Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 258 Macroscopic consciousness!

Amid everyone's expectations and speculation, at 5:30 pm, the Dragon and Tiger list was refreshed.

Among the two main concept stocks on the list, 'Mobile Internet' and 'Smartphone Industry Chain', Fortune Road did not appear. Instead, 'Mingzhou Jiefang South Road', representing Zexi Investment and Xu Xiang, appeared on several lists. The sell list of this stock is eye-catching.

"Haha...the road to wealth has not gone away!"

Seeing such data on the Dragon and Tiger List, most investors in the market who gathered on these two main lines breathed a sigh of relief.

"It is actually the chief executive who is selling. It seems that the main funds in the market are indeed divided on the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'."

"Don't be afraid of differences. Only when there are differences will the market prevail."

"Yes, from the perspective of the emotional change process of the hype, the point where the main funds diverge will never be the top of the market."

"As long as the chief rudder is out, there is no need to worry too much as long as the wealth road is not gone. After all, among the two main lines of the market, the 'wealth road' is the real anchor."

"As long as wealth is there, popularity will be there!"

"Whether it's a wave of laundering, it can also release more high-quality chips, and at the same time intensify the exchange of chips, which will also help the market form a stronger support platform here."

"This is the truth. There is no way out for wealth. Panic at the end of today's trading is completely blind panic."

"Then we should be able to turn over the contract tomorrow, right?"

"It's hard to say. Although the Wealth Road has not come out today, the K-line that the market is following today is really ugly, and the index has indeed risen for ten consecutive trading days. It is estimated that it needs to be adjusted before it can go up."

"Even if it's an adjustment, it's a benign adjustment, right?"

"That's for sure! Have you all read the analysis post posted by the Fortune Road boss at the end of June? At that time... the boss judged that a bull market was coming."

"Since it's a benign adjustment, I'll take it."

"Don't they all say that in the bull market, you have to hold on to stocks to make big profits? Then I'll take it anyway. I'm not afraid of fluctuations, and I can take it forever!"

"The emergence of the tombstone line means that the trend may be reversed. What's more, today's volume is not small. If it is adjusted... I'm afraid the magnitude will not be low. I don't think I can be too optimistic."

“It’s not very reliable to purely look at the K-line pattern and analyze the market through technical aspects, right?”

“If the trend continues, then today’s line should be called ‘immortal guidance’.”

"It still depends on the basic logic and macro fundamental analysis. The 'mobile Internet' and the 'smartphone industry chain' should both be in the early stages of their explosion. The market demand and future growth potential are still extremely huge. Currently, these two Although the short-term growth of the core concept stocks of the main line is a bit too fast, from a long-term perspective, I think... there is still no problem at all."

"Furthermore, Mr. Su of Fortune Road has said that there is a bull market. I think the logic of the market's bull market should also be established."

"Then, if we analyze these conceptual bull stocks based on the bull market valuation system, the stock price space will be even broader."

"I agree, high-quality chips usually become scarcer as the market goes up."

"We cannot ride the bulls in search of bulls. The two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', as core development industries in the emerging economic field, will definitely be able to give birth to a number of ten-fold stocks, or even dozens or hundreds of times bullish stocks." stocks, and currently...even Hua Qingbao, which has the largest increase, has only risen 6 times from its lowest position in history, and is still far away from 10 times, so there is no need to worry too much."

"Also, the current investment authority of GEM has not been fully liberalized."

"In the future, if the authority to open the GEM is reduced and more investors pour in, then the chips for many stocks will become even scarcer, and their stock prices will definitely rise."

"In short... no matter from any aspect, I don't think this is the top. There will be huge risks."

"Then what is the logic of the chief rudder reducing his position?"

"The chief rudder has always been a short-term investor, right? If the market has been rising for ten consecutive days, and it feels like it's about to pull back, the other party will naturally reduce its position and take profits. Judging from the chief rudder's past operating methods, he doesn't care about long-term investment logic at all. It’s just speculation on stock prices.”

"Hey... I said you don't need to analyze so much. As long as there is no way out of wealth, just keep getting it."

"According to what was previously announced by the 'Yuhang No. 1' Fund, the number of positions they hold on the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' is at least around 3 billion. To hold such a large amount of positions, There is no way to make a large-scale appearance quietly, as long as you keep an eye on the Dragon and Tiger List and operate on the road to wealth, that's all."

"Yes, yes...compared to the main force, our Xiaosan also has an advantage, that is, the boat is small and easy to turn around!"

Under the data of the Dragon and Tiger List, everyone was discussing fiercely...

