Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 265: The bearer and the leek!

"The securities sector is in full swing!"

The two concept-related sectors of securities and venture capital have fully taken over the two early popular main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' and become the core of market capital pursuit. It instantly attracted the attention of the majority of retail investors in the market, and also An extremely heated market discussion broke out.

"Let me just say, when the bull market starts, how can securities and even the entire 'big finance' stage be missing?"

"Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet, the full-scale outbreak of securities is the best evidence for the start of the bull market. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index lags too far behind the GEM. In the case of huge adjustment needs for the two core lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', It is most appropriate for 'Big Finance' to fill the vacancies in the market and carry out rotation switching."

"Indeed, the outbreak of the bull market is the biggest benefit to the financial sector!"

"But the biggest attack by funds is not on securities, but on venture capital. Zhezhou Dongfang, Shibei Hi-tech, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech, Zijiang Enterprise, Dongfang Venture... At this moment, six stocks have reached their daily limit, and the securities sector "Except for Orient Securities, there are no other stocks with daily limit."

“Isn’t venture capital also a sector in the financial sector?”

"In the securities sector, there are basically big guys. How can it be so easy to hit the limit?"

"The strength of the market is not judged by the number of stocks in the sector with daily limit. It mainly depends on the inflow of funds. After all, quantity and energy are the most fundamental things. From the market point of view, just for a moment, the securities sector The net inflow of funds has reached nearly 1 billion, this is a signal!”

"As for the explosion of venture capital concept stocks... it should be mostly caused by hot money, right?"

"In any case, today's market conditions should be fully shifted towards the 'big finance' field. The two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' should have little chance for the time being."

"Hey, I just chased Changqu Technology when the market opened."

"When I saw the call auction for the two main concepts of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', the relevant core popular stocks opened so much higher. I thought that the market would definitely turn around today, so I also followed it. Who would have thought... the index It was indeed turned back, but the situation has completely changed.”

"With rotation, the market can go further. I don't think this is a bad thing."

"It doesn't matter if you are temporarily trapped by chasing highs. In a bull market, you can't trap people at all. The most you can do is lose two days of profit. Let's see... When the 'big financial' wave of market speculation is over, hot spots will still have to be Return to the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'."

"Yes, yes, as long as the market is in a bull market, whatever you buy, you will most likely be able to get out of trouble."

"The stocks related to the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' have fallen a lot now, but overall, at least they are much better than the concept of 'reorganization and backdoor'. I The Xinwei Group I bought was miserable. The Shanghai Stock Index hit a new rebound high, but it actually fell instead of rising and hit the limit. However... my confidence is still there. I believe that after its adjustment, the market value will definitely touch the 100 billion mark."

“I feel that after funds have gathered in the ‘big finance’ field on a large scale, the market has become a bit polarized!”

"What kind of polarization? It's just a switch between high and low market prices."

"In the past few times, when securities moved, the market suffered serious blood loss. In the end, all stocks rose and fell back, but this time... it is obviously different."

"The main concepts of 'mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain', 'restructuring backdoor' and 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' are now being adjusted amidst the changes in 'big finance'. That's because the stocks of these concepts have already risen a lot in the early stage. It’s getting a lot bigger, and there is a necessary need to adjust and clean up profits and unsteady chips.”

"But if you look at other low-priced stocks, with the changes in 'big finance', they are basically climbing slowly. This means that this riot in securities has not only not brought a burden to the market, but has obviously led to There is positive feedback from the market conditions in other areas of the market.”

"And this... is the most obvious signal that the market is bullish!"

"In a bull market, rather than a structural market, hot spot rotation is an extremely common market behavior."

“Only when the overall valuation level and investment sentiment of the market improve, can the market trend move forward in a better way. Therefore... no matter which sector investors are buying stocks, I don’t think they need to worry too much at the moment and hold their positions with peace of mind. There are definitely big rewards ahead.”

"Yes, yes, in a bull market, basically all stocks will rise."

