Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 264: Half a step ahead of the market!

“There is no panic selling!”

Seeing the collective bidding situation in the two cities, Zhou Kan was a little surprised in the trading room of Magic City and Zexi Investment: "The large-scale exit of Fortune Road did not have much impact on the market. Even Hua Qing Bao’s check, even though it fell to the limit yesterday, has no inertia and opens lower today. It seems that the market investment sentiment... is still very strong!"

"Under the general expectation of a bull market, the selling influence of Fortune Road seats has been greatly weakened." Xu Xiang sat next to Zhou Kan, staring at the market, and replied indifferently, "But even if the market investment sentiment is still there , the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' have also loosened their internal chip structure under yesterday's trend. Adjustments are unavoidable in the short term, and it is difficult for the subsequent market to continue."

"Then let's...shall we all sell out and take profits?" Zhou Kan asked.

Xu Xiang nodded and said: "We don't have many positions left on the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'. Since the chip structure has been loosened, let's sell them all." ! I estimate that Wealth Road will continue to sell on the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' today, but I don't know... what moves it will make in other directions."

"Potential Hengxin will open at the daily limit!" Zhou Kan said, "There's no chance of buying it."

"The focus is not on this stock." Xu Xiang said, "The core layout focus of Fortune Road is definitely not in the petrochemical industry. I estimate that his buying action on Potential Hengxin is simply to divert everyone's attention, or It’s just pure small position speculation.”

He also often uses his personal seat to carry out speculative operations in small positions.

Therefore, after careful consideration, he did not have high expectations for the check from Potential Hengxin, nor did he connect the check with the other party's macro position adjustment ideas.

After all, no matter which way you look at it...

It is impossible for the petrochemical sector to experience continuous speculation.

"Then we...?" Zhou Kan hesitated.

Xu Xiang carefully looked at the overall collective auction price structure and changes in the two cities, pondered for a while, and then ordered: "Currently, we can't see the specific direction of the market relay. Let's clear the 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' first. Let’s hold the remaining positions in the two main conceptual directions, and let’s wait and see how the market evolves next.”

In the trading market, without knowing clear directions and opportunities.

It is better not to operate at all than to operate randomly.

Therefore, Xu Xiang chose to clear the stocks in the two conceptual directions of "mobile Internet" and "smartphone industry chain" with the highest risk of adjustment at this moment, and then hold liquidity in hand before choosing the opportunity to operate.

And with the brief conversation between the two... the time has quickly reached 9:20!

After a large number of investors withdrew their orders, the collective bidding situation in the two cities was still quite optimistic. A total of 71% of the stocks maintained a high opening trend, including Hua Qingbao, Fenda Technology, LeTV, Tianyu A number of popular stocks such as Information have opened higher by more than 2%, and the trend of funds buying the bottom is quite obvious.

Of course, in addition to the two main conceptual lines of ‘mobile Internet’ and ‘smartphone industry chain’ that attract the most attention.

The concept sectors related to 'restructuring backdoor' and 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', which also suffered from financial losses yesterday and closed sharply lower, are not performing so well at the moment.

Among its popular concept stocks, Xinwei Group fluctuated under deep water, falling 7.12%.

The Shanghai stock market's Sanmao fell by 5.67%, and as time went by, its decline continued to expand, and the selling pressure was extremely heavy.

"The concept of 'restructuring and backdooring' and the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' concept have failed to recover. However, the two main concepts of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' have obvious desire to reverse the contract. This should be the market powerhouse Hengqiang Is that true?" Yu Hang, manager He in the trading room of Minghui Capital, who is in charge of Minghui No. 2, lamented, "The line of 'restructuring and backdooring' is still a bit off!"

"No need to complain, the non-mainline market can last for so long, which is already beyond expectations." Behind Manager He, General Manager Xu Zhongji arrived at some unknown time, "The two main concepts of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' , there is no obvious opportunity to enter the market at the moment.”

"And it seems..."

“With the collapse of Xinwei Group, the line of ‘restructuring and backdooring’ has come to an end.”

"Sell, let's clear out all our positions on this line, except for single board stocks and stocks that are suspended and cannot be sold. We can't be greedy anymore."

