Xu Jinyang hesitated for a moment about Li Zhi wanting to have a child for him.

Because he suddenly remembered that in the original time and space, Li Zhi and Li Lianjie had two daughters, but they didn't look very good.

It is said that Li Lianjie is an absolutely handsome guy and Li Zhi is an absolutely beautiful woman. How can the daughter born by their strong combination not be a beautiful woman?

This is not as good as Qiu Shuzhen. Qiu Shuzhen had a child with Shen Jiawei, a clothing merchant who looked very ordinary in the original time and space.

At least the eldest daughter Shen Yue is very beautiful, no less than her mother. Although she doesn't have the scenery of her mother, at least her appearance can be said to be a delicate little beauty.

It is very likely that there is a very terrible problem. In the original time and space, Li Lianjie was fooled because of his faith, which led to Li Zhi's child not being his own child.

This terrible situation has been speculated before. If that is the case, then his faith is definitely a big problem. Xu Jinyang abolished him and intercepted Li Zhi, which was also a good thing.

In this way, Xu Jinyang doesn't have to worry, because he is more handsome than Li Lianjie, and he doesn't have the kind of evil beliefs. Li Zhi is not a beauty who has plastic surgery. It can be seen from Li Zhi's childhood experience that she is definitely beautiful from childhood to adulthood, so their children, whether boys or girls, will definitely be extremely beautiful in the future, and there should be no problem in the original time and space.

However, his brief hesitation made Li Zhi a little uneasy, and she couldn't help asking:"Husband, why are you hesitating? Don't you want me to give birth to a child for you?"

When a woman wants to give birth to a child for a man, but the man is still hesitant, it will make the woman very hurt.

She may think that the man despises her and is unwilling to let her give birth to a child for him.

In fact, there are many men who are DINKs, or they emphasize safety measures when they are with a woman, which means that he does not agree with this woman in his heart and does not want to have offspring with her.

Even if he has an illegitimate child, he is unwilling to admit it.

For example, Cheng Long, although he was in love with Wu Qili, he loved her very much, and even brought her to the Cheng family team and asked those people to call her"sister-in-law".

But when Wu Qili gave birth to a daughter for him, this guy turned his face and refused to acknowledge her, which shows that he actually did not agree with this woman and was unwilling to let her become the mother of his child.

The puzzling"point" of Wu Qili's evil relationship is why, although Cheng Long obviously liked her so much, he quickly turned his face when she was pregnant, and has never changed his mind for more than 20 years, insisting on ignoring his daughter.

Back then, Cheng Long's elder brother brought a group of brothers to dinner.

If Wu Qili did not come, no one was allowed to pick up chopsticks.

When Wu Qili came, the elder brother picked up the dishes himself and fed them to the beauty's mouth.

Why did Cheng Long break up with Deng Lijun? Because Xiao Deng was too arrogant and could not tolerate his group of vulgar brothers.

Why did Cheng Long get together with Lin Fengjiao? Because the brothers liked Lin's wife.

Although in the heart of the male protagonist, her charm is far less than that of Deng Lijun.

It can be said that Cheng Long really loves his brothers.

He is the person who implements the principle of"women are like clothes, brothers are like limbs" most thoroughly.

He would rather run around naked than let his brother be bullied by his girlfriend.

Until, Wu Qili appeared. Wu Qili, born in 1973, is nearly 20 years younger than Cheng Long. His group of limbs are also old. The older brothers who once followed Cheng Long through thorns and thorns dared to pick on Deng Lijun when they were young, but now they have learned to swallow their anger in front of a girl in her early twenties and"please let the leader eat first" with an empty stomach.

It's because Cheng Long likes her. Will such love really disappear because of a pregnancy?

It seems that Cheng Long said later that if Wu Qili had given birth to the child quietly and low-key at that time, maybe he would not be so heartless. What he hated was that she officially announced the pregnancy and used public opinion to force him to divorce and get married. Remember, a similar thing happened to Lin Fengjiao. She was pregnant, but Cheng Long refused to marry her.

However, Lin Fengjiao chose to retire and go to America to give birth alone. To put it bluntly, she was ready to be the mistress of Brother Cheng Long for the rest of her life.

Fortunately, Brother Cheng Long was still single at that time. He registered with Lin Fengjiao two days before she gave birth.

It is said that the reason was that he agreed to write his name in the father's column on the child's birth certificate. Lin Fengjiao was deeply moved by this, and Brother Cheng Long was moved by this"humbleness".

You see, Cheng Long is actually a super chauvinist who likes women who are weak, tolerant, and love him to the point of losing their self. They can tolerate his fickleness, ruthlessness, and even disrespect, and will not feel insulted, let alone ask him for love equal to their own.

Unfortunately, Lin Fengjiao can do these, but Wu Qili can't. The reason is that they are two generations.

In love, age is really not a big deal. Because the so-called generation gap spans the growth background, mentality, and world outlook.

