Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 257 Tombstone Line, Ten Lianyang!

"Okay!" Xu Xiang nodded after hearing Zhou Kan's words and said, "Let's lighten up the position first. I'll think about the subsequent operation strategy before I think about it."

He couldn't guess Su Yu's operating strategy, so he could only follow his own trading rhythm.

And as his orders were issued...

In a few minutes, the popular concept stocks related to the main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', which were originally booming, saw huge orders from major sellers on the market, and the gains of each of their stocks, Under the influence of huge selling orders, it also stagnated and began to increase in volume and stagflation.

"'Mobile games', 'Apple industry chain', 'wearable devices' and many other 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' main line related concept sections, today's energy consumption has obviously increased a lot compared to before the holiday!" At this moment! In Yanjing, inside Anlan Fund, Xie Wanting, who was also observing the market, frowned and reported to the teacher Zhou Guohua next to her, "Teacher, the volume is high and the stock price feels a little sluggish again. This is a sign of loose chips in the market. Bar?"

Zhou Guohua stared at the market changes in the two cities, pondered for a while, and said: "Today's volume has indeed increased a lot compared to before the holiday, but it is not a high-level increase in volume and stagnation. It remains to be seen. After all, during the National Day, whether it is the regulatory-led briefing Yes, there are other positive factors in the market, and the impact on the market is still quite large.”

"Plus, today is the first trading day after the holiday."

"After the market has been suspended for nine consecutive days, no matter the buying or selling orders, there will be some excess. This is also normal."

"Overall, the market sentiment today is not bad. In addition to the two main hot spots of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', the concept of 'restructuring and backdooring' that has been slightly demonstrated before has also been speculated again, and the active speculation Although funds have been diverted to some extent, the core focus is still on the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'."

"Essentially, the areas with the strongest money-making effect in the current market are still these two main line-related concept sectors."

"As long as the emotion is still there, the trend is still there, and the energy is still there..."

"Then there's no need to worry too much, we can just hold the shares safely."

"It is estimated that after the briefing on October 5, some institutions with very low OTC positions will need to increase their holdings of core concept stocks in the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' if they want to enter the market. After matter which aspect you analyze it from."

"These two main investment directions are basically the determined direction of the market's future outbreak."

"Relevant high-quality chips will only become more and more scarce as the market continues to perform."

"Teacher, are you still optimistic about these two directions?" Xie Wanting thought for a while and asked, "But although the long-term investment logic exists, short-term expectations have been exceeded too much."

"Take the concept sector of 'mobile games' and related core stocks as an example."

"The growth rate of this concept sector this year has exceeded 130%. Companies such as Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology have increased by more than 5 times during the year."

"Even if the industry is currently in full swing, the growth potential is amazing."

“According to the industry’s general annual growth rate of around 100%, the current valuation levels of Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology are also quite outrageous.”

At the current stage, whether it is Huaqingbao or Changqu Technology.

Its price-to-earnings ratio has been hyped to about 500 times, which can be said to have completely overdrawn its future growth potential.

Of course, according to the market's most optimistic forecasts, the stock prices of both stocks still have the potential to rise, but at least... Xie Wanting feels that this optimistic forecast will make Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology use new checks Only financial report disclosures that exceed market expectations can support and support this optimistic forecast, support the current stock price, and subsequent stock price increases.

"So, what do you think..." Zhou Guohua tilted his head and looked at Xie Wanting with a smile.

Xie Wanting replied firmly: "I think that the current concept stocks related to the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' have completely overdrawn their growth potential for at least one or two years in the future, and have become pure In the game of emotional speculation, even if the long-term investment logic is still there, the stock price has basically reached its peak in the short term."

"As for the bull market that the market is eagerly anticipating...I believe it won't come so soon!"

"Therefore, the valuation of these concept sectors, and even stocks, cannot be completely based on extremely optimistic expectations. We have to... reduce our positions appropriately."

"With the support of long-term logic, in the upward trend, for high-quality core stock chips, once the judgment is wrong, it will be difficult to recover the chips after reducing the position." After hearing Xie Wanting's judgment, Zhou Guohua smiled and said nothing. The rebuttal was just a reminder, "Is it uncomfortable to be out of position, or is it uncomfortable to retreat with chips in hand?"

Xie Wanting thought for a while and said: "There is no shortage of opportunities in the market. In my opinion, a retracement is more uncomfortable than a shortfall."