After being reminded by Su Yu, he persisted for several days and had already made a lot of profits.

Now, the market is adjusting again, and there are signs of loosening chips. Naturally, he will no longer take chances and continue to hold positions unchanged.

"Okay, Mr. Xu!" Manager He responded and began to issue instructions quickly.

"Lao He, what do you think of the follow-up market?" After a pause, Xu Zhongji asked with a smile, "Fortune Road has reduced its positions on a large scale, but the market has not had an obvious violent reaction. This is obviously different from the market performance in the previous two months. The difference is that the overall market investment sentiment is hotter than I expected."

Manager He thought for a while and said: "The market trends of the two main concept lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' should continue, but the market prices of these two lines may slow down. Three steps, one step." Turn back, take three steps and turn back twice, it is a high probability."

"The 'restructuring backdoor' and 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' market is definitely over."

"After all, from a rigid logic point of view, the future expectations of these two lines are far inferior to the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'."

"As for the rest..."

“I can only guess that new concepts may emerge in the market to replace the sluggish ‘restructuring backdoor’ and ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ trends.”

"But the specific market switching direction is not certain."

"Actually..." Manager He paused and said, "In my opinion, the most profitable and safest investment areas in the market are still the two core main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'. After all, Most of the active funds in the entire market are gathered here, and the trend has been fully formed, which is worth digging deeper."

"What about the conclusion of the market's bullishness and Fortune Road's motivation for reducing its position?" Xu Zhongji then asked.

Manager He replied: "There should be nothing wrong with the bull market conclusion, right? The market has been going very steadily since it bottomed out in June, with the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index at 2,000 points and the ChiNext Index having been consolidating in the range of 1,000 to 1,100 points for so long. Now, There is a comprehensive breakthrough, the trend continues to move upward, and the transaction volume of the two cities is also gradually increasing. No matter from the technical analysis, or from the current macro news and fundamentals, there is no problem!"

"As for Fortune Road's motive for reducing its position..."

"It should be that they feel that the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' will be adjusted in the future, and their position weights in these two main lines are too large, and they want to take advantage of this opportunity to reduce some of their positions. , and plan other directions at the same time!”

"This can share risks while also ensuring a smooth rise in net worth, and the net worth curve will not be so steep."

"So, do you think the best choice for the company's main funds after exiting the 'reorganization and backdoor' to embrace the two core lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'?" Xu Zhongji understood. Manager He's thoughts were genuine with a smile.

Manager He nodded and replied: "Of course, the bear market focuses on quality and the bull market focuses on momentum. The two core market lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' have come out and become supporting entrepreneurship." The core driving force for the board index to move forward, then our best way is to follow the trend.”

"Since the index bottomed out in June..."

"Looking at the entire market, there are only a handful of stocks that can outperform the average growth rate of the two core main-line related concept sectors of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain.'"

"In this round of bull market, it is obvious that the core focus is on the GEM and the emerging economic field."

"That being the case, if we follow the market's strongest main concept sector and make trend investments, at least we can significantly outperform the index."

"The idea is good, the key is this bull market..." Xu Zhongji sighed, thought for a while, and finally said, "Observe and observe again. The position of the index is said to be flat, and it is possible to continue to break through and emerge from the magnificent bull market. , but it falls back and then goes back to the 2,000-point support, and it is possible that the ChiNext Index continues to go back to the 1,000-1,100-point support range!”

At this time, the market situation was not very clear, and he could not make up his mind to transfer heavy positions.

not to mention……

Although the market has performed beyond expectations, when he was in Yanjing, Su Yu's basic conclusion about the bull market still rang in his ears, which made him have to doubt the continuity of the bull market promoted by the current market.

And just as the two were discussing the subsequent market trend and the next direction of the company's main fund's position adjustment.

The time passed 9:25, and the collective bidding in the two cities ended.

I saw that the three major indexes, Shanghai Composite Index, Shenzhen Composite Index and ChiNext Index, all opened higher at around 0.45%. The overall investment sentiment was good. 73% of the stocks in the two cities opened higher, among which...'Mobile Internet' and 'Smartphone Industry Chain' 'Related concept sectors, as well as their core stocks, opened higher across the board, leading the gains in both markets.

