking before he saw He Chen's stiff face.

He Chen was silent for a long time, thinking about how to describe the abstract cartoons in the style of stick figures, and finally said quietly: "The painting style is unique, the artistic conception is profound, and it will leave an indelible impression on people just by looking at it. Your paintings are works of art. The treasures of the world, ordinary people cannot appreciate the charm of your comics, you should hold an art exhibition for abstract artists to appreciate!"

The stable man was very angry: "Understood! When I hold an art exhibition, please be sure to come to the teacher!"

The address became teacher in an instant, He Chen smacked his lips, he is really planning to hold an art exhibition!

The steady man went on to say, "Thank you teacher for looking up to me, but I can't do the dubbing yet, because the company has a contract stipulation that you can't take jobs without permission, and the company has put a lot of effort into training me, so it's not appropriate to leave now."

The girl politely declined for the same reason.

He Chen gave the two of them a high look. These days, money is the most important thing, and people who still have such thoughts are already endangered animals.

As for Sun Xiaotian, he has no interest in comics at all, and is all about eating and drinking. The two foodies exchange their experiences, and they seem to hate Ye Xiaoyu when they meet each other.

He Chen originally wanted to win over this foodie with good food and drink, but unfortunately He Chen is a manga manga, not a super chef in Huaxia, so he can get the food that He Chen can get.

So it died again.

In the end, only one walnut was recruited, and since she hadn't terminated the contract with the company, she had to go to the concert as required by the company. Several people came out temporarily and had to go back quickly, so they left one after another.

Sun Xiaotian and Ye Xiaoyu exchanged mobile phone numbers and agreed that next time Sun Xiaotian would treat Ye Xiaoyu to a French meal.

Ye Xiaoyu made a lot of money by exchanging a bowl of lunch for a French meal.

Hu Tao and Yi Jing are reluctant to part, as if they are parting from each other.

"Young lady, wait for me, when I terminate the contract, I will come right away!"

"...Don't come, dubbing is not fun, and the boss is still an iron cock, you don't get paid for overtime work!"

Hu Tao glared at He Chen.

"My dear, then you have terminated the contract with him, and together we can do whatever we want..." Hu Tao's face turned pink.

"...I signed a sell-off contract with the boss, but I can't cancel the contract." Yi Jingxi opened her eyes and said nonsense.

Hu Tao glared at He Chen again.

"Hi, our evening concert is at the Eye Sports Center, you must come!" Hu Tao handed Yi Jing a ticket.

"...The boss will work overtime tonight, so he can't come." Yi Jingxi babbled nonsense.

Hu Tao waited for He Chen to take another look.

He Chen was puzzled,

Why does Walnut always look at himself when these two people talk? Could it be that his charm is so great that even Lily can't resist?

Finally, under the repeated urging of the other three, Hu Tao gave He Chen three stares and left.

"Jingpin, what did you just say to Hu Tao? Why is she always looking at me?" He Chen asked Yi Jingpin.

Yi Jingxi looked at He Chen coldly, shook her head, and walked away, Zhou Zhe and Zhuang Bufan came over one after another, patted He Chen on the shoulder, shook their heads and sighed, only Li Youyou gave He Chen a thumbs up happily, He Chen was confused.

After Tianman was sold out, other stalls finally gained popularity.

He Chen was walking around the venue alone, and from time to time fans screamed for him to take a group photo, and He Chen also agreed with a smile. He found that except for Tianman, no one played cosplay anymore, which made him quite regretful.

But he is not discouraged, and believes that cosplay will become popular in the next few animation festivals.

While browsing, feel free to browse other people's works.

Others have produced works of varying caliber. Most of them are fond of comics, the first attempt, only a few are signed authors of the website, the level is naturally superior to the crowd, and the booth is also the most popular.

He Chen didn't pay much attention to those contracted authors, he prefers to find out from those who no one cares about. Because no matter how good the painting is, he will not dig it if he signs a contract with other websites. His purpose is to make the animation market bigger, not to destroy the animation market, to make those who have not yet come in want to come in, and let those who have already entered go further!

He very much hopes that in his own country, such great fans as Shanghai Alice Magic Orchestra, Dragon Knight 07, and TYPE-MOON can be born.

Just like chasing fans, the feeling of chasing popular fans is far less satisfying than finding your favorite masterpiece from the unpopular ones.

It's a pity that these people are hard to come by. Even devils have produced only a handful of gods after so many years, not to mention He Chen's first China Animation Festival?

However, there were also works that caught He Chen's eyes.

In the corner of the hall, in front of an unattended booth, He Chen stopped for a long time.

"Did you draw this?"

He Chen raised his head and glanced at the stall owner, a rather unattractive girl with rustic clothes and big glasses as thick as the bottom of a beer bottle.

The girl nodded.