Only market novices, or investors who attach great importance to market opportunities, will feel that shortfalls are more uncomfortable than retracements. However, for mature market traders, whether they are shortfalls or retracements, they should actually treat them as ordinary people. The so-called As long as you enter the market with a profit, no matter what stage you enter the market, it is correct.

Everyone can only make profits within their own knowledge.

Beyond cognition, both greed and fear are wrong trading directions.

"Okay!" Zhou Guohua nodded, "It seems that after communicating with Mr. Su from 'Yuhang Investment', your trading ideas have matured a lot."

Xie Wanting nodded and said, "Some of his ideas and ideas really enlightened me."

"This is a good thing." Zhou Guohua chuckled, "This proves that you have grown and matured. Next...'Enterprise No. 3' fund will be managed by you. Operate according to your ideas, profit, net worth Everything else should be put first and second. After all, only by following your own operating ideas and figuring out your own set of operating theories and principles can you find your own path to sustained profitability."

"Teacher, you want to hand over the 'Enterprise 3' fund to me?" Xie Wanting was a little shocked.

Zhou Guohua chuckled and said: "This fund is not the core main fund of our Anlan Fund. Its scale is only more than 200 million. In my opinion, your ideas, operational logic, and judgment of buying and selling points are relatively mature. I feel relieved that I can do it for you."

“Only through practice can true knowledge emerge!”

"Wanting, if you want to achieve success on the road of trading, you have to figure out your own operating philosophy and system."

"No matter what Chairman Xie thinks of you, based on your long internship and work experience in the company, I am still more optimistic about you."

Looking at it from Zhou Guohua’s personal perspective…

Regardless of Xie Wanting's personal life and background, and looking solely at ability, Zhou Guohua felt that his apprentice was still very talented in market transactions.

While the two were talking, the time had passed 10 o'clock.

The Shanghai Composite Index, Shenzhen Composite Index, and ChiNext Index still maintained an increase of more than 1%, but compared with the highest increase at 9:47, they have fallen back a lot.

Especially for the ChiNext Index, the increase dropped from a maximum of 1.79% to 1.23% in just ten minutes.

In addition to indexes, individual stocks and sectors.

Concept sectors and individual stocks related to the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', which were booming at the beginning of the trading day, have fallen back from high levels and experienced sluggish growth in volume; the stock price has been re-driven by the Xinwei Group stock. Concept sectors and individual stocks related to 'restructuring and backdooring' still maintain a strong upward trend. From the perspective of active buying on the market, the line of 'restructuring and backdooring' is better than that of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' This line is slightly stronger.

But regardless of the specific market segmentation…

Overall, the overall market conditions and investment sentiment are still hot.

Whether it is trading software or professional stock discussion communities and forums, the majority of investor groups are still calling for a bull market and actively increasing their positions. Very few people talk about risks at this time.

"It seems that this index is really going to lead to ten consecutive positives!"

Facing the overall market, the investment situation is still extremely hot. Discussions among the main hot money group of Yuhang where Su Yu is located are also very active.

"Suddenly, the bull market came overnight! It is indeed a good time to make money recently."

"On the whole, both the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index have broken through. The moving averages are all the way up and diverging collectively, and the Bollinger Track is also upward. Looking back on the market's trend in the past few months, it is true that the plunge in June was the real sign of the market. At the bottom, next time... it won’t fall below that position again.”

"It feels like the first wave of a bull market!"

"Really a bull market? No way! This change is too fast, and although the market has been good in recent months, the index has only risen by about 15%."

"But about 15%? Look at the GEM. The GEM index has almost doubled."

"What's even more terrifying is the core constituent stocks in the GEM that are part of the 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', such as LeTV, Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, Fenda Technology, and Internet Speed ​​Technology... these A large number of stocks are really rising and reaching new highs every day.”

"It's better to act than to look hot. Just looking is useless!"

"These tickets have been almost dominated by institutions during the pre-holiday competition. If we go in to speculate, we can't get too many chips at this time, and we can't take the initiative, and... only Hua Qingbao and Changqu With such a high level of technology, do you still dare to speculate?"

"There is nothing to be afraid of. The main promotion stage is the most profitable stage."

"It should be okay to speculate on Mr. Su's 'Fortune Road Concept Stock'."

"Forget it, I'm really afraid of heights, and I don't dare to associate with institutions. But... the trend of Xinwei Group has exceeded expectations. Is there anyone who can do it?"