At this moment, in the trading room of Zexi Investment in the Magic City, Xu Xiang carefully looked at the data of listed stocks under the two main concepts of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', but frowned: "' Mr. Su, who is invested by Yuhang, has not sold any shares today and has no traces of buying and selling. It’s really strange!”

According to his inference, the other party should not be indifferent to today's market trend.

What's more, the other party's positions on these two main lines are heavier than the 'Zexi Investment' he leads.

"It's really surprising that Fortune Road didn't show up." Zhou Kan, who was beside Xu Xiang, was surprised and said, "This Mr. Su... really doesn't act according to common sense!"

"Not only did the wealth path not appear, but institutions also increased their positions." Xu Xiang paused and said, "Is this bull market a lie that everyone still takes seriously? Or during the National Day, the regulatory agency-led Did the market briefing really work and bring in a lot of incremental institutional funds?"

"That's not true!" Zhou Kan said, "Judging from the diving situation in the afternoon, although the market is in a hot mood, its confidence is still very weak. If there is any sign of trouble, they will follow suit and sell."

Xu Xiang nodded slightly, then pondered for a while, and said: "Let's take it easy tomorrow and see the market's subsequent reaction. There is no way out of wealth. There is a high probability that market sentiment will continue to be stable. In addition, the regulators are sparing no effort in promoting the bull market." Effect, maybe the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' will surge upwards driven by emotions."

Since his judgment and expectations have produced some deviations in the actual performance of the market.

Then you have to make timely adjustments.

Of course, in terms of the overall investment strategy, he still firmly believes that there will be no bull market in the short term, and the index trend will not continue to rise for too long at the current position. In the 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' Although the goals of reducing positions and taking profits on the two main lines have been slowed down, there has been no change.

And as the two of them discussed the Dragon and Tiger List...

At this time, Yanjing had just finished the 'Future Investment' Summit, calling on some leaders of private equity and public equity institutions to enter the market. On the Dragon and Tiger List, they saw the scene of 'Zexi Investment' that had attended the conference blatantly smashing and harvesting stocks on a large scale. , and suddenly felt a burning pain on his face, as if someone had slapped him.

However, no one complained openly, but felt a little uncomfortable inside.

And began to be deeply impressed by this private equity institution.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu..." As the entire market was buzzing with discussions and undercurrents were surging, at this time inside 'Yuhang Investment', Su Yu was filled with emotion regarding today's Dragon and Tiger ranking data, "Trading ability and The perception of timing and direction is extremely sharp, but why can’t the macro consciousness keep up?”

At home, no matter what you do, there is an underlying rule.

That means we must consider the overall situation.

But it is obvious that today’s ‘Mingzhou Jiefang South Road’, also known as ‘Zexi Investment’, only thinks about the problem from its own perspective and does not reflect the overall situation.

In Su Yu's view, the reason why regulators are so eager to hype up the market, allowing major securities and financial media to promote a bull market, attracting various off-market investors to enter the market, and even not hesitate to provide window guidance to intervene in the market, is that higher levels are in charge of macroeconomics. In formulating the economic strategy, regulators have been given a dead order, requiring them to open up direct financing channels in the financial market within a certain period of time, so that finance, known as the 'bloodline' of the economy, can be fully active.

in other words……

That is, regulators need a sustained trend to accumulate emotions and funds and restart IPOs.

This is the basic logic for his plan to restart the IPO, and it is also the main basis for him to carefully reduce his positions and avoid the dragon and tiger list.

Obviously, Xu Xiang didn't expect this.

However, Su Yu carefully thought about Xu Xiang's life experience, his performance in the second half of the upcoming bull market, and what the other party did when the bull market ended and the bull and bear transitioned again. After the prison sentence I experienced in the end, I felt relieved.

Everyone's trading thinking and way of looking at problems are different.

It is natural to have limitations on certain issues. After all, no gold is pure and no one is perfect.

"Macroscopic awareness?" Li Meng heard Su Yu's emotion and didn't understand it very well. He asked, "We are not a public offering institution and we do not assume the responsibility of maintaining the market. We are cautious. Isn't it too...cautious? In my opinion It seems... Jiefang South Road is consistent with our ideas, so there’s no big problem, right?”

Su Yu stared at Li Meng and said: "If you want to fish and harvest in this A-share pond, in addition to fishing skills, you also have to see whether the supervisor supervising the fish pond allows it. If not, , then no matter how many fish you catch, they are all caught privately, and it is illegal. People have the authority to confiscate them for any reason."

"Although Jiefang South Road is reaping profits at the current market conditions, it is within the rules."

"But the supervisor is unhappy. I will find you some small shoes to wear in the future. That will be uncomfortable, right?"

“The capital is small, the scale is small, and no one cares.”