Seems very reserved and taciturn.

"How many copies have you sold?" He Chen asked again.

The girl shook her head.

It seems that even one copy cannot be sold, He Chen thinks about it too, it's no wonder there is a market for such things now!

The extremely sensual style of painting, the characters with nine heads, the affectionate gaze of Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, the love-hate entanglement of Taiyi and Ishida, this is a fucking BL manga!

Moreover, the author's expressive technique is very superb. Due to the existence of the great beast of the river crab, it is impossible to express the collision of the body, so she completely abandoned the description of carnal desire, and brought the emotional description of the characters to the fullest. This "Returning Jewelry" was born in this way!

Even He Chen had to wonder, could it be that the true meaning of "Pokemon" and "Digimon" was a hidden BL manga?

If it's just like this, it's not enough to attract He Chen's attention - he has seen a woman who claims to be rotten from "Slam Dunk"!

What shocked He Chen the most was other things: slightly adapted Pikachu's painting style, making it tangible and handsome, and his eyes were slightly different, while Xiaozhi's painting style was softer.

Thus, He Chen suddenly found that he could no longer look directly at the first chapter of "Pokemon":

Xiaozhi and Pikachu met in Dr. Zhou's research institute and fell in love at first sight;

Pikachu didn't want to go into the Pokémon Ball, just to get a better look at Ash;

Xiaozhi catches Bobo, why doesn't Pikachu help - because it's Xiaosan;

And Pikachu was seriously injured, nestled in Xiaozhi's arms, looking happy, and finally the sparrow came, Xiaozhi stepped forward, Pikachu swept the army, and the two fell to the ground and stared affectionately...

All kinds of adaptations make people cry, and just such a little content can fully express all the elements in the love tear-jerking drama-if it can be done normally.

Yes, if it can be normal, it will definitely be a well-known and well-known story.

But this happened to be Xiaozhi and Pikachu, one person and one beast, and that beast was male!

This doesn't just cut across race, it cuts across gender too!

He Chen immediately closed the book, he was afraid that if he continued to read, he would be swallowed by that taboo domain.

After waiting for a while, I kept recalling healthy and uplifting contents such as "to-love" and "Things from Heaven" in my mind, before I expelled the dangerous things, and then put the book down carefully.

"Mr. Porter, what do you think?" the girl asked timidly.


Just as He Chen opened his mouth, before he could speak, a white light suddenly reflected from the girl's eyes, as if the S2 mechanism had been activated, and she immediately changed into a different person: "I must like it very much! Right? I always thought that the teacher was someone in my generation! Since your birth From the beginning of "Pokemon", I began to follow in your footsteps, Xiaozhi and Pikachu depended on each other, Xiaogang's silent guardianship, and "Digimon" Shen Taiyi, Ishida, Izumi, Narito, Gao Wu and their Digimons The love-hate entanglement between the two, "Doraemon" also does not lose your true colors, Nobita, Fat Tiger, Xiaofu, Doraemon, how wonderful! In "EVA", you have finally returned to the right path recently, woman Damn it! Kaoru Nagisa and Shinji Cho..."

He Chen's face turned pale, and the girl kept making powerful impacts on the spiritual realm that He Chen insisted on.


The girl returned to her taciturn image, and He Chen was able to breathe. If she was allowed to continue, He Chen might never dare to exchange any comics again.

"What do you do?" He Chen asked, he was very puzzled, what kind of living environment can cultivate such outstanding talents.

The girl whispered: "Water Conservancy Bureau is at work..."

He Chen is completely desperate for this country!

"I used to write novels occasionally when I was off work. In **, now I try comics for the first time."

No wonder, ** is the most famous women's literature network in China, and it is only natural that she can be trained.

"Then are you willing to sign a contract with me and become a magic...and become our cartoonist?"

He Chen sent out an invitation. Although this person has serious ideological problems, his strength is indeed the strongest He Chen has seen so far.

Seeing her hesitate, He Chen went on to say, "It's the same as writing a novel, it won't affect your work...unless you volunteer to be a full-timer."

"Really? Can I?"

He Chen nodded, but when he saw her book, he hesitated for a while and said, "But the content of your drawing must be approved by me!"

He Chen must take care of this point. If the good animation market is turned into a BL manga market, He Chen is afraid that those masters who have been plagiarized by him will come across and tear him apart.

"Yeah!" The girl agreed, and He Chen thought for a while and said, "These books won't be sold anyway, so sell them all to me, so you don't have to take them back, which is so troublesome."

The girl happily agreed, and He Chen was also relieved. His sister and Zhuo Ning'er were still wandering around the venue, and they couldn't be allowed to see such filthy things, so they had to be destroyed without anyone noticing.

Fortunately, she didn't print many, only one box. After leaving her contact information, He Chen sneaked into the taboo field to destroy humanely.

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