How did Lizhi make one trillion? Because Xu Jinyang only let her focus on investing in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, especially Shenzhen!

Xu Jinyang told Lizhi at this time:"If you go to the mainland to invest in real estate, Shenzhen is still the most promising, not only because it is close to Hong Kong, but also because it is a special zone, there are many policies and regulations that take precedence over other places in the mainland, and there are fewer restrictions on real estate here.

This is fertile ground for construction, close to Hong Kong, and it is developing faster.

Rapid economic development will drive housing prices to rise rapidly.

Let me tell you a number.

In 30 years, the housing price in Shenzhen will rise to 100,000 yuan per square meter.

Do you believe it?"

Lizhi was so shocked that she couldn't speak for a while before she said, isn't this crazy? 100,000 per square meter, now Hong Kong, New York, London, and Paris can't have such high housing prices. Shenzhen is just a small fishing village now, how could there be such high housing prices?"

Xu Jinyang sighed secretly in his heart. If he had not been to Dizhen in the original time and space and experienced the crazy housing prices in Dizhen in 2020, he would not believe that in a place where education and medical care are all backward, housing prices can be inflated to more than 100,000 square meters. It's crazy.

But this crazy place is simply a paradise for people who invest in real estate.

Xu Jinyang smiled and said, you find it hard to believe, but with the development of the economy in the future, housing prices in Dizhen will definitely grow wildly. So, don't go to those remote places to invest, first lock on Dizhen and buy land in Dizhen. Now you can make a lot of money just by buying land, and real estate development is just a matter for the future."

Lizhi knew that these were still a bit far away from her, but she believed in Xu Jinyang's vision very much.

Maybe Dizhen might really become a very prosperous economic place in the future, not just a small fishing village now.

In fact, in 1986, Dizhen was already somewhat prosperous, but it was completely incomparable with 2023.

Many places were still rural areas, and many places still had"167" houses, which were very dilapidated.

There were even farmlands, which was a large county town.

From now on, go to Dizhen to buy land, hoard it for 30 years, and increase it by thousands or tens of thousands of times.

How cool.

Therefore, Xu Jinyang was ready to wait until the stock market crash in 1987, rob those wealthy people in Wall Street and Hong Kong, and then buy their industries at low prices, and then start to invest in mainland real estate regulation and start buying land on a large scale in Dizhen! Of course, Xu Jinyang was unwilling to just buy land and hoard it like Li Bancheng did. Li Bancheng's approach was really shameless.

It turned out that in that time and space, at the end of October 2022, the Yucuiyuan project in Chaoyang District, Beijing was about to be launched, and the price was 100,000/square meter.

This land was developed by Hutchison Whampoa under Li Bancheng's name and was acquired in 2001, 21 years ago.

In 2001, Hutchison Whampoa signed a transfer agreement with Beijing View to acquire the Yaojiayuan land with a total construction surface area of 400,000 square meters for 700 million yuan, with a floor price of 1,750 yuan per square meter, which is more than 50 times higher than the rumored price of 100,000 yuan per square meter in 2022.

Why was Li Bancheng able to acquire this land at such a low price at that time?

After 1997, in order to dispel the vigilance of Hong Kong businessmen against the mainland, Hong Kong businessmen will receive policy preferences and special care in related fields such as investment. It is not just Li Bancheng who hoards land. At that time, many Hong Kong businessmen and mainland businessmen did this, but later the policy gradually changed and this move disappeared.

In addition to policy reasons, hoarding land is probably a concept engraved in the genes of Hong Kong businessmen.

It is well known that Hong Kong has relatively little land for development.

As Hong Kong became one of the four little dragons at that time, people's housing requirements continued to increase, and the real estate speculation industry was also developing in full swing.

Hoarding land and waiting for soaring prices before selling it has almost become a routine operation, and Li Bancheng is more representative.

In fact, there are more than just Beijing Yaojiayuan, Shanghai Lujiazui, Chongqing Nan'an, Chengdu Tianfu New City South Land King Project, etc. These are all the land that Li Bancheng has been hoarding in the mainland for more than 10 years. He either developed real estate or directly sold it at a profit. In recent years, news about his hoarding and selling land has also been common.

However, as a rich man, Li Bancheng does not seem to have the social responsibility of a businessman.

In the past few years, Li Bancheng has cashed out more than 200 billion yuan by selling his real estate projects, not only in the mainland, but also in Hong Kong.

At the same time, his overseas investment projects are also being rolled out on a large scale, and there are also measures to transfer assets overseas.

Some people say that he is a pure businessman and an enemy of all working people, which is probably not wrong.

Xu Jinyang hates Li Bancheng's model of hoarding land and reaping huge profits. He still hopes that the land can be revitalized and gain greater added value due to development while increasing in value over time.