"Those who are not the top traders in the market should still cover their stocks. The profits they reap are the most generous. If they chase after them... they might end up with nothing."

"It seems that Luxin Venture Capital is also going to hit the daily limit. Do you want to pursue it?"

"We must pursue it. The strongest hot spot today is definitely the field of venture capital. Moreover, 'big finance' has been abandoned by the market one after another before. The stock price is at an absolute historical low. The overall valuation is also the real depression of the market. This Full-scale riots...are definitely not a 'day trip' thing."

"I'm working at CEFC Securities, and I feel like I'm still the leader."

"I'm betting on Oriental Securities. I feel that today is an 'Oriental' market. In the entire market, the most intense pursuit of funds is a series of Oriental 'financial concepts' such as 'Oriental Securities, Zhezhou Oriental, and Oriental Entrepreneurship' Stocks, here... there is a high probability that a super strong concept leader will be born."

"In the securities sector, the net inflow of funds is 1.3 billion. With such a rapid and violent inflow of funds, is it possible that the market's 'super main force' has entered the market?"

"I feel that I am also the 'super main force' of the national team."

"Never mind it, just follow the market, chase the strongest hot spots, and hit the hardest daily limit!"

"The gap in growth between the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the GEM has actually expanded to about 1%. I really didn't expect... The situation that has always been strong in Shenzhen and weak in Shanghai has reversed today."

"'Mobile Internet', 'Smartphone Industry Chain', 'Restructuring and Backdooring' and other early hot concept areas have completely become a drag on the market today."

"I think it depends on the continuity and whether 'big finance' can be stabilized!"

"The two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' were moving with great momentum in the early trading, and it was obvious that they were going to reverse the contract. But who would have thought that after 10 o'clock, the market situation would suddenly change suddenly, and it would become the current 'Big Financial 'Leading situation? So... maybe the market situation will repeat in the afternoon."

“I feel like it’s really hard to chase hot spots, so I’d better stick to stocks!”

"I just held on to the stocks of Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology, two leading concepts of 'mobile games', and I firmly believe that these two stocks can reach new highs."

"The financial attack is too fierce. Even if you try to catch up, you won't be able to catch up."

Amid the intense and exciting discussions among the retail investors, as the time passed 11 o'clock, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index was still setting a new rebound high, while the ChiNext Index fell sharply on the two major conceptual lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'. Under the drag of related stocks, it dragged on and became high and volatile, further widening the gap between the gains of the Shanghai Stock Index and the Shanghai Stock Index.

"Promoting securities and venture capital, this super main force in the market is... sick, right?"

Different from the excited and excited retail investors, in the magic city at this moment, inside Zexi Investment Company, in the trading room, Zhou Kan looked at the market changes in the two cities, but he frowned and complained slightly: "Obviously the market turnover is on the rise. If you don’t go, the incremental funds are limited, and if you still use this heavy-weighted sector that swallows up active funds in the market to drive the market, it’s simply because the market is not collapsing fast enough!”

"It's not necessarily the work of the national team's funds." Xu Xiang stared at the rioting securities sector and the venture capital concept sector, and said calmly, "Maybe everyone really thinks that the bull market has arrived, and even many large institutions are convinced of this. No doubt, that’s why it’s driving up the stock market!”

"I really didn't expect..."

Xu Xiang paused and said with emotion: "What will succeed the two major market trends of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' will actually be the 'big finance' sector headed by securities and venture capital."

"Without enough funds to drive this sector, we simply can't lift it." Zhou Kan was quite pessimistic about the market changes, saying, "The entire market turnover has been stuck at around 100 billion, and the entire ' The large financial sector has a trillion-level market volume, which is several times larger than the entire GEM. Even if all the active funds in the current market pour in, it will be difficult to create a sustainable market, right?"

"And if we can't create a sustainable market..."

“As this area eats up too much active capital in the market, there will be less overall active capital in the market.”