In addition to the two core main lines...

Concept sectors related to 'restructuring backdoor' and 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', as well as their core stocks, almost all opened lower, leading the market down, especially Xinwei Group and Shanghai Sanmao Liang, which were previously speculated by hot money in the market. Concept stocks all fell by about 7.5% at the opening today. Both the buying performance on the market and the investment sentiment performance were extremely poor.

"Sure enough, the trend of the strong always getting stronger is really vividly demonstrated in the bull market." Seeing such an opening situation, Yuhang, Jingda Investment's internal main fund trading room, general manager Gu Chijiang's face was full of joy, "The market There shouldn’t be much suspense if we turn back today.”

Gu Chijiang believes that Fortune Road reduced its positions on a large scale yesterday, and there was a panic selling situation in the market.

So, as for today’s market conditions…

In fact, the most dangerous moment is when the two markets conduct collective bidding.

As long as the call auction stabilizes, sentiment does not collapse, and there is no large-scale panic selling in the market, then after the market opens, the market will naturally regain its lost ground under the inertia of counter-packaging expectations and trends.

"Old Lin, you are still the best." After being happy for a while, before the market officially opened for trading, Gu Chijiang turned his attention to the company's fund manager Lin Tingzong, "Yesterday after the Dragon and Tiger List came out, you said that the market would not change because of the wealth path. The large-scale reduction of positions caused a panic effect, and they also said that all plummets are buying opportunities. I didn’t believe it at the time, but looking at it now... you have a deeper understanding of the market than I do!”

Lin Tingzong took a look at the overall situation of the market and said with a smile: "Thank you, Mr. Gu, for the compliment. In fact, in this entire market, there is no seat that has a greater impact than the trend."

"Currently, the entire investment sentiment in the market has been ignited like a blazing fire."

"The fields of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' are where this fire is burning the most. The supporting logic and future expectations of stock prices are extremely tough, and there are countless funds outside the market looking for cheap chips. , No matter what the extreme situation is, as long as the stock price drops slightly, funds to raise funds will pour out in an endless stream."

"Actually... I hope Fortune Road can be sold more aggressively."

"Sell it harder?" Gu Chijiang looked surprised and didn't quite understand.

Lin Tingzong nodded and continued: "Yes, the harder Fortune Road sells, the more drastic the adjustment of chips, the more complete the change of hands, then... the market trends of the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' , the walking will be easier and the height will be higher.”

"To put it bluntly, speculation on mainline concepts is the same as speculation on individual stocks."

"The chip structure cannot remain unchanged."

"Only by constantly changing hands, changing internal chip costs and structures, and maintaining a relatively constant profit ratio, can the market continue."

“And in the two core main lines of ‘mobile Internet’ and ‘smartphone industry chain’.”

"Under the current situation, Fortune Road is the largest core main fund."

"It is best only if this channel of funds fully releases the chips, allows the chips of these two main lines to fully change hands, and releases part of the profit margin accumulated on these two main lines on a large scale."

"Haha... It makes sense." Gu Chijiang thought for a moment and said, "According to Fortune Road's actions yesterday, there is a high probability that the other party will follow your idea. It seems... Fortune Road lost a lot of chips. The seat influence and performance may also fall from the altar.”

Lin Tingzong smiled and said: "There is no god in this market, only the lucky ones for a moment!"

He admired the wealth of Fortune Road, but from the bottom of his heart, he never felt that the other party could win every battle, and he never felt that every operation of the other party was correct and exquisite.

After all, the market is unknown and no one can predict the market trend 100%.

"I strongly agree with what you said." Gu Chijiang smiled and nodded, "The market is constantly changing, and no one can always stay on top of it."

While the two were talking, 9:30 arrived, and the two cities officially opened for trading.

And also at this moment...

In the trading room next door where the two were talking, Mu Yao, after judging that there was a high probability that the market would turn around, invested all his funds in Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, Fenda Technology, LeTV, etc. On the market of core popular stocks, flash buying is a strong bargain hunting method.

Seeing that all the orders he placed were completed.

Moreover, the stock prices of his newly purchased core popular stocks such as Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, Fenda Technology, and LeTV are still rising, recovering yesterday's losses.

