Rebirth of the Great Entertainment Empire

Chapter 573 I'm here to pick up girls

"Take it easy, soldier! Look, I'm sorry for that performance, but we think it's best for you to take it slowly."

"Accept what?"

"You have been sleeping, Captain... for about seventy years."


"Are you OK?"

"It's okay. It's okay, it's just... I have a date..."


The theater lights came on.

Li Ruotong, who was sitting in the back with Wan Qiwen, looked shocked at Xu Cun, who was sitting in the front row surrounded by stars and moons! Yes, Li Ruotong was shocked. Li Ruotong never expected that the movie could be made like this—relying on the unimaginable method of embedding flowers and trees, the production staff of "Captain America" ​​turned the originally muscular Captain America Steve Rogers into Became that puny little Steve Rogers. The invisible CG visual magic allowed her to witness how a skinny rookie transformed into a strong super soldier. In addition, the innovative retro visual effect style of the whole film, as well as one after another magnificent scene, also gave Li Ruotong a deep shock!

Unknowingly, Li Ruotong looked at Xu Cun with an undisguised softness in his eyes, and murmured at the same time: "In terms of movies, you are already far ahead of others. Contribution is unmatched!"

Wan Qiwen, who was beside Li Ruotong, heard Li Ruotong muttering to herself, a smile flashed across her face, and then she also looked at Xu Cun with eyes similar to Li Ruotong's.

The people watching Xu Cun are not only Li Ruotong and Wan Qiwen—there are also Hu Huizhong, the general manager of DreamWorks Films, Shi Nansheng, the general manager of the distribution department of DreamWorks Films, Zhang Jiazhen, the deputy general manager of the distribution department, "Captain America" "Captain America" ​​director Joe Johnston, "Captain America" ​​screenwriter Joe Simon and painter Jack Kirby, "Captain America" ​​special effects Stan Lee The digital domains represented by Weston and Chen Jiashang are also looking at Xu Cun.


Different from Li Ruotong and Wan Qiwen, what these people see is not tenderness, but happiness, apprehension and anticipation!

Among them, Stan Lee is the most!

Now, Stan Lee is really glad that Marvel Comics can be acquired by Xu Cun-the production cost of a "Captain America" ​​and a "Spider-Man" cost one-third of Marvel's market value, so high The production cost is not even comparable to the "Star Wars" series with the highest production cost before that. Stan Lee really doesn't know who else can afford such a large amount of money except Xu Cun, a super rich man. money. Taking a step back, even if there are people who can and are willing to pay for one or two movies, who can have Xu Cun's strength to support him? Stan Lee made the entire "Avengers" series into a film? Movie?

In addition to being fortunate, Stan Lee is also very apprehensive and looking forward to it—like other "Captain America" ​​production staff, Stan Lee doesn't know that Xu Cun has done his best for them, especially after spending 8,000 taels In the case of millions of dollars, is the "Captain America" ​​produced satisfactory? You know, Xu Cun's attitude is very important, even more important than the attitude of the audience! The audience is dissatisfied, the big deal is that they can't make money, but if Xu Cun is dissatisfied, then the "Ultimate Universe Plan" of "Avengers" may only be a plan forever.

It wasn't until the film was completely over that Xu Cun nodded and said, "It's a good shot."

As soon as Xu Cun said this, everyone, including Hu Huizhong, felt the pressure eased. Joe Simon, the screenwriter of "Captain America", even murmured in a very small voice: "God bless!"

After a little relief, Joe Johnston, the director of "Captain America", looked at Xu Cun respectfully and asked, "Mr. Xu, do you think there is anything else that needs to be changed?"

Xu Cun looked at 'Captain America' screenwriter Joe Simon and painter Jack Kirby, and smiled: "You should ask Simon and Kirby, for the 'Captain America' movie, I don't think anyone has more say than them. "

Jack Kirby pushed his glasses, then bowed slightly to Xu Cun, and said: "In fact, Simon and I participated in the production of this movie from the beginning to the end. So, Mr. Xu, we are very satisfied with it !"

Xu Cun nodded and said: "'Captain America' was created by you and Simon for many years. I believe that no one has more affection for 'Captain America' than you, so since you are all very satisfied with it, Then there is no need for me to speak." Then, Xu Cun turned his head to Stan Weston and Chen Jiashang, and said, "The special effects are well done."

When Xu Cun turned his head, Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, including Stan Lee, had mist in their eyes—yes, money can make a person sell a lot of things, even everything, but Xu Cun gave What these creators want is not only the money that allows them to sell everything, but also the understanding and respect for them! Let me ask, in this case, what reason do they have for not doing a good job in the "Avengers" series of movies?

Stan Weston, who has known Xu Cun for many years, said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, as long as you are satisfied... By the way, I haven't thanked you for the head-changing theory, otherwise we really don't know how to put a two hundred and two A 10-pound hunk becomes a 140-pound short. Seriously, if you're not the boss, you can be the best special effects artist!"

Xu Cun joked: "Well, when I go bankrupt, I'll be a special effects artist."

Stan Weston laughed and said, "Don't, you are our boss. If you go bankrupt, we will all lose our jobs!"

At this time, Hu Huizhong interjected and said, "Brother Cun, can "Captain America" ​​be released during Christmas?"

Xu Cun pinched Hu Huizhong's nose, and said, "Of course you, the general manager of DreamWorks Films, decided this kind of thing after overall consideration. Why do you ask me?"

Seeing Xu Cun so defending her authority as the general manager of DreamWorks Films, Hu Huizhong was overjoyed and couldn't help but said: "You don't talk about the content of the movie, and you don't care about the release time, so you come to participate in the final editing of "Captain America" What are you doing?"

Turning his head to look at Li Ruotong who had been staring at him for a long time, until Li Ruotong looked down and avoided, Xu Cun lay down next to Hu Huizhong's ear and whispered: "I'm here to pick up girls..."


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