"In this way... other conceptual market conditions will definitely collapse due to insufficient funds. I am afraid that the entire market situation will really end here."

"In fact, just look at the performance of the two major market trends of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' after the changes in 'securities and venture capital'. With the overall riots in the related fields of 'securities and venture capital' , these two major main lines, which could have been stable, were directly out of balance, and there was a sharp dive, completely losing the opportunity to take advantage of the situation."

"It's not as pessimistic as you said." Xu Xiang smiled and said, "If you look carefully, funds have not moved at all in the banking sector, which is the core of the 'big finance' field. Even the insurance sector has not moved much. The main riots are in the securities and venture capital fields, and most of them are small-cap concept stocks and core weight stocks with small circulation."

"Securities, venture capital..."

"This change in market conditions is really worth pondering!"

"Did Mr. Xu discover anything?" Zhou Kan asked, "I always feel that the changes in 'securities and venture capital' today are really abnormal!"

Xu Xiang thought carefully for a while, but did not answer directly. Instead, he asked: "What do you think is abnormal?"

"It's too sudden." Zhou Kan thought for a while and said, "And... the actions of various funds rushing to raise funds on these stocks are too direct, and they don't seem to be following the logic of the 'bull market foundation' when buying. , but followed the sudden good news to buy, which is comparable to the collective riots in the entire 'Shanghai local stock market' before the announcement of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' news!"

"Clever!" Xu Xiang praised, "If funds are too eager to buy, it proves that there must be good support behind it."

"What kind of benefit will it be?" Zhou Kan wondered, "Such a change...cannot be supported by small benefits!"

Xu Xiang pondered for a moment and said: "The two major fields of securities and venture capital are basically related to listing. There is a high probability... that the IPO market is about to restart!"

"The IPO market has restarted!" Zhou Kan was shocked in his heart, "This is a big negative for the current market."

Xu Xiang chuckled and said: "It is bad for the entire market and good for the securities and venture capital fields. Before the news is clear, the market's bull market calls and confidence in the bull market are still very popular. Before the 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone' It can be said that it is very smart to intervene in the speculation before the market of these two major concepts of the mobile phone industry chain is completely overdrawn or corrected, so that... a big negative can also be speculated as a 'big good'."

"Indeed!" Zhou Kan thought for a while and understood. "Before the news was officially announced, everyone just thought that the bull market was coming, and that the 'performance spring' of securities and finance was coming. Can we not follow the market? But? Who would have known...this is the beginning of the main force's ruthless harvest."

"Anyway, it's a good time for speculation!"

Xu Xiang paused and continued with emotion: "The two major market trends of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' have been pushed to the extreme of emotions and expected hype. Adjustments are inevitable. At this time, through the IPO restart, Potential news, cut out the line of 'securities and venture capital', and directly capture all the profit funds from the 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', and fully harvest it, it is really clever."


Xu Xiang shook his head: "We understood it too late. It is too late to intervene deeply now."

"Then let's..." Zhou Kan replied, "Shall we give up this opportunity?"

"No need." Xu Xiang answered, "Pick up some stocks with good liquidity in the fields of 'securities and venture capital', buy some chips appropriately, and follow the trend to speculate. You can make as much as you can!"

"These funds move too fast and do not give other major funds a chance to react."

"Unless you lurk in advance, you won't make much money at all."

Zhou Kan thought for a while, nodded and said: "Yes, in the vague stage of news, negative news is regarded as good news, and the continuity and height of speculation are both limited. In this case... the important thing is to be the first mover. If there is no news The advantage of the channel is that you cannot lurk in advance and pursue it on a large scale later. Maybe the market will end just after the position is opened, and you will completely become the taker."

"That's what I mean." Xu Xiang said, "This hype opportunity is far inferior to the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' in terms of expectations and imagination. For the big funds that are latecomers to intervene, if they want to make money, they have to go all out." It is extremely difficult to retreat. Since we did not notice this opportunity before and lost the best latent opportunity to build a position, we can only intervene with a small position, follow the trend and speculate, and make a little money before the news really comes to light. "

"This kind of opportunity..."