"Twelve consecutive boards, indeed exceeded expectations, but there is still no heavy volume today, can't you buy it?"

"The concept of 'restructuring and backdooring' can be used. The overall market sentiment is good, and the relay should not lose money."


Just as the discussion in the group was heated and people were preparing to continue to speculate on the market, someone exclaimed: "Look at the stocks of LeTV, Huayi Brothers, Huaqingbao, and Changqu Technology. There is such a huge volume of selling." , the stock price plummeted, is the chips starting to loosen?"

"Uh...just now, it was said that the Lord was ascended."

"Is this Mr. Su's reduction of positions to stop profits? With such a large amount, and several stocks being simultaneously related, the person who exited the position is not a small main force!"

"That shouldn't be the case, right? If Mr. Su leaves the warehouse with all his strength, the noise should be even greater than this."

"Yes, according to the position results disclosed by the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund before the holiday, Mr. Su's core positions are not limited to these stocks."

"Look at the persistence, first look at the persistence of the other party's selling."

"If the sustainability is not high, it won't be a big problem. After all, the current market sentiment is good and the acceptance is also very good. A plunge can be easily digested."

“It seems like there aren’t many followers, so it shouldn’t be a big problem!”

"If you can't smash it, everyone... enter the market! Make more money while the market is good."

"I'm betting on Zhenghe shares, is there anyone following me?"

"While you're diving, make some Huaqing Bao and get on the Penguin bus. If you don't believe its market will be cut off here, you should at least touch the 100-yuan mark, right?"

"I work in Internet Speed ​​Technology. As the highest-priced stock among the GEM constituent stocks, its fundamentals, sentiment, and attention are all top-notch. Its liquidity is obviously several levels higher than before. The upward trend is also going very beautifully, and you shouldn’t lose money if you work hard.”

"It's enough to stick to hot stocks. What's the use of analyzing so much?"

"Yes, yes, we are not an organization, just follow your emotions."

"Hey... this dive was taken back in an instant. Sure enough... the market's acceptance is a bit abnormal. I didn't say it, today's Ten Lianyang is definitely accurate."

Hot money is actively participating...

At this time, inside ‘Yuhang Investment’, in the trading room.

Su Yu, as well as the entire company's two trading teams, are busy doing things that are completely contrary to the market's mainstream investment ideas and operating ideas.

"Mr. Su, it seems that we are not the only ones who are reducing positions and taking profits on a large scale on the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'." Li Meng paid attention to the market trends of the stocks in the fund's supporting positions. , said, "And the other party's actions to reduce positions and take profits are much more aggressive than ours."

Su Yu smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. The market sentiment and liquidity at this time can be fully taken over. The other party...can't affect us for the time being."

"Yeah!" Li Meng nodded.

Continue to work with traders to reduce positions and take profits in the form of medium and small orders, or market price orders. At the same time, small orders are market prices, and intermittent purchases are made of the core stocks of the venture capital concept set out by Su Yu.

Overall, their current actions are completely covered up by the torrent of changes in market conditions.

It did not attract the attention of any major funds and investors.

Along with various institutions, hot money, and retail investors, a large number of investors are either rushing to raise funds to pursue, or retreating, reducing positions and taking profits in different operations.

11:30, when the market closes at noon.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose again to 1.45%, while the ChiNext Index rose almost 2%, with the index reaching 1315.19, setting another new yearly high.

During the short break at noon, there was no obvious positive or negative impact on the market.

Only one stock named 'Qian potential Hengxin' issued a positive announcement stating that 'its company's overseas wholly-owned subsidiary Smart Petroleum signed a 30-year product sharing contract with China Offshore Oil Corporation', causing There was a lot of commotion and discussion in the market.

So, in the afternoon, when the market opened at 1 o'clock.

With this check, the stock price skyrocketed from the price of 8.06 yuan. Within a few seconds, it reached the daily limit and was instantly blocked by a huge order of 100,000 lots.

Su Yu took a look at the stock called 'Potential Hengxin' and marked it.

Although this check is not in line with his investment and speculation logic, the positive announcement just released by this check has a huge guiding and ignoring effect. In other words, the other party only said that the contract is good, but did not explicitly mention the contract. How much benefit can it bring to the parent company in the future?

This gives the market room for hazy imagination and huge differences in this stock.

And with these two points...

Even if he does not take the initiative and participates in the first step, in the follow-up, when the first difference in emotions and chips appears, there is still huge room for speculation and hype.

