DreamWorks Hotel.

In the western restaurant on the top floor.

While cutting the Kobe steak in front of him, Li Ruotong muttered about making friends carelessly.

As soon as the final edit of "Captain America" ​​was over, Xu Cun invited Li Ruotong to dinner.

At that time, Li Ruotong agreed without knowing why.

After agreeing, Li Ruotong actually regretted it a bit!

Later, thinking that he had already agreed, and thinking that Wan Qiwen would accompany him, Li Ruotong followed Xu Cun to the western restaurant on the top floor of DreamWorks Hotel.

As a result, just as the three of them finished ordering, Hu Huizhong called Wan Qiwen out and hasn't returned until now.

It has been more than half an hour since Wan Qiwen and Hu Huizhong left, and Li Ruotong is not stupid, how could he not understand that Wan Qiwen should not come back?

Xu Cun smiled and said, "Why, are you still blaming Wenwen?"

Li Ruotong took a few bites of a large piece of steak, and then said vaguely: "I don't know what kind of poison you gave them, one or two are like this, not only not jealous, but also help you soak me!"

How could Xu Cun, a master of flowers, fail to see Li Ruotong's trick of self-destructing his image?

Moreover, if this woman is beautiful, she can be pretty in everything - even though Li Ruotong is now eating and drinking regardless of her image, in Xu Cun's view, she is still so beautiful. Moreover, not only is she beautiful, but now Li Ruotong also has a cuteness that was not seen in her before.

Xu Cun peeled open a lobster very skillfully and gracefully, then put the lobster meat in front of Li Ruotong, and said, "Do you want to hear the truth or lie?"

Li Ruotong's beautiful big eyes moved, and then said: "Let's tell the truth first."

Xu Cun spread caviar evenly on the thin slices of toast, and said: "The truth is, they are all generous women, so they not only accommodate me, but also pamper me."

Li Ruotong asked curiously, "Then really?"

Putting the toast smeared with caviar in front of Li Ruotong, Xu Cun said again: "It's true, they all know that I am a flirtatious person, and I can't change it until I die. There is nothing I can do about it, and they are reluctant to leave Me, so I can only indulge me."

Li Ruotong grabbed the big lobster meat without any image and took a bite, vaguely said: "Conceited, how do you know that they are reluctant to leave you?"

Xu Cun sent the French-style fried foie gras closer to him to Li Ruotong, and said: "It has been ten years since I set foot on the land of Xiangjiang. During these ten years, I have been with my woman for several years. Ten. It is undeniable that when they were with me, they had various purposes, some for money, some for the name of the picture, and of course some simply liked me. Now, those for money, everyone All of them have a net worth of at least hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars. Those whose names are named have either become famous movie stars or famous singers. They have all achieved it, but so what, don’t they still stay by my side and refuse to leave me, I think these facts can prove more than any evidence: they are all reluctant to leave me.”

Li Ruotong didn't believe it: "You really have such a great charm?"

Xu Cun smiled and said, "I don't know, how about you come and try?"

Li Ruotong grabbed the toast with one hand and the French-fried foie gras with the other, and took a bite, then said vaguely: "You think I'm stupid, can this kind of thing be tried casually? If I Try it, won’t I fall into your trap?”

Seeing Li Ruotong's oily slender hands and red lips, Xu Cun recalled and said: "There used to be a woman who looked similar to yours now, but she was really like yours at that time, but you just pretended. "

Being exposed by Xu Cun, Li Ruotong is inevitably a little embarrassed!

Seeing the embarrassment on Li Ruotong's face, Xu Cun immediately changed the subject and said, "The woman I'm talking about is Zhong Chuhong. I took her to the banquet held by the eight major Hollywood film companies that year. She couldn't walk when she saw the big lobster. So, I brought her the big lobster and ate a piece of it with her."

Li Ruotong guessed, "She has been with you since then?"

Xu Cun smiled and said: "It's not so easy. Her attitude at the beginning was more determined than yours now. Besides, she is neither famous nor rich. Even now, after five or six years with me, she still helps I gave birth to a son, and she didn't cost me a penny, and she didn't rely on me to take on the show."

Li Ruotong asked curiously, "Then how did you catch up with her?"

Xu Cundao: "Wherever you are sincere, you will find gold and stone."

Li Ruotong said dissatisfied: "Please explain in more detail."

Xu Cun handed the towel brought by a discerning waiter to Li Ruotong, and said, "It's similar to chasing you now, chasing you bit by bit, until one day she resigned to her fate, I will chase her gone."

Li Ruotong said with a look of vigilance: "You are not implying me, I will be like her, right?"

Xu Cun took a sip of the red wine in front of him, then said noncommittally, "I hope you can be like her!"

At this moment, Li Ruotong suddenly realized that she and Xu Cun were a little too close—this was seriously inconsistent with her desire to keep a safe distance from Xu Cun!

So, after that, Li Ruotong didn't say a word, just buried his head in eating.

Xu Cun didn't care about this at all, and he didn't mean to force Li Ruotong at all—because Xu Cun, a master in love, knew that the relationship between himself and Li Ruotong had made a qualitative leap.

After dinner.

Send Li Ruotong to her door.

Just when the two were about to part, Xu Cun suddenly stretched out his arms and hugged Li Ruotong into his arms!

This change was unexpected by Li Ruotong, who had been absent-minded for a long time!

Therefore, the unprepared Li Ruotong's body immediately became stiff, and he was at a loss!

The two hugged each other quietly for a long, long, long time...

Just when Li Ruotong was about to recover, Xu Cun gently kissed Li Ruotong on the forehead, and then slowly let go of Li Ruotong.

He said softly: "I will ask you out again some other day." Then, Xu Cun turned and walked towards his motorcade...

During this process, Li Ruotong's mind was full of thoughts: "He seems to have hugged me just now... seems to have kissed me..."


When the distraught Li Ruotong returned home, Xu Cun asked Tu Weihua to drive him back to the DreamWorks Hotel.

Opening the door of Xu Cun's special room in the DreamWorks Hotel, a beautiful greenhouse decorated with fresh roses came into Xu Cun's eyes.

Walking into the flower room and looking around again, Xu Cun couldn't help showing a trace of regret on his face—this flower room was originally prepared by Xu Cun for Li Ruotong's first night, but Xu Cun was really not sure that he would overthrow Li Ruotong tonight Therefore, Xu Cuncai changed his mind temporarily, instead of bringing Li Ruotong to this greenhouse, he sent Li Ruotong home directly.

Suppressing regret, Xu Cun picked up the phone, and skillfully pressed a set of phone numbers.

After the call was connected, Xu Cun said in a deep voice: "Secretary Weng, no matter what you are doing, put it down immediately. I will give you fifteen minutes to come to my special room in DreamWorks Hotel..."


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