Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 240: The investment project of ‘Wowu Biotechnology’ is taken over!

"Is this still called 'nothing more than that'?"

Li Meng was speechless and said with emotion: "As for you now, let alone your peers, even among all the people in the country, you have already surpassed 99.9% of the people. How many people have worked hard all their lives, but the wealth they have accumulated will not exceed 5 million, not to mention the numerical unit of 100 million?”

"The expectations are different!" Su Yu said, "What I said is just for me personally."

With the advantage of rebirth and ten years of subsequent trading experience in the financial market, if the goal is just to become a billionaire, it would be a bit too ambitious.

"That's right!" Li Meng smiled, "Your journey along the way has truly become a legend in the market. It's hard for others to copy it."

"What's not legendary?" Su Yu smiled and said, "It just happened to hit the limelight, and the investment theory he studied has been verified by the market."

Li Meng smiled and said, "Why are you so humble all of a sudden?"

"Because no matter what time, arrogance and pride are the root of failure." Su Yu said, "Especially for those of us who trade in the financial market, this is even more true. Temporary success is irrelevant. After all, You never know what the next change in the market will be like. We cannot be a temporary winner in the market, but should be an 'evergreen tree' in the market."

"So, after we have accumulated enough foundation through short-term and ultra-short-term investment, should we switch to long-term investment?" Li Meng asked, "From market speculation to market investment?"

Su Yu rubbed his temples and said with a smile: "There is actually no essential difference between speculation and investment. What I want to say is not this, but our choice of opportunities and investment methods. There should be more in the future. The development of Yuanhua should not be limited to the stock market or even the domestic financial market."

"Of course, it's too early to say this now."

"After all, our company has not even received its first payment yet, and its own capital pool is almost zero."

"From the perspective of future development direction, it certainly cannot be limited to the stock market." Li Meng added, "The secondary market capacity is limited after all and is far less broad than the primary market. With the further improvement of my country's comprehensive national strength and the continuous development of the financial market, In terms of development, entrepreneurial investment, and venture capital, there must be great potential. Didn’t you also have this ambition when you established the venture capital department in the company?"

“And now our company is on the venture capital side.”

"We have invested in 7 start-up and development companies. Although the investment scale is not large, the results are still significant."

"It's just that in this direction, as you said, it takes too long to accumulate funds and it is difficult to realize the investment. Our company cannot make full use of its own funds before it has sufficient amount of its own funds. Like other domestic venture capital companies and venture capital companies, It is longer and shorter, and it cannot penetrate into many large-scale investment projects.”

"But these... I don't think there's any hurry."

"The company has grown to its current scale in just a few months, which is beyond everyone's expectations. We can only slowly adjust our development strategy step by step and continue our layout."

"Yeah!" Su Yu nodded slightly, "That's all we can do."

While the two were chatting, the car had arrived at the garage downstairs. Then, the two got out of the car and went home. They continued to chat for a few words, then washed up and went to bed.

The next day, when Su Yu woke up.

Li Meng had already left his residence, booked a ticket back to Yuzhou, and prepared breakfast for him when he left.

Su Yu glanced at the text message Li Meng sent him when he left, and then ate the breakfast prepared by the other party, feeling suddenly warm in his heart.

Thinking about the future, if it can be maintained like this, it will not be bad.

"Mr. Su..."

After Su Yu finished breakfast and was about to rest comfortably at home for a long time, he suddenly received a call from He Qian, the director of the company's venture capital department: "In the list of companies you asked me and Liang Bin to find ways to contact, about Zhezhou The investment project of Wowu Biotechnology Company has made progress."

"Oh?" Su Yu was a little surprised, "Are they willing to let us in?"

The 'Wowu Biotechnology Company' mentioned by He Qian is a company with allergen drug development as its core product and competitive advantage.

Currently, this company already has a successful pharmaceutical product that has entered the market.

And it has established a first-mover advantage in the same field.

At the same time, its revenue and profit scale have reached the GEM listing conditions, and... the other party submitted an IPO application a year and a half ago.

It can be regarded as a quasi-listed company that is just shy of being listed.

Unfortunately, shortly after the other party submitted its IPO application, the regulatory authorities closed the IPO channel due to the continuous blood loss in the market and the continuous break-up of new shares.

As a result, this company was stuck at this 'final stop'.

"No..." He Qian replied, "We still haven't found a breakthrough for investment at the level of the company's actual controllers and major shareholders. After all, although they are stuck at the threshold of listing, their financial status is still relatively good. , there is not much demand for continued financing, so it is not easy for us to intervene.”