Xu Xiang's eyes flickered and he continued: "Usually it is reserved for those state-owned funds with extremely deep information channels. Other funds are rarely able to participate in time."

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Xu..." When Zhou Kan heard Xu Xiang say this, his mind once again flashed the matter of Fortune Road's urgent reduction of positions yesterday, and couldn't help but guess, "You said Fortune Road's urgent reduction of positions yesterday , in addition to judging that the short-term expectations and emotions of the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' have reached their peak, have you also gotten some news and want to lay out this opportunity, so you are so eager to free up funds. "

"Isn't it necessary?" Xu Xiang said, "His 'Yuhang No. 2' fund has a capital volume of 5 billion, but it has not been touched. If he really wants to build a position... he has no shortage of funds at all."

"Hey, you really reminded me..."

Xu Xiang thought that after the establishment of the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund, there was not even the slightest movement in this round of continuous climbing of the index, and he instantly realized something was wrong: "He once said that the regulators held a 'Future Investment Meeting' 'The summit has a clear mission and purpose. Could it be that...could this guy have already guessed that the IPO market will restart in the near future? And used the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund to lurk into this opportunity?"

"No...can't it be so amazing?" Zhou Kan was extremely shocked when he heard Xu Xiang's guess, "Can you guess the restart of IPO in the market just from an investment exchange summit? And can you accurately see the opportunity layout? Let state-owned institutions Come to carry the sedan chair?"

Xu Xiang did not reply...

Instead, he quickly turned his attention back to the trading boards of the two cities, staring at the securities and venture capital concept stocks that were being hotly pursued by funds.

"Oriental Securities, Zhezhou Oriental, Oriental Entrepreneurship..."

Xu Xiang murmured for a while, and the speculation in his heart became more and more clear: "This pulling and harvesting technique is really... so similar!"

He has done in-depth research on Su Yu's trading techniques and the stocks he has operated.

Although after research, it is still difficult for him to capture the other party's trading traces on the market in advance, and it is difficult to guess the other party's trading logic, but when the market trend is clear and before the dragon and tiger list comes out, he can roughly judge the other party's trading logic. The buying and selling actions on the market.

"You can't be wrong!" After a while, Xu Xiang said firmly again, "This guy definitely has huge positions in securities and venture capital."

"What I said..."

"According to his temperament, he will never reduce his position until the market shows a clear signal of peaking."

"I didn't expect... to be lurking here."

"It's really amazing!" Xu Xiang couldn't help but sigh, "Every time he can react one step ahead of the market, no matter institutions, hot money, or retail investors, they are all the bearers and leeks in his hands."

"Can't?" Zhou Kan still couldn't believe it and decided to wait until after the market to see the Dragon and Tiger rankings.

In his eyes, Xu Xiang is already powerful enough. He can often judge the main line of speculation only through clues and partial information in the market, and intervene in time. He really can't imagine... There are still people who can really lead every step of the way. The market turns everyone in the market into leeks under the sickle of their own funds.

As the two of them discussed in shock and doubt...

Market trading hours advance to 11:30, ushering in the noon closing time.

After half a day of trading, the three major indexes all remained in the red today after rising sharply and falling sharply yesterday. Among them, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose 1.76%, all recovering yesterday's losses, setting a new high for this round of rebound, and the ChiNext Index rose 0.63 %, lagging the Shanghai Composite Index by a full 1.13 percentage points.

In addition to the index, sector and individual stock performance.

Concept sectors related to securities and venture capital, as well as related concept stocks, rose sharply across the board, leading the gains in the two markets, and the two major concept sectors saw a net inflow of funds, totaling more than 2 billion.