"But when the amount of funds is large and the market influence is large, making money, in addition to ability, has to pay more attention to whether you can make money and whether you should make money."

“The development of the national economy is about sustainability, and we, as investors and entrepreneurs, need to do that.”

"In terms of making money and developing the company, we must also pay attention to sustainability."

"Thinking of the overall situation is often an empty talk, but at a certain critical moment, it can also be used as a talisman, and it can also determine the ultimate future and destiny of a company or an individual."

"Okay!" Li Meng nodded slightly. Although he still didn't agree with Su Yu's view, he did not continue to argue with Su Yu. Instead, he paused and changed the topic, "Today's 'Reorganization and Backdoor' concept section , there are 5 stocks on the Dragon and Tiger list, except for the connected stock of Xinwei Group, the others... were all newly speculated by hot money during the session today. What does Mr. Su think of this line?"

"Hot money is just taking advantage of the sentiment created by the 'Xinwei Group' for short-term speculation." Su Yu said lightly, "Although this line exploded sharply today, it is not sustainable. After all, the 'Xinwei Group' It has been on the board for twelve consecutive times, and the market value has expanded to more than 50 billion. Even if there is a sentiment premium, there is really not much room."

"And the loss of 'Xinwei Group' has opened up the space for speculation in market sentiment."

"The concept of 'reorganization and backdoor' cannot open up new space for speculation at all."

"In addition, with the expectation of IPO restart, in the subsequent interpretation of market conditions, there will definitely be well-informed, or keen on the market awareness of the main funds to discover and mine, then 'reorganization backdoor' will be even more popular under the expectation of IPO restart. There’s little room for hype and expectations.”

"So, although this concept is currently very popular, it is not suitable for participation."

"Let's just watch the show!"

"Okay!" Li Meng nodded seriously this time, agreeing very much.

While the two of them were seriously discussing the continuation of the hype of the concept of 'reorganization and backdoor', within the same Yuhang's 'Minghui Capital', General Manager Xu Zhongji's face was full of excitement.

Because most of the positions of the entire 'Minghui Capital' main fund are on the main line of the concept of 'restructuring and backdooring'.

Today, the market for this concept has exploded, and Xinwei Group's 12 consecutive trading boards have exceeded expectations. It can be said that the net value of the two main funds under their company has skyrocketed by almost 5%, setting a new annual fund net value high.

"Fortunately, we didn't chase the market trends of the two main conceptual lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'!" Xu Zhongji chuckled, "Mr. Su of 'Yuhang Investment' is right, there is no shortage of markets. Opportunities arise, and everyone’s investment style is different. There is no need to chase market hot spots. As long as you can seize opportunities that suit your own investment style, you can make huge profits.”

"That's right!" Next to Xu Zhongji, Manager He who was in charge of the 'Minghui No. 2' fund was also in a very comfortable mood and said with a genuine smile, "It depends on the situation, the two lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', core concept stocks The chip structure is gradually loosening."

"I's not far from peaking."

"According to today's market trend, it is obvious that the active funds in the post-holiday market have chosen the line of 'restructuring and backdooring' to replace the decline of the two lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'. There is a huge market. Switching the focus between high and low will return to the main conceptual line of 'restructuring and backdooring'."

"If the market switches between high and low, it is really the line of 'reorganization and backdoor'..." Xu Zhongji laughed and said, "Then our company's several funds will probably have to close a large one in the last two or three months at the end of the year. Year-end red envelope!”

After the market interpretation in the third quarter, the current market sentiment and market have been completely heated up.

Regardless of retail investors, hot money, or institutions, they are all significantly more active than in the first half of the year.

In this way...if the market's high-low switching point is on the line of 'restructuring and backdoor', then based on the amount of active funds in the current market, this line will have an average increase of at least 50%, and even the core concept stocks, It is not unusual for the short-term increase to more than double.

And their main layout direction is this direction.

Once the active funds in the market gather in the direction they expect, then as institutions that have already laid out opportunities and high-quality core stock chips, they will naturally make a lot of money.

"I hope so!" Manager He rubbed his hands, obviously unable to conceal his excitement.

Xu Zhongji thought about it seriously and felt that if the market was going to develop in the direction he expected, then the banner of 'Xinwei Group' could not be toppled. It would be best to open the market as late as possible.

After all, only this check can continue to open up higher market space and create a stronger money-making effect.

Then the speculation of hot money in this direction will become more intense.

"No... I have to call Mr. Su." After thinking carefully, Xu Zhongji said, "We are not the only lurking main force within the 'Xinwei Group' The fund, in order to support us and protect the market, has also significantly intervened in this stock. If we want 'Xinwei Group' to continue to delay the opening of the stock market, we have to convince Mr. Su to continue locking up the stock together."