There is also the petrochemical sector, which has almost no performance during the year.

Related concept stocks, the chips have been accumulated for a long time, and the internal chips are also quite clean. They encounter major benefits and suddenly ignite. Although they are unpopular, they still have great potential.

After understanding this, Su Yu already had some thoughts in his heart.

He transferred the remaining 24 million in cash in his bank account to 20 million into his personal securities account, and then patiently waited for the first disagreement of the 'Potential Hengxin' to appear.

Then, after briefly paying attention to this stock...

Su Yu has set his sights on sectors related to concepts such as the hot 'mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain', and 'reorganization and backdooring', as well as monitoring the traces of major capital inflows and outflows in concepts such as 'venture capital' and 'securities'. , helping traders to better reduce their positions.

And with his attention.

After the entire market's turnover quickly exploded to more than 85 billion, it was obvious that there was some lack of success.

Especially after the time reached 1:30, several major indexes, which were originally exciting and vigorous, encountered great upward resistance and started another wave of diving.

Moreover, this wave of diving could not be recovered quickly, and there were some problems in undertaking it.

Later, when the time reached 2 o'clock, more and more investors in the market found that the volume could not be further expanded, and the entire market did experience a situation of heavy volume and stagnation.

Therefore, on the two main market lines of ‘mobile Internet’ and ‘smartphone industry chain’, which are extremely profitable.

A huge amount of selling came out in droves once again.

At 2:11, Hua Qingbao, which originally rose to 7%, with its stock price reaching 84 yuan, suddenly fell back, with a five-minute amplitude of 4%, and its full-day trading volume reached a new high of 832 million.

At 2:15, Fenda Technology also plunged sharply, falling below the 75 yuan share price mark.

At 2:17, Wangsu Technology, which has been hailed as the "Dinghai Shengpin" of the GEM, also suffered a sell-off of more than 50 million yuan in a 5,000-lot level.

At 2:22, LeTV and Huayi Brothers, which had been diving wildly in the morning, turned green directly, leaving a very long antenna on the K-line chart.

Of course, during this period, stocks related to the concept of 'restructuring and backdoor' still remained strong.

The stocks that were attacked by hot money and even closed to the daily limit are still coming one after another. It seems that hot money regards this line as a speculation path for market switching and capital hedging.

At 2:43, after two consecutive waves of violent dives, both the ChiNext Index and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index returned to their positions when the market opened in the morning. The intraday K-line rebounded from the highest point in the session to a new high and a positive line, and turned into a long-term upward trend. The 'tombstone line' of the shadow line shows an obvious top K-line pattern.

When the intraday K-line pattern has turned into a 'tombstone line'.

Technical investors who had made profits on the market began to significantly reduce their positions in the last ten to five minutes of late trading.

Finally, when the market closes at 3 o'clock...

The Shanghai index was designated at 2312.37, up 0.23%; the GEM was designated at 1296.54, falling below the key position of 1300, up 0.36%.

Although the three major core indexes, including the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, ended in the red.

However, it is indeed a clear negative line on the K-line chart, and it failed to achieve the good start and ten consecutive positives that everyone expected.

Moreover, the ChiNext Index has fully fallen from its intraday high of 2 points, closing out the 'tombstone negative line', revealing a top trend. This can be said to have greatly hurt the market sentiment, and also caused a large number of investors who were chasing after today to be trapped. In the field.

After the close...

For today's market performance.

The majority of investors in the market sighed, feeling that it was seriously below expectations.

Even the major securities and financial media reported the news that "the market turnover reached another 110 billion, successfully achieving a good start after the holiday and ten consecutive positives", and many market trumpeters continued to shout "the bull market is back" Waiting for the call, investors who have fallen into the trap today can only respond with the word "haha".

Subsequently, everyone reviewed the trading and discovered the culprit that caused the market to fall sharply.

In the afternoon, the two core main concept-related sectors of ‘mobile Internet’ and ‘smartphone industry chain’ and their core concept stocks plunged.

And many people know that these two main lines are the core main force in holding positions.

This is the ‘Wealth Road’ that created the wealth myth this year.

As a result, many people began to speculate whether Fortune Road was reducing its positions. There were even many leaders within the regulatory authorities who only held mobilization briefings during the holidays and did not have first-hand information.

At this moment, I am eagerly looking at the Dragon and Tiger rankings that will be announced soon, wanting to see who is ignoring the overall situation.

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