His face showed an expression of extreme excitement and excitement, and there was even more enthusiasm in his eyes.

Since he made up his mind to enter the market with five times the leverage, risking all his assets to chase the rise of these core popular stocks, until now... he has invested a total of 50 million, held a position of 336 million, and made a profit of more than 36 million, which is still a little short of it. The principal will be doubled.

"Rise, rise..."

After Mu Yao exhausted all his funds and bought the whole position, he stared at the market and kept yelling in his heart.

He wanted to use this battle to make a comeback, not only to become famous in Yuhang, but also in the domestic financial circles, and to impress his brother-in-law Gu Chijiang, who had always looked down on him, and willingly promote him to the position of the company's main fund manager.

As his heart roared...

The market showed an extremely strong state at the beginning of the session.

The three major indexes have been rising steadily, especially the GEM index. It only took 15 minutes to recover almost half of the lost ground, and the index point returned to the 1350 position, with an increase of nearly 1.5%.

And as the index climbed higher, the increase in Hua Qingbao, a popular leading stock, reached the 5% mark.

There is a lot of momentum, hitting the daily limit, and reversing yesterday's trend.

Other popular concept stocks, such as Changqu Technology, Fenda Technology, Tianyu Information, Wangsu Technology, LeTV, Huake Financial... and a series of stocks have also risen rapidly, and buying orders are extremely strong.

"40 million floating profit, keep going up, keep going up..." Seeing that the market was going exactly as he expected, Mu Yao was so excited that he couldn't contain himself, "As long as I reverse yesterday's trend, I can double my principal." In this way, the leverage ratio is equivalent to being doubled, and subsequent operations will be easier.”

"Hey, isn't it just 10 times the performance in three months?"

"I can do that too."

"No, it doesn't take three months, just two months, I can achieve 10 times the performance."

He stared at his account, seeing nearly 500,000 in profit every minute, and felt extremely comfortable.

However... when the index flashed to 1355 points, and at 10:50, Hua Qingbao rose to an increase of 6.83%, feeling that it was about to hit the daily limit.

The trend of the entire market has suddenly changed.

I saw that the securities sector, which has been holding back the market growth and has significantly underperformed the market index every year, has exploded in volume. All securities stocks have received very strong buying orders, and the stock prices have skyrocketed.

And at the same time...

The venture capital concept sector, which has been showing no performance, is also experiencing lightning changes.

As the securities sector and the venture capital concept sector siphoned market funds, the two core areas of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', which were originally vigorous, suddenly stagnated, and buying and selling were unbalanced. Related concepts The stock price suddenly turned around and fell back.

at the same time.

The ‘restructuring backdoor’ concept sector and its related concept stocks plummeted.

"This... the market wind has turned sharply. This wind we have been waiting for has come so soon?" Seeing the sudden change in market trends, Yuhang, inside the 'Yuhang Investment', in the trading room, Li Meng's eyes widened. , looked very shocked, "A huge amount of money poured into stocks in the securities sector and venture capital concept sector!"

After hearing Li Meng's words, Su Yu stared at the changes in the scene and sighed: "I didn't would come so fast!"

If they were slower in building positions, they might not be able to keep up with this gust of wind.

"Is the plan to restart the IPO determined within the regulatory authorities?" Li Meng said excitedly, "The main funds will take action after hearing the news, so it shouldn't be wrong!"

Su Yu replied: "Looking at the path and trend of the financial attack, the internal information should be almost confirmed, but there should still be a day or two before the official news is announced. The news came out so quickly, and the 'reorganization backdoor' thing All lines are definitely doomed. The two early main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' may not have the opportunity to be double-headed, and the GEM will usher in a huge adjustment."

"The GEM index should go back to 1,100 points, right?" Li Meng said.

"It's hard to say!" Su Yu replied, "But the adjustment cycle will never be short, and the market's investment confidence will probably be tested again."

"Now that the wind is coming, how should we operate?" Li Meng paused for a while and continued to ask.