Thinking of this, Xu Zhongji did not hesitate.

He hurriedly took out his cell phone and called Su Yu. He chuckled and said, "Mr. Su, it seems... our two families have to work together."

"Xu always wants me to help lock up Xinwei Group, right?"

Su Yu thought for a moment and guessed the purpose of Xu Zhongji's call.

Xu Zhongji had seen Su Yu's ability to analyze changes in market conditions, and was not surprised that he could easily guess what he meant. He continued to say with a smile: "That's what I mean. Currently, the stock of Xinwei Group, our two companies , should be the largest main force in the circulation market, locking up a position and delaying the opening of Xinwei Group will be beneficial to both you and us, and everyone can earn more."

Su Yu responded with a smile: "Mr. Xu is mainly worried that our company's seats will have too much impact. Once we fully sell out, the seats will appear on the Dragon and Tiger list, which will directly destroy the Xinwei Group stock, and Is the concept of 'restructuring and backdooring' a line? Okay... if we lock up the position for one more day, we can earn millions more. I have no reason not to agree to Mr. Xu's request. What's more, Xinwei Group's backdooring of Huachuang This investment opportunity was originally told to us by you."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Su." Xu Zhongji said happily, "Next time, I'll treat Mr. Su to dinner."

Su Yu replied: "You don't have to eat. After all, this is a mutually beneficial and win-win matter. It doesn't count who is helping whom, but... the risks of 'reorganization and backdoor' still exist. There is no expectation to continue to advance." The logic of the change may make it difficult for the market to last long.”

"Thank you, Mr. Su, for the reminder." Xu Zhongji said, "Next time, I will definitely invite Mr. Su to dinner."

After saying that, the two just hung up the phone.

"Mr. Xu, how are you?" Manager He asked slightly nervously.

Nowadays, the impact of the seats of ‘Yuhang Investment’ Fortune Road has become an important consideration in market sentiment, especially for the stocks sold by Fortune Road.

If Fortune Road is unwilling to lock up positions with them, it will delay the launch of Xinwei Group.

So, they alone cannot stabilize the situation of Xinwei Group and cannot support the market trend of the main concept of "reorganization and backdoor".

Xu Zhongji smiled and replied: "There is no problem. Mr. Su from 'Yuhang Investment' is quite powerful. He has no reason not to agree to the mutual benefit and win-win situation, but..."

Xu Zhongji paused and then said: "He reminded me to pay attention to the risks of 'reorganization and backdooring'. What do you think?"

"Risk?" Manager He was stunned, "I don't see any risks right now?"

In his view, the concept of 'restructuring and backdooring' has only become popular again today. Compared with the broader market, various concept stocks are still at a relatively low position, and IPOs have stagnated. Companies that want to go public are backdooring. Demand has always existed, which means that the underlying hype logic of this main concept line has always been there. What risks are there?

"He said something about the expected continued advancement and transformation logic." Xu Zhongji murmured.

Then, I thought carefully about the exchanges with Su Yu in Yanjing a few days ago, and remembered the exchange summit on 'Future Investment'.

After a while, he suddenly had an idea and said in shock: "It's impossible!"

"What...what's impossible?" Manager He was still confused.

"If the market really develops like this... then we really need to be vigilant." Xu Zhongji didn't seem to hear Manager He's question, "Old He, it's better to keep our positions unchanged for now. Let's watch and observe to see what happens next in the market. Let's go and see if the two popular main market trends of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' can continue. If not, then we will increase our positions to follow up. If it can continue...then we have to be very careful. ”

"Xu always feels that this is not a node for the market to switch high and low?" Manager He understood and asked.

Xu Zhongji was still thinking about Su Yu's words in his mind. He waved his hand slightly and said, "It's not this reason, but the more the market rises, the more dangerous we are!"

After speaking, he didn't wait for Manager He's reaction.

He quickly walked out of the trading room and headed to the market intelligence analysis department.

With the collision and discussion of different opinions from various institutions, hot money, and retail investors in the entire market, everyone has continued to speculate on the trends of the "Wealth Road".

In the evening, regulators still sent out relatively clear positive signals.

Moreover, what is commendable is that the stock market has been on the rise for ten consecutive years and the capital market has returned to a hot investment market. It was actually featured on the 7 o'clock news broadcast.

So, all of a sudden...

Originally, because the index surged higher and fell back during the day, leaving an extremely ugly 'tombstone line', many investors whose confidence in the market outlook was obviously low began to feel excited and confident, and at the same time, off-site Many potential investors who don’t usually pay much attention to the stock market.

After seeing the news about the stock market's "ten consecutive positives" on Xinwen Broadcast, I was ready to take action.

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