The two core main areas of 'Mobile Internet' and 'Smartphone Industry Chain' in the early stage, related concept sectors, and related concept stocks all surged higher and fell again, closing at 10% at noon, and could only maintain a slightly red state. It is lower than the index increase, and also significantly behind the opening increase. Among them... the core popular stocks, Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, LeTV, Fenda Technology, etc., have all dropped from the highest five or six points to the flat price. Nearby, and on the trading board, funds showed a large outflow.

The concepts of 'restructuring backdoor' and 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', related concept sectors, and related concept stocks all showed a downward trend, leading the decline in the two cities. Among them, the popular stock Xinwei Group opened lower and closed lower. The Shanghai Stock Exchange's Sanmao briefly rose from deep water for a period of time when "Securities and Venture Capital" changed, and then fell again. At the midday closing, it also hit the daily limit.

Faced with this midday closing situation...

Investors chasing 'securities and venture capital' are all excited, and investors who have gathered in early hot concept areas such as 'mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain', 'reorganization backdoor', and 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' , the mood is obviously a little low.

But whether it is an investor who makes money today or an investor who loses money.

Everyone is still optimistic about the future market confidence, and many of them are still increasing their positions one after another, and even using leverage to buy more chips.

And when the time comes in the afternoon...

Amid the emotions brewing at noon, the fields of ‘securities and venture capital’ were attacked by more funds.

And under the leadership of these two major areas, the market has also derived the line of 'oversold rebound'. Many of them are at historical lows and have nothing to do with the main line concept. Small-cap oversold stocks that no one cared about before have gained a lot of The attention of active funds led to a decent rebound.

It's just that under this high and low switching.

The major conceptual areas of 'mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain', 'restructuring and backdoor', and 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', which were the core main lines of the market in the past, were once again abandoned by active funds, with a large amount of profit taking pouring out. The long-short situation is unbalanced, and the index will fall further amid the fluctuations.

Then, it closed at 3 p.m.

In these main concept areas, all the core popular stocks actually closed underwater when the indexes closed in the red, and closed at the lowest point of the stock price throughout the day. On their respective daily charts, they left A falling negative line with a long upper shadow line, the K-line shape is quite ugly.

Of course, except for these sectors that have been temporarily abandoned and avoided by funds.

The performance of other sectors of the market today is still very good, with almost 85% of industry sectors and concept sectors remaining in the red.

And the securities sector rose 4.11%, with a total of three securities stocks within the sector reaching their daily limit.

Among them, the heavyweight stocks Huaxin Securities and Huatong Securities both increased by more than 5%, and their respective turnovers exceeded 2 billion, indicating a significant increase in volume.

The venture capital concept sector rose 4.46%, leading the gains in both markets.

Among them, 7 stocks have reached daily limit. Five of them, namely Zhangjiang Hi-Tech, Shibei High-tech, Zijiang Enterprise, Dongfang Venture Capital and Luxin Venture Capital, two main funds of 'Yuhang Investment', have placed heavy positions in core venture capital concept stocks in advance. , has become the first-tier popular stock in the venture capital concept sector.

In addition to the conceptual fields of "securities and venture capital" that have taken over the two core main market trends of "mobile Internet" and "smartphone industry chain".

The derived concept of 'oversold rebound' also has a great performance today.

Until the close of trading, there were 11 low-level, small-cap and oversold stocks. Under the dominant speculation of hot money, the price limit was sealed, becoming another beautiful scenery in the market.

Thanks to the drive of ‘securities and venture capital’.

When the Shanghai Composite Index finally closed, the increase exceeded 2%, and the index point reached 2350.

The GEM index, which was dragged down by the two core concept sectors of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', finally rose by more than 1%, closing at an increase of 1.06%. It is not that ugly. The index point It almost reached the 1350 mark again.

After the official closing...

The market discussion is becoming more and more intense.

Although the Shanghai Stock Index has completed its counter-attack on yesterday's trend and hit a new rebound high, everyone is actually not very satisfied with this market trend because of the previous "mobile Internet", "smartphone industry chain", " The core market trends of "restructuring backdoor" and "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" have lasted for too long. The positions of most investors in the market are based on these main concept stocks.