Su Yu stared at the completely changed market and said: "Our main positions have been laid out. Now that the east wind has arrived, let's add fuel to the fire! Orient Securities, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech, Shibei Hi-Tech, Zijiang Enterprise, Oriental Entrepreneurship and Luxin Venture Capital were all quick to buy. The purpose was not to gain a lot of chips, but to use our remaining more than 2 billion funds to increase the stock price and create popularity and core hot spots."

"What about Huaxin Securities and Huatong Securities?" Li Meng asked.

Su Yu replied: "These two securities stocks are both super large-cap stocks. We can't pull them in with our little funds, so let's let the super main funds in the market do it. We can just follow the trend and eat some meat. The core focus is still on 'Oriental Securities, Zhangjiang High-tech, Shibei High-tech, Zijiang Enterprise, Oriental Venture Capital, Wanqi Enterprise, Fudan Fuhua, Tuozhong Shares, Luxin Venture Capital' and other core stocks."

"Okay!" Li Meng responded and quickly issued instructions.

And as the order was issued...

In the trading room, two trading teams and 22 traders made a lightning attack. They used the stocks they were responsible for, the accounts they were responsible for, and the market price to buy. They pursued the stock price in a straight line.

When hundreds of millions of funds bombarded the market.

Coupled with getting inside information, all kinds of super main funds are frantically gathering in the fields of securities and venture capital.

Suddenly, the stock prices of securities stocks with relatively light market share and conceptual stocks with pure venture capital concepts surged straight up and climbed to the top of the instant gains list of the two cities.

at the same time……

Yuhang, inside the Anzhao Fund, in the trading room.

The beautiful CEO Qin Qiuyue stared at the entire venture capital concept sector where incremental funds were pouring in, and she was extremely excited. While ordering the traders to buy Zhezhou Oriental stock in a flash, she secretly exclaimed: "'Yuhang Mr. Su, the investor, is really awesome! Based only on market information and regulatory wind direction inferences, he was able to predict the market trends in the direction of 'securities and venture capital' so far in advance, and put forward the conclusion of restarting the IPO."

"Mr. Qin, the price of Zhezhou Dongfang, which we have deployed, has... reached the daily limit!"

In Qin Qiuyue's brief exclamation, within ten seconds, the trading team leader quickly reported.

"Is the price limit?" Qin Qiuyue came back to her senses and looked at Zhezhou Oriental, which had indeed been blocked by large orders. She was stunned for a moment, took out her mobile phone and hurriedly called Wu Jinghao, the chairman of Zhezhou Oriental Group, "Wu Jinghao Boss, have you watched the stock market? The wind is blowing, and I think good news can be released."

"I saw it!" Wu Jinghao replied with a smile on the phone, "Mr. Su from 'Yuhang Investment' is really a god. His prediction in just a few words came true."

"It's really amazing!" Qin Qiuyue said, "Now we shouldn't need to do any trading, and the stock price will go up a lot."

Wu Jinghao nodded and said: "This is best. Let the market ferment and speculate on its own. We only need to take advantage of it and fan the flames to make the stock price as high as possible by the funds chasing the market. In this way... There is no need to involve you and Anzhao Fund."

"When the stock price reaches a high point, the holdings will be reduced naturally, which should ease the group's capital flow."

"Oh, right……"

"Mr. Su from 'Yuhang Investment', you will have to contact me more in the future."

"Whether such a person can be used by us or not, putting him on the line will be a good thing in every aspect in the future. I heard that... the Xie family in Yanjing seems to have taken a liking to Mr. Su."

"The Xie family of Yanjing?" Qin Qiuyue paused before reacting, "Mr. Wu said Zhenhua Capital?"

Wu Jinghao said: "Of course, in the domestic financial sector, apart from Zhenhua Capital, there are not many Xie families."

" really has a bright future." Qin Qiuyue said with emotion.

"Okay, please pay more attention and get closer to Mr. Su." Wu Jinghao said, "Don't worry too much about the rest."

After saying that, Wu Jinghao hung up the phone.

Qin Qiuyue put down her phone and thought about it for a while before returning her gaze to the trading board.

At this time, the time has passed 10 o'clock, and the market trends in the two cities have been completely led by the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' at the beginning of the market, and have transformed into led by the securities and venture capital concept sectors. rose, the Shanghai Stock Index rose much more than the ChiNext.