The times are different, and women's self-awareness has also improved. Wu Qili can't do the same as the previous generation of women, crawling at the feet of men, and loving"so weak and humble". Like Lin Fengjiao, she went to a foreign country alone to give birth, and was willing to accept the identity of herself and her child not being able to see the light. For Wu Qili, this is not love, but an insult, not only to herself, but also to the child in her belly.

Wu Qili is nearly 20 years younger than Cheng Long. At the beginning of the relationship, Cheng Long may be full of the joy of an old cow eating young grass, but the longer they date, the more he will find that young women bring him not only beautiful faces and youthful vitality, but more importantly, more independent thinking and a higher personality.

So, he can't bear it. A piece of cake that can't be swallowed, no matter how delicious it is, no matter how much he likes it, all he can do is to give up resolutely and never look at it again. Many men are like this. It's okay to be intimate, but when giving birth, you must agree with the other person and some other things, otherwise you are unwilling to let her give birth to your child. This is also what Li Zhi is very worried about.

Xu Jinyang smiled and said,"Don't think too much. The reason I hesitated just now was because I thought that you are still very young.

You have just debuted for a few months, and now you are pregnant and have a child. Wouldn't it be difficult for you to develop in the entertainment industry?"

Li Zhi sighed and said,"Husband, didn't you just say that because of my appearance and figure, and because I am from the mainland, at least half of the people in Hong Kong, that is, those women, don't like me, and many men don't like me either. I am so unpopular with the audience, how can my acting career develop? Even if you protect me, at most my peers dare not bully me.

But if the audience doesn't like me, it will be difficult for me to become popular, and my future in the entertainment industry will be bleak.

When I think that no matter how hard I try, they still don't like me, then I really have no motivation. Instead of this, it is better to have children early and support my husband and children."

Xu Jinyang wanted to agree with Li Zhi's words immediately and simply stop her from working in the entertainment industry.

Because she worked hard in the entertainment industry, even those male actors who cooperated with her knew that she was Xu Jinyang's woman and did not dare to take advantage of her.

But she will inevitably be regarded as a sexy symbol and appear in movies. Thinking about it, she still feels a little uncomfortable.

However, Xu Jinyang can see that Li Zhi has just been in the industry for less than a year. She must be very unwilling to be advised to quit now.

When she holds this unwillingness to give birth to children, will it also affect her emotions towards her children?

Just like Wu Qili, the mother of Cheng Long's daughter in that time and space, she herself has a little future in the entertainment industry, but because she gave birth to Cheng Long's daughter, she did not get Cheng Long's recognition. In addition, she ruined her future in the entertainment industry for this child, so she will inevitably vent her anger on the child.

As a result, the daughter he raised was very rebellious and did things that were very shameful. I believe that Cheng Long, as a father, was also very upset when he thought about this.

Xu Jinyang did not want to encounter the same thing as Cheng Long in the future. He did not want Li Zhi to feel that she had sacrificed something for Xu Jinyang and for the child.

Therefore, Xu Jinyang said:"I will give you a time limit. Before 1990, you can find various resources in the entertainment industry, but I have a request, that is, you are not allowed to take any sexy and exposed roles! Such roles will not help your acting career at all, but will make people look down on you even more.

I will choose the role that suits you, and you will try your best to play it. It will take a few years to see if there is any possibility of change."

After Li Zhi found that she was deeply in love with Xu Jinyang, she was unwilling to play that kind of sexy role.

What's more, Xu Jinyang himself is a person of status, the son of a chaebol, and the boss of a film company. It is really not suitable for the girlfriend of such a person to act like that.

In order to take care of Xu Jinyang's emotions, she also listened to Xu Jinyang's words. The kind of coquettish and exposed body will indeed only make people look down on herself and will not help her acting career at all.

So, Li Zhi said solemnly:"Husband, I listen to you. I won't take that kind of role. You arrange it for me.

See what kind of role I am suitable for. I will follow the path you paved for me. I believe in your vision very much." (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Every time Xu Jinyang dates his girlfriends, he will analyze their own roles and arrange roles suitable for them, although Qiu Shuzhen became popular after she transformed into a somewhat charming and sexy route.

But in this time and space, Xu Jinyang doesn't want to become Wang Jing, so he won't agree to let Qiu Shuzhen take that route.

Let others take that route.

There are still a lot of beauties in the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

If they don't do such things, naturally there will be other women to do it.

There is never a lack of women who show up for fame.

However, Xu Jinyang's women don't need to do this, and they can't do it.

Now Xu Jinyang told Lizhi something, and said with a serious expression:"Wife, I think that because your father is a businessman, and your experience is also a bit complicated, and you have worked as a salesperson before, I believe you should have a certain talent and yearning for business. So it is more suitable for you to be a business woman, not an actress.

I can now tell you with finality that your prospects in the entertainment industry are definitely not as high as those of Zhang Manyu, an actress who is not too beautiful but very likable.