Today is basically a market where the index has moved forward significantly and retail investors generally lost money.

In addition to the market discussion, as the time is getting closer and closer to the time when the Dragon and Tiger List is refreshed, topics and posts related to 'Wealth Road Trends' have once again become popular in various stock trading forums and communities. Everyone wants to You know, you are heavily invested in the two major fields of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'. Have you continued to sell chips today? Are you still optimistic about the future of these two main concepts?

“Will Fortune Road continue to sell?”

"Today's tragic trends in the two major fields of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' probably mean that the road to wealth has been ruined again!"

"I estimate that Fortune Road will continue to sell today. Fortune Road was selling so urgently yesterday, and I will definitely not let it go today."

"Hey, it's uncomfortable to lose money even though the index has risen. I hope Fortune Road can give me some comfort. Otherwise... if it falls again and continues to underperform the index, I really can't hold on to my bargaining chips."

"I firmly believe that Fortune Road has not continued to sell because it is optimistic about the 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' fields."

"There is no point in believing. Just look at the rankings! If Fortune Road continues to sell, I will be out tomorrow."

“Today, the explosion of ‘securities and venture capital’ has been so fierce. Will Wealth Road pursue this field?”

"As long as it's not sold, everything is fine. After all, buying on Fortune Road means that Mr. Su continues to be optimistic about the market outlook, so don't worry too much."

As everyone continues to speculate and discuss.

At 5:30 pm, the new one-day dragon and tiger list is refreshed.

Hua Qingbao and Changqu Technology, which saw huge fluctuations, are on the list. Xinwei Group and Shanghai Sanmao are on the list. They are on the list. Zijiang Enterprise, Oriental Ventures and Orient Securities are on the list. The potential of continuous daily limit is on Hengxin. List.

"Haha... not sold, not sold, not one share of Fortune Road was sold today!"

"Oh my god, the path to wealth is all about buying, and the path to recovery is on the stock of Potential Hengxin, which is locked."

"I bought Zijiang Enterprise for more than 35 million yuan, Oriental Venture Capital for more than 31 million yuan, and Oriental Securities for more than 78 million yuan. Wealth Road is also pursuing "securities and venture capital."

"The confidence is back, my confidence is back."

"There is still hope in the two major areas of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'."

"It's a bull market. Wealth's pursuit of 'securities and venture capital' definitely shows that Mr. Su agrees with the current market, which is a bull market pattern."

"Yesterday, Wealth Road reduced its position in the two major areas of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', probably in order to increase its position in 'securities and venture capital' today, to diversify investments and balance positions, right? I understand, I understand... Wealth Road The reduction of positions does not mean that we are not optimistic about the market, but that we are optimistic that this is a bull market, so we want to deploy in 'securities and venture capital' as an offensive method on the other hand."

"Haha, Wealth Road is following up. It seems that... the continuity of 'securities, venture capital' and even 'big finance' has also come out."

"Next, the market will turn into a full-scale bull market, right?"

Stimulated by the data on the Dragon and Tiger List, the majority of retail investors who were originally feeling depressed saw that Fortune Road did not sell a share, but continued to increase their positions. In an instant, they were as excited as if they had been given a shot of blood. Get up and shout the slogan "increase positions, increase positions".

And in this emotional change...

At this moment in Yanjing, in the internal trading room of a company called 'Shenhua Fund' with a background of public funds, a middle-aged man stared at the data of the Dragon and Tiger Ranking that had just been disclosed, and looked at the people who showed their seats on 'Oriental Securities' Fortune Road, with a look of surprise in his eyes, sighed: "I didn't expect to be chased in. It seems... Although you are famous, you are still young after all, and you don't understand the real rules of this market. Some money You can make money, but some money and some areas of opportunity are not something you can touch if you want to!"

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