Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 241 Give profit!


Su Yu paused and said: "Even if the IPO can be restarted within the next year, and 'Wowu Biotechnology' can pass the review of the IPO Review Committee and be successfully listed, based on the performance of new shares before the IPO suspension, its IPO will be broken." The probability is at least 40%."

"We invest money to take over your shares."

"While taking corresponding risks, you should also give us some concessions, right?"

"Then Mr. Su much premium is appropriate?" Qin Qiuyue frowned slightly, then paused and continued, "Although the future development of the market is full of uncertainties, the fundamentals of 'Wowu Biotechnology' itself It is still very good. During the year and a half since the IPO was suspended, its performance, revenue, market share in the industry, and the progress of new drug development have all improved."

"Even if the listing of 'Wowu Biology' is blocked."

"The market valuation of his company is increasing."

"We are selling shares at an investment premium of 20%, which I don't think is excessive."

With that said, Qin Qiuyue took out an investment valuation analysis report on 'Wowu Biotechnology' from a third-party institution in the current market from a document bag beside her, handed it to Su Yu, and then continued: " According to the general valuation of 'Wowu Biotechnology' by many institutions in the market, the value of this part of the equity in our hands is more than 60 million. The 20% premium I proposed compared to our original investment cost is actually the current market value. The fair value does not take any advantage from Mr. Su and you, Yuhang Investment."


"The reason why we chose to cooperate with Mr. Su's Yuhang Investment."

"Of course it's because you are optimistic about the future development of Wowu Biotechnology, but more importantly... you also hope that our two companies can have better cooperation opportunities in the future."

Su Yu took the analysis report from Qin Qiuyue's hand, glanced at it briefly, and put it down without looking at it in detail.

He has a better understanding of the value of 'Wowu Bio' and the company's current market valuation than the other party, and...from the beginning to the end, he has no intention of negotiating with the other party based on fair market value. .

"Our agency has also conducted in-depth research on the company 'Wowu Biotech'," Su Yu said, "But what I want to talk about is not the current valuation of this company in the market. After all, investment is more than just valuation. There are also issues such as future risks faced after investment, market liquidity and other issues.”

"The so-called price and value are not equivalent in the investment market."

"Mr. Qin is an investor himself, so he should have a deeper understanding of this than me."

“In the current investment market, especially the primary market, domestic IPOs are suspended and foreign listing costs are high. Once funds are involved in an investment project, liquidity is very scarce, and the investment period is very long, and the uncertainty faced is also high. "

"In this case, even if the development of the company is relatively stable, its value and price will be in an inverted state. After all, in the secondary market, due to abundant liquidity, it can be fully valued, but in the primary market, considering the investment Due to the stagnation cost of funds, I can only accept a discount.”


"I believe that Mr. Qin must have contacted other institutions interested in taking over before contacting us."

"And at the price you offered, their willingness to take over shouldn't be strong."

"Since Mr. Su can accept the invitation, he must be very sincere." Qin Qiuyue pondered for a while and said, "Since everyone has an intention, there is no need to hide it. Some polite words, Mr. Su, just tell me directly, what is the lowest price you can accept?"

"Since Mr. Qin is quick to speak, I will tell you the truth." Su Yu said with a smile, "Based on your original investment cost, how about a 12% premium?"

The annual capital retention cost is 6%, for an investment institution.

Basically it means no profit.

The condition proposed by Su Yu can be regarded as the bottom line for the opponent to retreat safely. If it is lower, the opponent will withdraw at a loss and it will be difficult to agree.

"12%!" Qin Qiuyue frowned visibly when she heard this number.

This price was somewhat beyond her expectation. In other words... the other party was stuck at the bottom line that she could accept, and the price was too low.

Based on their investment cost of 50 million at that time.

A decrease of 8% is equivalent to a loss of 4 million in profit.

Such a profit may not be insignificant for a large institution, but it still has a considerable impact on her and Anzhao Fund.

"Mr. Yu, what do you think?" After thinking for a while, Qin Qiuyue turned her attention to Mr. Yu from the Eastern Group.

Although this transaction was essentially her negotiation with Su Yu, the final decision maker had to be Mr. Yu from the Eastern Group.

After all, regardless of her personal relationship with Chairman Wu of Eastern Group.

Neither can change the fact that Anzhao Fund is controlled by Oriental Group, nor can it change the fact that the vice president of the other group has more say than she does.

While Qin Qiuyue was asking, Mr. Yu looked at Su Yu carefully.

Then after a while, he chuckled and said: "Mr. Su is really a master of negotiation, okay, this 4 million will be regarded as our Anzhao Fund's profits to Mr. Su. I hope we can have better cooperation in the future." "

"Mr. Yu is also a happy person!" Su Yu smiled and shook hands with him again.

Then, he ordered He Qian on the side to strike while the iron was hot and sign a preliminary draft of equity transfer with the other party.