For example, if Xu Jinyang could get a piece of land in Shenzhen and build Huaqiang North Electronic World, as Shenzhen Huaqiang North becomes the main distribution center for electronic components in the entire south and even the entire Southeast Asia, Huaqiang North Electronic World will bring him a return rate of hundreds of billions. It's exciting to think about it.

In addition, he can also use the entire piece of land to build Window of the World and Happy Valley. These two theme parks are definitely making a lot of money. In the next 30 years, it will cost tens of billions or even hundreds of billions. Of course, office buildings and commercial residences will also be launched on a large scale later. You must know that when the housing prices were the highest, the total value of the entire Shenzhen real estate was said to be tens of trillions. In

2021, when Shenzhen's housing prices were the highest, some people calculated that the total value of Shenzhen's real estate was 15.1 trillion yuan, which was ridiculously wrong. Shenzhen

's commercial housing is only 200 million. At an average price of 85,000 yuan/, the total market value of commercial housing is 17 trillion.

There are also about 450 million small-property houses and peasant houses. This valuation is much more conservative. Let's count it as 25,000 yuan/, and the total market value is 11.25 trillion yuan.

The other commercial, office, warehouse and factory buildings are combined for about 4. This is based on an average price of 30,000 yuan, and the total market value is 12 trillion yuan.

The above three have been built for a total of 40.25 trillion yuan (converted into US$6 trillion). The so-called 151 trillion yuan that person actually corresponds to these three. It is a serious exaggeration, without the slightest professional stance, and can be attributed to professional rumors!

Xu Jinyang certainly has no way to achieve a monopoly, but even if it is only 1/10, it is still trillions, and it is exciting to think about it.

Of course, Xu Jinyang will never miss the real estate development of Shanghai.

It turned out that at that time and space, the residential construction area of Shanghai as of the end of 2018 was 687 million square meters, and the non-residential area was 682 million square meters. From 2019 to November 2020, Shanghai added another 48.61 million square meters of commercial housing, including 26.82 million square meters of residential housing and 21.79 million square meters of non-residential housing.

The residential housing area of Shanghai in 2020 is 7.14 square meters and the non-residential housing is 7.04 square meters.

If non-residential housing is calculated at half the price of residential housing, and residential housing is calculated at the current average price of second-hand housing of 60,000 yuan per square meter, the total value of Shanghai's housing is 7.146+7.04×6×0.563.96 trillion yuan.

Beijing View is even more not to be missed. The total residential area built in Beijing before 1990 is only 69.5 million square meters, of which 5,644 square meters were built from 1978 to 1989. This shows that by 2016, there were still about 13.06 million square meters of residential housing built in Beijing before 1978.

We can infer that the total amount of buildings that still exist in Beijing before 1978 is about 23 million square meters, of which 13.06 million square meters are residential buildings, according to the proportion of residential buildings in the total completed area in the annual increase (56.4%). If we add the completed area since 1978, the total number of buildings in Beijing is: 9600000 square meters.

Among them, residential: 54480+130655786 square meters, which is about 558 million square meters. The current average price of second-hand houses in Beijing is about 65,000 yuan, and it is still calculated based on the assumption that non-residential is half the price of residential. The total market value of Beijing's houses should be: 5.58×6.5+(9.9-5.58)×6.5×0.550.31 trillion yuan.

In other words, the total market value of houses in Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen is about 6.4 billion, 50 trillion and 32 trillion respectively. The three major cities add up to a total of 146 trillion yuan.

In other words, the total value of houses in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen is equivalent to about 62% of the total market value of houses in the United States (237 trillion).

If Xu Jinyang uses 30 years to lay out the real estate in these three places, even without a 10% share, only 5%, the net profit can reach 1 trillion!

Xu Jinyang and Lizhi outlined the future development prospects of real estate in the mainland. The two were very excited. The money prospect was too good!

While they talked about investment, they did not forget to date.

Xu Jinyang originally thought that Li Zhi had such a good figure and her physical fitness should be pretty good, but he didn't expect that she was just small-framed, so she looked fatter. She didn't do much physical exercise, far less than Wang Zuxian, so her physical strength was average.

It was agreed to stay up all night, but in fact, more than two hours later, Li Zhi fell into a deep sleep, the kind that thunder might not wake her up.

Xu Jinyang sighed deeply. It was like this every time. He had to���Go find other confidantes. (To read the novel of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because Xu Jinyang robbed too much special energy, he encountered such a dilemma, so he had to get up.

But he did not go to other women immediately, but wrote down the investment plan he had just thought of for Dizhen, and planned to start it at the end of next year.

In addition to investing in Huaqiangbei Electronic World and Window of the World, he also thought of opening a Foxconn in Dizhen!

That's right, he was going to intercept the electronic processing industry of the richest man in Taiwan.