"The breakthrough I was talking about..."

"Almost 2 years ago, when Wowu Biotech was preparing to submit its IPO application, an investment fund intervened in this company during the final PE stage."

"Anzhao Fund?" Su Yu asked.

He had done some rough research on the company Wowu Biotech and was quite optimistic about its future, so he asked He Qian and Liang Bin to get in touch to see if they could start from the first-tier IPO market while the entire IPO market was stagnant. In the market, get involved in the investment of this company.

In this way, he knows which investment institutions have participated in the financing of this company.

My heart is also clear.

"Yes, Anzhao Fund." He Qian replied, "The performance of their fund this year is very poor, so I can't wait until Wowu Biotech is successfully listed before cashing in the chips."

"So, after knowing that we were interested in the investment project of Wowu Biotechnology..."

"So he took the initiative to contact me."

"However, Mr. Su..."

He Qian paused and then said: "They need a premium of about 20% before they are willing to take action, and the shares of Wowu Biotech they hold are probably worth 5,000 based on the valuation of Wowu Biotech when they participated. It’s around 10,000 yuan. With our company’s current self-owned capital flow, it may be difficult to swallow it.”

"A premium of about 20%." Su Yu pondered for a while and replied, "I have been imprisoned for two years, and if the IPO is restarted, there is a high probability that Wowu Biotech will pass the review committee and be successfully listed. , in this case, it is not excessive for them to withdraw early and demand a 20% premium.”

"As for the market value of 50 million..."

"With the company's cash flow, plus the cash I currently hold, I can afford it."

"Since the other party has taken the initiative to contact us..." Su Yu paused, "Then let's meet and talk. If the price is right, if we win this equity, there is a high probability that we will not lose money in the future."

Su Yu believed that the reason why the other party was eager to sell was because the capital accumulation was too serious.

After all, after being locked up for two years, there is still no hope of the market IPO restarting. And even if I don’t know how long it will take, the market IPO will restart. Wowu Biotech also passed the review and was successfully listed. Before the IPO stagnation, the market’s new stocks continued to break. In this situation, I don’t know if I can make a profit yet.

So, when expectations were frustrated again and again.

The net value performance of its main funds is extremely unsatisfactory, and the net value settlement needs to be carried out at the end of the year to give investors a time to explain.

The other party will have to rush to find a buyer to take over the project.

But these situations simply do not exist for Su Yu and Yuhang Investment. They are currently in a stage of rapid development. Although the company's cash flow is currently somewhat tight, the performance created by the fund and the undivided profits In terms of profits, in fact, their available funds are very abundant.

Able to withstand the risks of capital accumulation and long-term investment.

You can also have the patience to wait until "spring flowers bloom" after acquiring equity interests in related projects.

"Okay!" Seeing that Su Yu had no objection, He Qian responded and continued, "Then I will make an appointment with Mr. Qin of Anzhao Fund. Mr. Qin hopes to meet Su at noon today at the Xianglan Hotel. You can always talk directly when we meet."

"Okay!" Su Yu said, "Then you clean up and come with me later."

"Okay." He Qian responded and hung up the phone.

Afterwards, Su Yu tidied up, changed his clothes and went out, then drove to pick up He Qian and went directly to the 'Xianglan Hotel' that he had agreed with.

"Where's Liang Bin?"

In the car, Su Yu asked, "Have you been the one handling this project?"

"He went to Guangdong." He Qian replied, "He has always wanted to talk about the 'New Microelectronics' project. Well... I have been following up on the Wowu Biology project."

"Oh!" Su Yu responded, "Nothing happened to you two recently, right?"

"No!" He Qian said, "Everything is normal. Everyone is minding their own business. In the past week or two, we have rarely seen each other. If anything happens, we always talk on the phone. After all, I feel that the market investment sentiment is picking up. , many high-quality projects in the primary market are not as easy to negotiate as before, so we must seize the time."

"I heard..." Su Yu thought for a while and said.

"It's all nonsense." He Qian didn't wait for Su Yu to finish, and smiled calmly, "Liang Bin is not my type. We are colleagues at most, and just ordinary friends. Well... speaking of it, Haven’t we gotten close to you yet?”

"Uh..." Su Yu was choked by her words and was speechless.

"Don't worry..." Seeing him frowning slightly, He Qian said with a smile, "I'm not the kind of person who takes away someone's love. Li Meng is my best friend and best friend, and I won't betray her. .”

"Forget it, don't talk about it."