"I wonder if Mr. Su has any opinions on the future trend of the domestic stock market?" After negotiating the share transfer, Mr. Yu negotiated a relationship with a profit of 4 million, and then asked, "Mr. Su believes that the current market is Is the foundation for a bull market already in place? Can the market rebound in the recent quarter continue to rebound in the next quarter?”

"Mr. Yu is very concerned about the stock market!" Su Yu did not answer directly. Instead, he said something salty.

Mr. Yu chuckled and said: "Our Oriental Group is a comprehensive financial company. Investment business and asset management business are also the top priorities of our group's development. Mr. Su is a genius in stock investment. It's not easy to meet him. Naturally, I want to ask for advice and advice.”

"The foundation of the bull market comes from the market's investment confidence and the easing of market credit." Su Yu said, "I don't see obvious signs of change at the moment, but I believe... the future of our country's financial market is still very bright. Bear market Sow, and the bull market will reap, and now should be the best time to sow.”

The other party spoke politely and the negotiation went smoothly. He had a good impression of the two of them.

So, when the other party asked about it, I couldn't help but give him a little reminder.

"Mr. Su thinks that the main market in the future will still be the currently hot 'smartphone industry chain' and the 'mobile Internet' field?" Qin Qiuyue pondered for a while and continued to ask, "'Shanghai Stock Exchange Is there still a chance for this main line of trade zone?"

The Anzhao Fund she is in charge of this time has fallen on the main line of hype of the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’.

This resulted in the company having to sell over-the-counter investment chips to make up for losses, and at the same time withdraw funds to help the parent company, Oriental Group, survive the crisis of tight capital chains.

"The main line of speculation about the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' is driven by good policy news." Su Yu said, "In my opinion, it is more like short-term speculation, like an unpopular stock without performance support. , suddenly ushered in benefits such as 'fixed increases, shareholding increases, acquisitions, high bonuses and transfers'. Although the stock price can be speculated along with these benefits, the impact on its corporate fundamentals is still very limited."

“And the main lines of speculation are ‘smartphone industry chain’ and ‘mobile internet’.”

"In my opinion, the fundamentals of the industry have undergone fundamental changes. The original market demand space has been fully opened up, and the new demand may be ten times or a hundred times more."

"In other words, this is an incremental market for extreme outbreaks, and companies in all industries will benefit from the extreme outbreaks of demand."

“The hype logic of these two lines is essentially different from the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ line.”

"One is short-term speculation, and the other... is more like long-term investment."

"Of course, no matter how emerging an explosive industry is, its industry growth and enterprise growth cannot be achieved overnight, and the fundamental changes of each company and the dynamic changes in the industry will lead to completely different trends. Who can stand out? Not necessarily."

"Investment is an endurance race, but it is also a knockout race."

"What we have to do is to continue to eliminate the weak and retain the strong while ensuring that the general direction of investment is correct, and embrace those companies that can stand out."

"I understand, thank you Mr. Su for your answer." Qin Qiuyue smiled and nodded, and offered Su Yu a glass of wine.

In a sense, Su Yu's words were worth more than 4 million. At least... they made her no longer have any expectations for the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' line.

"Mr. Su, what do you think..."

After Su Yu talked about the stock market, Mr. Yu changed the subject and suddenly asked: "What about our company, Oriental Group? If we want to boost the stock price, where should we start?"

"Your Oriental Group is a well-established A-share listed company." Su Yu said, "After several adjustments to its business core, it is now basically one of the leading comprehensive financial companies in Yuhang. In front of the president, I can’t make any effective suggestions.”

"Mr. Su is being humble." Mr. Yu chuckled, "Your name of 'Wealth Road' shocked the entire market and created the myth of market wealth. It really talks about stock price speculation, short-term market operations, emotional guidance, In terms of concept exploration and the like, I can count on one hand the number of people in China who can rival Mr. Su."

"Tell the truth..."

"The 'Wowu Biology' project is actually just a small project for our Eastern Group."

"Whether we give up profits or not is actually not that important to us. After all, the profit difference of four to five million is indeed a drop in the bucket for the entire group."

"We mainly want to establish a cooperative relationship with Mr. Su through this project."

"I hope you can do us a favor."

When Su Yu heard this, he was shocked. Only then did he realize that the purpose of the other party's invitation was not to discuss the 'Wowu Biology' project, but to find him for other more important matters.

No wonder he felt that this negotiation could go so smoothly and that the other party could give up the benefits so easily.

turn out to be……

The project of 'Wowu Creatures' is just a 'bait' to attract him.

"What help does Mr. Yu want from me?" Su Yu asked warily.

"It should be a small favor for you." Before Mr. Yu could speak, another middle-aged man, led by the waiter, walked into the private room, smiled and extended his hand to Su Yu, and continued, " Mr. Su, I’m sorry, I’m late for something, I’ll give you three drinks as a penalty later.”

"Mr. Wu!" Su Yu held the other party's hand slightly, a little shocked.

The man in front of him is Wu Jinghao, the chairman of Zhezhou Oriental Group, one of the big names in the Yuhang capital industry and a man worth dozens or tens of billions.

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