Don't think that this kind of electronic OEM has low profits and no profit. You have to see the deeper things, that is, it can bring a lot of jobs to the local area. This is the entity.

If Xu Jinyang can affect the employment of millions of people, he will be treated as a guest of honor wherever he goes, very respectful, and no one dares to harm him.

And if there are only tens of billions of assets, which cannot drive employment, and there are no hundreds of thousands of employees, and it is only rich on paper, then it will definitely not be respected...........

Moreover, Xu Jinyang said that he wanted to do OEM just to grab some extra share from Hon Hai, so that the two-faced guy could not make money from us.

What he wanted to do more was to create a world brand in the mobile phone, computer and electronics industry to replace Apple.

Imagine if the world brand Apple was ours, with influence all over the world, and it was completely our own factory, it would drive many industries, and the entire industry chain would probably require tens of millions of people.

It turned out that at that time and space, there were 1,142 suppliers from 49 countries and regions in the Apple industry chain, more than 2 million workers working in three shifts, more than 500 Apple stores around the world and thousands of channels operating non-stop, selling 20,000 Apple phones every hour (these 2 million people may not include upstream and downstream and channel personnel, all of which may add up to tens of millions of people).

They created the company with the largest market value in human history, and the new era's empire on which the sun never sets - Apple.

The capital of this huge empire is the Apple headquarters standing in the small town of Cupertino, California. This largest single office building in the world brings together 12,000 elites recruited by Apple from all over the world. It occupies an area larger than the Pentagon and commands the legions around the world fighting for Apple, just like the Department of Defense.

The heart of the empire is an iMac office. Every morning, when Cook ponders the ever-changing numbers on this iMac, he is like an emperor overlooking his kingdom.

Apple monitors the actions of the princes of the empire through two systems installed in the supply chain to allocate resources, reserve profits, and plan production capacity for them.

The first is an enterprise resource planning system that Apple has invested heavily in, which has a territorial map of the global situation.

In this system, all the data from Apple's component suppliers to assembly plants and finally to channels are connected. Cook's computer can show the operation of Apple's global suppliers on that day: from the output of each component to each���The start-up status of the production line, and even the production yield of each factory.

Every time hundreds of thousands of female workers on Foxconn's assembly lines finish assembling an iPhone, an updated number will appear in Cook's computer on the other side of the ocean.

As Apple's heavyweight supplier of acoustic components, AAC's Apple production line, the control software, computers and ERP systems are all from Apple. The relevant production line managers often receive remote emails from Apple, pointing out problems on a certain production line. The key point is that after pointing out the problem, only after Apple opens the authority can the relevant person in charge go to the site to check.

In other words, on this production line, except for the factory, workers, and some equipment that belong to AAC, the rest are controlled by Apple.

Of course, the invisible hand will not be the only one supporting an empire's control over various military regions. The second set of the imperial system: the imperial envoy system composed of people that covers the entire empire.

At its peak, Apple invested more than 2,000"imperial envoys" in Foxconn alone.

In this system, there are various roles such as EPM (Engineering Project Manager), GSM (Global Supply Chain Manager) and SE (Supplier Quality Engineer). Some are responsible for providing 1.2 technical support; some are responsible for communication and collaboration to help reach the top; some are responsible for supervising every move of the company, from personnel appointments to the placement of a machine. In

August 2009, because the cost control of a small part failed to meet Apple's requirements, the relevant person in charge of Apple called the big boss of Foxconn to hold him accountable. Jiang Haoliang, the successor appointed by the big boss who was directly responsible for the matter, was demoted to the special assistant of the chairman's office for new products such as digital photo frames overnight.

Through these two systems, Apple and the supply chain have formed a semi-supervisory and semi-cooperative relationship, and all supply chains are transparent to Apple.

A senior executive of Baodao Optical Enterprise clearly remembers the shock he felt when he first met Apple's GSM many years ago. On the plane to the United States, the executive and the business backbones went through a sandbox simulation and finally calculated the cost price of a lens of the company at $0.99.

Unexpectedly, after the meeting, Apple GSM directly took out a stack of evaluation reports that clearly stated the company's product yield, lens product injection molding status, production line scale, material imports and even processing costs, and then gave a 10% to 15% profit margin and a selling price of $1.1. The executives were stunned on the spot.

Under the two sets of surveillance, the trump cards and underwear of the players in the Apple industry chain were clearly displayed in the background of Apple, and what greeted them was another side of Apple's gift.


In the future, Xu Jinyang will completely bring over Apple's system, or simply invest in Apple to control it.

Now, Nicole Kidman is being used as the eldest daughter of the Kidman chaebol just to control the layout!

If tens of millions of people in the world have to rely on Xu Jinyang to survive in the future, then he will definitely be a top chaebol.

Therefore, Xu Jinyang must speed up the bloodbath on Wall Street!

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