And at this point in time...

Far away in the trading room of Anlan Fund in Yanjing.

Xie Wanting, who was officially trading the "Enterprising No. 3" fund, stamped her feet angrily when she saw the market situation related to the concept of "IPO restart" that had completely turned around and had no time to plan.

Yesterday, she guessed all the movements of Su Yu on Fortune Road.

Unfortunately, the market did not give her time to react.

"It's the same as the outbreak of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" market." Xie Wanting said speechlessly, "Why is it always a step too late and unable to keep up with the market?"

The real top market trading experts...

Like Su Yu, he always responds one step ahead of the market.

But she tried her best, but at best she could only be half a step ahead of the market. However, compared with the changes in the market, this half step had no effect at all, because she still did not have time to enter the market, and she still had to chase the market and follow the market. These big money makers with extremely sensitive information channels are rushing to raise funds simultaneously, and are unable to capture the market's excess profits.

"Could it be that...the gap between me and him is really that big?" Xie Wanting sighed softly.

After all, I was still a little unconvinced.

"Sighing after you guessed it right?" Zhou Guohua appeared behind her at some point and said with a genuine smile.

Xie Wanting said helplessly: "The market changes too fast. If you guess it right, you won't have time to react. You won't have time to build a position, so it will be of no use at all."

"Hey, I should have thought of it earlier."

"He made it very obvious at the last Yanjing Summit, but I just didn't think about it in this direction."

Zhou Guohua patted her shoulder lightly and said, "Don't be discouraged. The IPO has been suspended for too long, and there has been no talk of restarting before. In addition, the market has just gotten a little excited, so it's normal not to think about it. The entire market is huge." Most investors probably haven’t thought about this.”

"But we have no bottom position now, and we can't catch up!" Xie Wanting stared at the venture capital concept section, "I really didn't expect that this line would ferment so fast."

Zhou Guohua smiled and said: "Stock trading is all about mentality. As long as the market is still open for trading, there will never be a shortage of opportunities. We cannot participate in this opportunity. We can wait for the next opportunity. The important thing is that the mentality cannot be chaotic. Wan Ting, you have to keep this in mind."

Xie Wanting looked at the teacher's serious and concerned eyes, was silent for a while, and nodded.

"The news of the resumption of the IPO has not been circulated yet, but it is estimated that it has been roughly determined internally." Zhou Guohua paused and continued, "Although we can no longer lurk in advance and harvest the market's excess profits, before the news comes to light, , moderate participation, and follow the hazy market speculation, you should also be able to make a lot of profits."

"Understood!" Xie Wanting continued to nod.

Although they did not completely gain the upper hand, they did get the news card of ‘IPO restart’.

Taking this news as the core point, they can easily determine which stocks are the real core hot spots, and chase the market trend more easily than other follow-up investors who cannot guess the core of the news in the current market. Rhythm, reap profits from it.

Therefore, in Zhou Guohua's view...

Xie Wanting's previous inferences and the verification of current market changes are not useless.

As the two readjusted and formulated operational strategies, the interpretation of concepts related to securities and venture capital became more and more intense and hot, and even completely succeeded the two main conceptual lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' and became the current The area where market capital flows in the fastest, follows trends the most, and has the strongest money-making effect.

And in the continuous changes and climbs in the securities and venture capital-related concept sectors.

After a brief shock, the vast retail investors in the market, as well as many institutions and hot money investors, were not worried about market risks or the restart of IPOs, but the thought of "the bull market breaks out, securities go first". sentence.


On the basis that everyone firmly believes that this is a bull market.

The full explosion of securities and venture capital concepts did not drag down the market this time. Instead, it became a real siphon of market funds. Countless retail investors, hot money, and institutions were chasing after it, leading the market, especially the Shanghai Stock Index, to break through in one fell swoop. Yesterday's intraday high set a new high for this round of rebound!

But among them, due to the strong fund siphoning effect of securities and venture capital.

The two core main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' have once again fallen from their high point. Following the concept of 'reorganization and backdoor' and the concept of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', they have completely languished, causing the GEM index to underperform across the board. Shanghai Composite Index, the seesaw effect between the two cities reappears!

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