Seeing that the topic was getting further and further, Su Yu paused for a while and couldn't help but change the topic back: "Are you familiar with Mr. Qin from Anzhao Fund?"

"I haven't seen her before, but I heard she is a beautiful woman." He Qian said, "And she seems to have some relationship with Chairman Wu of Zhezhou Oriental Group, right? There is also Anzhao seems to be controlled by Zhezhou Oriental Group. Speaking of which, Mr. Qin is more like the agent of Chairman Wu of Oriental Group."

"Yeah." Su Yu said, "This person's reputation in the industry is far more famous than his performance ability."

"Never mind her." He Qian said, "As long as she keeps her word and we can sign this equity transfer agreement within a reasonable price range, then everything will be fine. Others... we don't have to worry about so much."

"Knowing its motives is still very useful for our negotiations." Su Yu said, "In view of the relationship between Anzhao Fund and Eastern Group, I was wondering...does it mean that they are so eager to withdraw and proactively contact us? There have been some problems.”

"After all, as far as I know..."

"Most of the funds managed by Anzhao Fund are funds from Eastern Group."

"And if it is true that there is a cash flow gap problem within Oriental Group, Anzhao Fund has to invest off-site and withdraw cash as soon as possible."

"Then we will be completely in the active position in negotiations."

"The 20% premium condition they mentioned, we can also take advantage of the other party's eagerness to withdraw funds, and feel free to cut it down boldly."

While Su Yu was speaking, He Qian thought about it seriously and couldn't help but nod in agreement.

Indeed, they took the initiative to seek investment in this project before, but did not get a breakthrough. But now, the other party came to the door, and their motives seemed a bit strange.

"But we are not the only buyers in the market." After thinking for a while, He Qian added, "During the period when Wowu Biotech's IPO was stagnant, its performance was still very stable. In the hands of Anzhao Fund, The future value of this part of the shares still has great growth potential.”

"I'm worried that if we lower the price too low, the other party may not sell to us."

"There's no need to lower the price too low." Su Yu said, "It's enough to let the other party make a profit and we can also reduce some investment costs."

"Of course, specifically..."

"It's better to wait until we meet and negotiate before we decide!"

With that said, the two of them had arrived at the entrance of Xianglan Hotel. Su Yu parked the car, and under the guidance of the receptionist, he and He Qian went to the private room agreed with the other party.

When I walked into the room, I saw only a tall and beautifully dressed woman in the private room.

There is also a slightly fat middle-aged man.

"Mr. Su, I've heard of you for a long time!" When Su Yu walked into the room, the tall beauty stood up first to say hello, "You are a legend in our private equity industry in Yuhang. It's not easy to meet you."

"Mr. Qin, you're welcome." Su Yu smiled and shook her hand symbolically, "I have also heard of Mr. Qin's name. Of course... Mr. Qin's reputation is even more widespread."

When Qin Qiuyue heard his compliment, she couldn't help but chuckle and said, "Mr. Su, you are really good at talking."

"What I said is all the truth." Su Yu looked at the other party carefully, but he could not help but be attracted by the other party's beauty, "Our Yuhang industry is called the most beautiful woman, not everyone can have this praise. , but when I saw him today, Mr. Qin really lived up to his name."

"Oh, by the way, this is Manager He from the venture capital department of our company."

After a brief greeting, Su Yu introduced him to the other party.

"Hello!" Qin Qiuyue shook hands with He Qian after being introduced by Su Yu, and then introduced the middle-aged man beside them to them, "This is Mr. Yu from Zhezhou Oriental Group, my friend. Mr. Yu mainly wants to get to know Mr. Su today, after all, Mr. Su’s name is really well-known in our Yuhang financial circle and investment community recently."

"Mr. Qin is so complimentary." Su Yu chuckled.

Then he shook hands with Mr. Yu from the Eastern Group and exchanged a few words.

Of course, after Mr. Yu appeared, Su Yu strengthened his suspicions that it was Oriental Group, the real boss behind Anzhao Fund, that had a capital chain problem, which led to Anzhao Fund's urgent withdrawal of funds. , liquidate OTC investment projects.

Then, after getting to know each other...

Everyone talked about some recent financial events and market opinions, and then went directly to the equity transfer of "Wowu Biotechnology Company".

"We are indeed interested in taking over the shares of Wowu Biotechnology Company from you." After the topic was officially discussed, Su Yu began to show his thoughts, "But I think your asking price is too high. 20% We cannot accept the premium conditions. In the current stage, both the development of 'Wowu Bio' and the hope of restarting the market IPO are full of uncertainties."

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