Because you don't take sexy roles, you can only take very few roles, maybe only two or three a year, and most of the time you are very free.

So I suggest that in addition to reading more, you should also increase your experience in the business world and learn to do business!

I will have many companies in many industries in the future, and I don't trust those professional managers. I only trust my women.

In the future, I hope you can help me manage the real estate sector. You can start learning about real estate investment from now on."

Lizhi listened very carefully, felt very excited, and was full of yearning.

She smiled and said,"Husband, I found that we are really in love and have a good understanding. What you said is exactly what I think.

I actually yearn to be respected by people like Pansy Ho. If I am not respected as an actor, then sooner or later I will become a business woman.

I want to help you, and I am also interested in real estate investment.

Don't worry, I will spend most of my time learning how to do business and invest in real estate. I hope to be able to stand on my own in the future and help you."

Xu Jinyang felt very gratified. Although Li Zhi had a failed real estate investment in that time and space, and Li Lianjie was forced to make 6 movies in two years to pay off her debts, she grew up later.

In that time and space, Li Zhi invested in a real estate project in Yantai. Li Zhi went to Yantai alone to invest in real estate, but she lost a lot of money because she knew nothing about the real estate business. She didn't know how to operate, plan, or understand the rules of real estate. She thought she could just buy it in Hong Kong and not move it. She was tired of dealing with officialdom and business socializing, and she eventually lost more than 60 million.

This debt almost made her collapse. The reason for the collapse was that most of these investments were usurious loans, which were several times the amount of her own investment. They took advantage of Lizhi's naivety and ignorance.

It can be said that during that period of time, Lizhi fled from her creditors in panic. Her creditors came from banks, loan sharks, and friends. She was almost suffocated but could do nothing. It is not an exaggeration to say that Li Lianjie is her savior.

Li Lianjie knew that his beloved girl was in such a predicament, so he took on the role non-stop and told the Xiang brothers of Yongsheng that there was no problem with filming, but they must pay half of the salary first. Li Lianjie was a hot star at the time, and the Xiang brothers were of course happy that there was no problem, so in 1993, he filmed five works.

Although it was to pay off debts, they are all fine products, and even tailor-made. These five works can be regarded as Li Lianjie's masterpieces.

《"Fong Sai-yuk","Fong Sai-yuk Sequel","Tai Chi Master","The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber","New Shaolin Five Ancestors" were all filmed in 1993. Five works were filmed in 12 months, all starring in them, all kung fu films. The high density of works was for Li Zhi to pay off her debts. Later, Li Lianjie not only paid off Li Zhi's debts, but also won Li Zhi's heart.

But later her investment was successful, because every failure is a lesson. Li Zhi failed in real estate speculation in Jinan, Shandong, but she succeeded in real estate speculation after marriage. Li Zhi bought a unit in Repulse Bay, Hong Kong, for HK$4.39 million, and later sold it for HK$40.08 million, with a book net profit of HK$35.69 million, which is also an amazing profit.

Li Zhi also made a lot of money by asking Li Lianjie to buy land in Shanghai. In the 1990s, more than 20 years ago, Huamu Road in Pudong, Shanghai was still a wasteland. Li Lianjie took a fancy to this land, and at Li Zhi's suggestion, he bought about 40 acres of wasteland at one time, and then sold his villa in Los Angeles, USA, and planned to settle down in Shanghai with his wife.

Later, as the land price in Shanghai continued to increase in value, Li Lianjie sold nine-tenths of the entire land to"Hutchison" Real Estate under Li Bancheng.

This company used this land to build the most advanced villa in Shanghai at that time, Four Seasons Garden.

Li Lianjie only retained one-tenth of the southeast corner as his own asset for long-term holding, which is the location of the villa later.

The total area is 5,369.

87 square meters, and it is still luxurious and impressive.

The mansion consists of three townhouses.

When the mansion was started, top-level materials and decoration were selected in all aspects.

It took about two years to complete and cost about 300 million yuan.

The location of the house has now become a prosperous area in Shanghai.

The exterior of the villa is very beautiful.

It adopts European architectural style.

The door adopts an arched door with Roman columns.

With the ivory white exterior wall, it feels like a castle and is very impressive.

There is no data showing the value of this land. Let's calculate it based on the unit price of Shanghai Four Seasons Garden. The average price of second-hand units on Anjuke in 2020 is 137,312 yuan, which means that the current property value of Li Lianjie's house is 737 million yuan. With other intangible values, it is at least over 1 billion yuan.


Back to the point, in this time and space, with Xu Jinyang's top investment model to help check, Li Zhi should not go to the mainland to invest in real estate and suffer a big loss like in the previous time and space. It was revealed in advance that under the guidance of Xu Jinyang, Li Zhi managed the mainland real estate investment and made nearly 1 trillion in the next 30 years!

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